The night was quiet, as usual.

But tonight, the neon lights in Donghai City were no longer flashing.

The hustle and bustle of the city was replaced by the roar of zombies all over the city.

Hai Wuya kept moving around the school. He wanted to return to Xia Xiaona's residence to get a new talent as soon as possible.

Hai Wuya rushed all the way without stopping.

But after arriving at the dormitory area, he suddenly remembered that something seemed to be missing.


What was missing?

Hai Wuya was thinking, and suddenly a light bulb went off in his head, remembering that he seemed to have left Li Wanting behind.

The other party was waiting for him on the roof of the dormitory building before he went to the hospital.

And that roof seemed to be not far ahead.

Hai Wuya didn't have any other ideas about Li Wanting.

Although the other party had awakened a talent, it was very useless after all, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was useless.

But on second thought, any talent should have its use. What if Li Wanting's talent can be used?

Therefore, Hai Wuya decided to take Li Wanting back to the base.

Apart from other things, at least she looks good and barely meets Hai Wuya's eyes.

After moving all the way, Hai Wuya soon came to the rooftop where Li Wanting was.

The rooftop was very safe, and there was no trace of zombies.

At this moment, Li Wanting was wearing the thick cotton coat given by Hai Wuya, leaning against the wall and fell asleep.

With the arrival of Hai Wuya, she did not wake up.

The tense mood suddenly relaxed, and coupled with the harassment of sleepiness, it was normal to fall asleep.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart, and at the same time came to stand in front of the other party.

Without nonsense, Hai Wuya squatted down and pinched the other party's face.

The cold wind was very cold, and Li Wanting's face was also pale, but after being pinched by Hai Wuya, a trace of red appeared.

After Li Wanting's eyes widened and she woke up, Hai Wuya spoke:

"I'm back. You should go back to the base with me in the future. It's safe there."

Li Wanting was sleeping soundly when someone pinched her face. She thought it was a zombie that bit her.

However, after seeing Hai Wuya's figure clearly, she immediately showed joy.

Hai Wuya had never told Li Wanting about the base before, so she was stunned when she heard Hai Wuya's words.

But after hearing Hai Wuya say that it was safe there and that she would return with him, Li Wanting nodded immediately.

For some reason, as long as Hai Wuya was around, she felt very safe.

"Okay, I'll go back with you!"

Li Wanting stood up after she finished speaking and took the initiative to hug Hai Wuya's arm.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya didn't say much. He used space transfer to leave here directly and went straight to Xia Xiaona's residence.

It doesn't matter what Li Wanting thinks, it's important to do business.

The return journey was very smooth. In a few minutes, Hai Wuya and Li Wanting arrived at the teacher's apartment.

Because he already knew the specific location, Hai Wuya used space transfer this time and came to Xia Xiaona's room living room.

Xia Xiaona no longer listens to the radio because there is no need.

Before, she was in panic and always expected rescue, but now she no longer expects rescue operations.

She is trying to contact her family, but there is no way to achieve it.

Xia Xiaona was really shocked by Hai Wuya's sudden appearance in the living room.

But when she saw the girl next to him, Xia Xiaona thought about it and remembered that this was her student Li Wanting.

So she nodded to Hai Wuya in surprise, then looked at Li Wanting and said:


"I'm so glad you're okay!!!"

Before entering the room, Hai Wuya specifically reminded Li Wanting not to make eye contact with Xia Xiaona.

Therefore, when Li Wanting heard the call, she just lowered her head slightly, and then responded with a slightly excited tone:

"Teacher Xia! I'm fine, but Brother Hai told me not to look into your eyes, so I'm sorry..."

Xia Xiaona was a little surprised when she heard it, and looked at Hai Wuya in confusion.

Hai Wuya took Li Wanting to sit down, and then explained some of the situation to Xia Xiaona, as well as the other party's talents and abilities.

After hearing this, Xia Xiaona exclaimed:

"So those words that suddenly appeared in my mind at noon were all true?"

"I thought I was hallucinating?"

Xia Xiaona looked enlightened, but then said to Hai Wuya:

"But why are you okay? I remember you didn't avoid my gaze."

"Because I am much stronger than you, your influence on me is minimal." Hai Wuya explained calmly.

Then Hai Wuya turned around and said to Li Wanting:"Aren't you sleepy? Go to the guest room tonight."

While speaking, Hai Wuya pointed to the small room next to the master bedroom.

Li Wanting looked in the direction of his finger, then nodded and said:

"Okay, what about you?"

"I'll sleep on the sofa."

"Well... why don't you sleep in the guest room and I'll sleep on the sofa..."

Before Li Wanting finished her words, Hai Wuya waved his hand and interrupted:

"Don't refuse, just sleep if I tell you to!"

Li Wanting: *-*"Oh oh."

Xia Xiaona: "..."

Then Li Wanting said goodbye to Xia Xiaona, got up and went to the guest room.

Hai Wuya and Xia Xiaona were left in the living room looking at each other, but the atmosphere was a little awkward.

After all, they just met today, so Hai Wuya didn't know how to start.

Hai Wuya thought about it and suddenly remembered the scene when he and Xia Xiaoyu started.

So Hai Wuya took out a bottle of red wine from the space and said to Xia Xiaona:

"Would you like a glass?"

"You must be very tired today. Drinking a glass will help you fall asleep better."

Xia Xiaona pondered for a while after hearing this. She actually had a poor alcohol tolerance, but being slightly tipsy did help her fall asleep better.

So she nodded and smiled at Hai Wuya:

"Okay, I'll get two cups."

Xia Xiaona got up and went to the kitchen, and soon brought back two highball glasses.

"I didn't expect you to have this in the school dormitory?" Hai Wuya raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

"My colleagues left it when they came to dinner before, and I basically don't use it."

Xia Xiaona replied, then put the cup in front of Hai Wuya, watching him open the bottle and pour the wine.

Soon Hai Wuya finished pouring and handed Xia Xiaona a glass.

The two chatted, and Xia Xiaona's cheeks were already red after a few glasses of wine.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya was about to put away the red wine, but was stopped.

"Finish the bottle, and then go to sleep."

Hai Wuya had no choice but to follow the other party, but Xia Xiaona drank more.

Soon after finishing a bottle of wine, Xia Xiaona's eyes were already very blurred, and she murmured to Hai Wuya:

"Can you carry me back to the room? I feel a little dizzy."

Hai Wuya nodded, stood up and picked up the other party by the waist, and then walked back to the room.

Click, Hai Wuya closed the door with his foot.

"You can sleep here too, the living room is quite cold."

Xia Xiaona said in a daze, and Hai Wuya had no choice but to do it to take care of her.


[Ding! Congratulations to the host...]

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