Donghai University is the top university in the entire Donghai City.

It covers a very large area, with a length and width of more than three or four kilometers.

The area that Hai Wuya entered at this moment is just a small corner of the entire school.

In such a vast space, it is so difficult to find two survivors, like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And as you go deeper into the school area, the zombies and deformed groups gathered everywhere make it even more difficult to move.

Although Hai Wuya is hiding very lightly, he still has to be careful when facing the zombies that almost occupy the entire school and any area.

At present, it is impossible to find someone else.

Therefore, Hai Wuya simply wandered around the school.

If Hai Wuya remembers correctly, Ye Fan seems to be in this school too?

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya smiled.

Ye Fan, it’s better not to let me run into you.



"Class monitor, open the door! They are coming!!!"

"Class monitor, I beg you, please open the door and let me in!!!"

Siqi Building, Building B, 2nd Floor, Classroom 203 Door.

At this moment, a male student was constantly banging on the door. He was wailing with a painful expression and a twisted face, begging the class monitor who was separated by a door to open the door for him.

The class monitor behind the door was tall. He looked at the idiot who kept making noise outside the door, and his eyes were full of viciousness.

There were eight male and female students in the classroom. They also looked at the door with resentment, showing extreme dissatisfaction with the idiot outside the door.

"Zhang Jiahao! It's not that I don't want to let you in, but the situation is extremely dangerous now. Who knows if you have been bitten by zombies?"

"And I reminded you before that it's very dangerous outside and you must not go out, but you turned a deaf ear to it!"

"Now you want me to open the door, do you want to put so many of us in danger?!"

Zhang Jiahao heard this outside the door and wailed even louder.

But he remembered something again, took out a bag of chocolate from his arms, and shouted to the classroom:

"Wanting! I brought you food back, come and help me open the door!"

"I was very careful, and I was definitely not bitten by a zombie!!"

Wanting, as Zhang Jiahao said, was one of the eight students.

She looked pretty good, and her makeup could be called gorgeous, but when she heard the shout, she showed an expression of disgust and disdain.

This was not enough. She also said to the squad leader who was blocking the door:

"Squad leader! Don't let him in, but he can throw the bag of chocolate in through the small window."

When everyone heard this, they looked at Li Wanting with contempt.

In fact, the whole thing happened because half an hour ago, Li Wanting said she was hungry.

Then, as a dog, Zhang Jiahao, in order to win the favor of the goddess, ignored everyone's opposition and went to the small shop downstairs to get food.

When he brought some food out safely and was about to return here, he still alarmed some zombies.

At this moment, the roars of zombies came one after another, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Presumably, the zombies attracted by Zhang Jiahao were also coming here soon.

Zhang Jiahao was still crying and shouting, while constantly waving a bag of chocolate in his hand in the small window on the door.

The monitor who was blocking the door was now a little hesitant.

It was absolutely impossible to let Zhang Jiahao in. If he was bitten by a zombie, then everyone in the classroom would be in danger.

But Zhang Jiahao did bring back food, and everyone was really hungry.

However, after hearing what Li Wanting said, the monitor Chen Chen's eyes lit up.

That's right!

Give us the food, and you can get out!

Chen Chen looked at the waving chocolate and knew that the other party would probably not be willing to give it directly, so it would be better to grab it directly!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen did not hesitate any more. He quickly leaned out of the window and snatched the bag of chocolate.

With the food in hand, the monitor Chen Chen finally stopped being euphemistic.

He said coldly to Zhang Jiahao, who was stunned because of the food being stolen outside the door:

"Zhang Jiahao, we can't let you in."

"While the zombies are not approaching, you should hide in another classroom. Staying here will only attract zombies!"

"There is only one ending for a dog, and that is a bad death!"

"Get out of here!"

After saying these words, Chen Chen no longer paid attention to the wailing outside the door, and turned to the classroom.Everyone said:

"The zombies are coming, let's help, block the table at the door, and don't let the zombies in!"

Chen Chen said, and put a bag of chocolate into his pocket, and then took the lead in moving the nearby tables to the door to block it.

Everyone heard Chen Chen's order, and without much hesitation, they moved the tables to the door one after another.

And Zhang Jiahao, who was outside the door, had no choice but to hide in the classroom next to him.

But Zhang Jiahao was alone, and the efficiency of closing the door was not so fast, so the zombies entered from another classroom door.

Soon, Zhang Jiahao jumped out of the window from the second floor because he couldn't avoid the zombies in the classroom.

As for the result, Zhang Jiahao broke his leg and was eaten clean by the zombies on the ground who rushed over.

Everyone in the classroom on the second floor was still in shock after hearing Zhang Jiahao's screams, but fortunately there were no zombies blocking the door of their classroom.

It can be said that Zhang Jiahao made his last contribution to the goddess.

On the roof of the opposite building, Hai Wuya calmly watched the scenes.

This kind of scene is very common in the end of the world and will not cause any fluctuations at all.

Although Hai Wuya could see that the person who had been begging outside the door was not infected, he did not have any extra psychological fluctuations.

However, he could go in and ask them if they knew the target he was looking for.


"Class monitor! Can you give me half of the bag of chocolate just now? After all, it was Zhang Jiahao who brought it back for me..."

In the classroom, the atmosphere was very silent at the moment.

However, Li Wanting still came to Chen Chen and wanted to get back the chocolate to fill her stomach.

But before she finished speaking, Chen Chen waved his hand to interrupt her, and then said impatiently:

"No! This bag of chocolate is the last food, and I must distribute it!"

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, everyone should be patient!"

"Before getting more food, we all have to restrain ourselves, this is the best way for everyone!"

Chen Chen spoke seriously, looking at the eight people present and speaking seriously.

At the same time, he took the chocolate out of his pocket and put it back into the inner pocket of his clothes on his chest.

Everyone looked at each other when they saw this scene, but no one stepped forward to refute.

After hesitating for a while, Li Wanting still did not ask for chocolate again.

Only licking dogs would listen to her words, and she really had no way to deal with Chen Chen.

Just when the atmosphere in the classroom fell into silence again, a figure suddenly appeared in this closed space without any warning.

This figure was slender and well-proportioned, and its appearance was also peerless.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Hai Wuya suddenly appear. They all moved closer to Chen Chen, thinking that this would ease their fear.

However, Hai Wuya had an excellent figure and temperament, and he didn't look like a zombie or a monster, so everyone was not so scared.

Chen Chen narrowed his eyes behind everyone, and then hesitated for a while before standing up and asking Hai Wuya:

"Who are you? How did you appear here?"

Hai Wuya heard the question, but did not answer. Instead, he said to everyone:

"Do you know Xia Xiaona? She is a teacher here."

"And Luo Danxia, ​​she should be a doctor in the school hospital."

Hai Wuya asked directly without any nonsense. If they didn't know her, then they would leave here and continue looking.

The nine people in the crowd were not all from the same class, but Li Wanting said tentatively after hearing this:

"I know Teacher Xia. She is my professional course teacher. Are you her friend?"

Hai Wuya's eyes lit up when he heard this, but Chen Chen raised his hand to block Li Wanting and whispered to her:

"Be careful, don't expose yourself!"

"It's best to refuse any request from that person later, otherwise you may be in danger!"

Chen Chen was very stable. He knew that in today's world, he couldn't trust anyone except himself.

However, Hai Wuya smiled indifferently when he saw this scene, and then directly said to Li Wanting:

"Yes, I am Teacher Xia's friend. Do you know where she is now?"

"If you can take me to find her, then I will give you this plate of braised pork in my hand."

Hai Wuya looked at Li Wanting with a smile on his face, and at the same time took out a plate of steaming braised pork from the space.

As soon as this plate of braised pork came out, the aroma spread throughout the classroom.

Everyone had been hungry for most of the day, and now they smelled thisThe fragrant and delicious braised pork was simply irresistible.

When Li Wanting saw the braised pork and heard Hai Wuya's words, she immediately lost her mind and completely forgot Chen Chen's reminder.

Then she walked quickly to Hai Wuya and said excitedly:

"I can, I can! After I finish eating and fill my stomach, I will definitely take you to find Teacher Xia!"

Hearing this, Hai Wuya retracted his hand and put the braised pork back into the supernatural space, then chuckled and said:

"When you take me to find Teacher Xia, I will naturally give you the braised pork, but not now."

"What if you don't have the spirit of contract, then my braised pork will be wasted."

Li Wanting watched the braised pork disappear again in the blink of an eye, her eyes full of disappointment and unwillingness, and she touched her stomach and said pitifully:

"But I'm so hungry, I really don't have the strength to move..."

Hearing this, Hai Wuya took out a lollipop from the space and threw it to Li Wanting.

Then Hai Wuya went straight forward, put his hand on Li Wanting's shoulder, and took her to use the space transfer to go to the roof of the teaching building.

Prepare to let Li Wanting lead the way to find Xia Xiaona and Luo Danxia.

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