Hai Wuya led everyone out of the mall area, and then he was going to go to other places in the city to continue looking for survivor bases.

Because the surrounding areas had basically been swept at this moment, there could be no more survivor bases.

Therefore, this time he had to go a longer distance to recruit more bases.

Fortunately, for Hai Wuya, he could basically travel freely in the city.

Not to mention the rampage of the invincible chariot, their combat power alone could completely resist the attack of any zombies.

Therefore, everyone had no fear or rebuttal, and all followed Hai Wuya to leave the mall and go to the more dangerous zombie gathering place to find other survivors.

In fact, the method of finding survivors is the same. You only need to find a place where there may be people, and then go in and check it out directly, and you can know how many people survived in this base.

And this method is very simple for Hai Wuya. It only needs to use space transfer to enter the survivor base to check.

Then, he analyzed the pros and cons of the matter and the choice of future survival for the survivor base with emotion and reason.

Then most of the survivors will agree to surrender to Hai Wuya and go to the base to live together.

If you encounter those survivors who are resisting, just kill their leaders directly, and then you can basically conquer them directly.

Hai Wuya has used this method to conquer dozens of survivors and recruit more than a thousand people.

His recruitment method has always been like this before. At this stage, relying on strength is still the most effective method.

Therefore, Hai Wuya did not hesitate and took everyone to find a place where there might be survivors and went to investigate the situation.

All kinds of obstacles along the way, or groups of zombies, were killed by him.

Today's ordinary zombies are completely impossible to cause any obstacles to Hai Wuya and his party.

Even the secret realm monsters at the current stage can't cause any harm to everyone.

Hai Wuya had a smooth journey and found a lifeless building.

However, his perception was very sharp. He noticed that there were various movements of survivors gathering on many floors of the building.

For example, if there is a gathering place for survivors on this floor, they will install various defenses by the windows.

Because today's flying creatures have become monsters, or aggressive beasts.

Therefore, a fairly complete defense system must be arranged in all aspects.

And this very recognizable shape, Hai Wuya can clearly know that there must be survivors inside.

When he sees this situation, he will directly use space transfer, go up there to investigate the situation first, and if he really encounters a survivor base, he will bring everyone up together.

It's not that Hai Wuya can't sweep away a shortcoming alone, but when there are enough people, those survivor bases that are alone will believe that there is really a strong base that can shelter them.

Hai Wuya is very clear about this, this is human nature.

He didn't care too much about this, it just wastes a little more time, other than that, there is no trouble.

Soon Hai Wuya discovered that there was indeed sexual selection on this floor, so he brought everyone up together.

Prepare to conquer this new survivor base.

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