Tap, tap, tap...

On the stairs, Hai Wuya and the fat doctor were walking slowly.

During the time, there were zombies rushing towards them, but they were all killed by Hai Wuya with one knife.

Because he had a clear target, Hai Wuya went directly to the fourth floor.

The doctor was always one step behind Hai Wuya along the way, and it was obvious that he was very scared.

"That... little brother, if I take you to find Nurse Luo later, can you also take me away from here?"

"It's all a mess outside now, but you can actually kill those monsters. I... I admire you very much!"

Hearing this, Hai Wuya frowned, paused for a moment, and said:

"If you keep talking nonsense, the zombies will surround and kill you later."

"Of course, if you perform well, I can consider taking you away."

In a base, most of them must be ordinary people, so in Hai Wuya's plan, there are several types of people who can be recruited first.

For example, doctors, engineers, architects, etc.

These people can improve people's livelihood and play an important role in the development and maintenance of the base.

Therefore, Hai Wuya also considered recruiting the person in front of him.

But there is a prerequisite at present, that is, he has to examine the character of this person and estimate whether he will cause trouble in the base.

Hai Wuya will definitely not recruit people who will cause trouble to himself.

Therefore, Hai Wuya said that he would give the fat doctor a chance to perform.

When the fat man heard what Hai Wuya said, he nodded quickly, and then lowered his voice and said:

"Okay, okay, please rest assured, little brother, I will definitely follow your instructions!"

"The fourth floor will be here soon, and Nurse Luo should be in the duty room!"

I don't know if it was Hai Wuya's words just now that the fat doctor was not so timid at this moment.

Although he was still very cautious, he also took on the task of checking the surrounding environment.

But Hai Wuya didn't care. After he continued to walk up a few steps, he came to the entrance hall on the fourth floor.

The original function of the fourth floor was similar to a place for hospitalization.

Therefore, the students hospitalized here definitely did not survive.

Even if they did not turn into zombies in the first place, they could not escape the slaughter of other zombies.

As soon as they arrived at the lobby, the zombies that were wandering around were immediately attracted by the fat doctor.

The zombies roared and rushed towards Hai Wuya's position, or the fat doctor behind him.

The fat doctor was terrified, but when Hai Wuya raised his hand, the zombies that rushed over had already been separated from their heads.

"Point out the duty position, and follow me closely later."

Hai Wuya spoke calmly, and the fat doctor trembled and stretched out his index finger, pointing to the right hand direction and said:

"The duty room is in the last room on the right, near the window!"

Hai Wuya didn't say much after hearing this, and he raised his leg and walked to the right.

Seeing this, the fat doctor hurried to catch up, fearing that he would be surrounded and killed by zombies if he fell behind.

Hai Wuya stopped at the door of the last room on the right.

Faintly, there seemed to be a low roar of zombies in the room.

Hearing the movement of zombies, Hai Wuya frowned immediately.

Because this probably means that there are no living people in the room.

And Luo Danxia is probably not here either.

Hai Wuya sighed slightly in his heart, but still kicked the double door open.

However, when he saw the scene in the room, Hai Wuya was stunned.

The room was quite large, with two male students and about seven or eight female nurses.

There was a female zombie on a chair, tied up and fixed on the chair.

There was cotton stuffed in its mouth, so it could only roar and struggle.

Since the end of the world, this was the first time Hai Wuya found such a situation where zombies were tied up.

Therefore, he also had a little interest in the people in the room.

"Who are you? There are zombies everywhere outside. How did you get here?!"

Just as Hai Wuya was about to speak, one of the male students stood up and said to Hai Wuya and the fat doctor.

"Director Huang! You are still alive!"

At this time, a nurse who knew the fat doctor spoke in surprise, but did not come forward.

Huang Yongjun smiled reluctantly, then remembered the main purpose of his coming here, so he asked everyone in the room:

"Is Director Luo here? His friend risked his life to find her!"

"Director Luo is on the balcony to get some fresh air. I will go call her now!" A nurse hurriedly said, then turned and went to the balcony.

At this time, Hai Wuya also walked to the room where the man was tied up.In front of the tied zombie.

Looking at the struggling zombie, Hai Wuya raised the wind blade and prepared to kill it with one knife.

But the male student who spoke just now saw this and stopped him anxiously:

"Don't kill her! She can still be saved!!!"

He tried to stop him, but Hai Wuya didn't listen at all and still beheaded the zombie with one knife.

"You! You killed my girlfriend!!"

Hai Wuya turned his head to look at the male student, but the obvious bite on the other's palm made Hai Wuya raise his eyebrows.

"You have been bitten by a zombie? But you didn't mutate?"

The male student was angry at the moment. If it weren't for another male student who was very good at observing his expression and holding him tightly, he would probably fight with Hai Wuya.

The person was so angry that he lost his mind, but a nurse came forward to explain to Hai Wuya:

"This classmate was indeed bitten by his girlfriend, but he has been treated by Director Luo."

"He has been fine for most of the day, so he will not mutate. Please don't hurt him, sir."

Treaten by Director Luo?

It should be Luo Danxia, ​​right?

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, while Luo Danxia also left the balcony and returned to the room.

Luo Danxia heard the nurse say that a friend risked his life to save her, which made her very confused.

In this situation, would her friend come to save her?

Shouldn't they all be in danger?

Luo Danxia glanced around the room and found that in addition to the original people, there were two more people.

She didn't know the handsome man, but she knew Huang Yongjun, so Luo Danxia thought it was Huang Yongjun who came to save her.

"Director Huang, thank you for thinking of me, thank you!"

Huang Yongjun hurriedly shook his head upon hearing this, turned his palm towards Hai Wuya very respectfully, and then said:

"It was this friend who came to see you, not me or me..."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Hai Wuya also knew that the dignified and graceful woman in front of him was Luo Danxia.

Luo Danxia was wearing the uniform of the head nurse, with a well-proportioned and graceful figure, but she was very conservative to cover up all the advantages.

At this moment, the other party also turned her head and looked into Hai Wuya's eyes.

For any important person, Hai Wuya would first use the Eye of Exploration, so that he could understand the other party's details.

Now facing Luo Danxia is no exception, but after reading Luo Danxia's information, Hai Wuya showed a happy expression.

Top talent!

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