
Puff, puff...

On a road full of zombies, a giant RV was driving.

All the zombies on the road were crushed by it.

All the cars that were in the way were pushed away.

The RV made a lot of noise, attracting all the zombies and mutants around it.

But none of them could hinder the RV's forward movement.

Zombies and mutants were like toys in front of the RV and could not hinder it at all.

In the control room of the RV, Xiao Yan didn't care about the zombies, but rushed towards the street lamp not far away with a serious face.

It's not easy to have a chance to be a hero and save the beauty, but you must make it happen!

Xiao Yan roared in his heart, and at the same time increased the horsepower and drove quickly.

The young woman on the street lamp also saw the RV coming.

She wanted to call for help from the RV, but her energy was exhausted at this moment.

So she could only look at the RV with tears in her eyes, hoping that someone could come and save her.

Soon, the RV finally drove steadily under the street light.

As the young woman looked expectantly, a hole appeared in the skylight on the roof.

Xiao Yan also got out of the skylight and looked at the young woman.

After their eyes met, Xiao Yan smiled warmly at the woman and said:

"Beauty, I'm here to save you!"

Xiao Yan felt that he had not lived in vain. He had finally pretended to be a beautiful 13 after growing up.

He supported the edge of the skylight with his hands, trying to keep himself calm.

Because the young woman on the street light could be said to be the most beautiful one he had come into close contact with in all these years.

The woman had a delicate and beautiful face. Although she looked a little embarrassed at the moment, her tearful expression made Xiao Yan want to protect her even more.

Ah... I must get this beauty!

Xiao Yan's heart was shouting, but the woman on the street lamp, at this moment, changed her expression from gratitude to embarrassment.

"Well... handsome guy, can you get something to save me first?"

"I don't have the strength to support it anymore..."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan came back to his senses from his fantasy, and hurriedly said:

"Oh, okay, I'll get a ladder!"

Xiao Yan's RV is fully equipped with many rescue items.

And on one side of the roof, there is a rescue ladder that can be extended up to ten meters.

Xiao Yan placed the rescue ladder in front of the skylight, and then pressed the lifting button of the rescue ladder.

The height of the street lamp is about seven meters, and it is placed at an oblique angle, so it can just reach the top.

As the rescue ladder was placed, Xiao Yan shouted to the woman:

"You can climb down slowly now, the ladder is safe and solid!"

The woman heard Xiao Yan's words, although she was still very scared in her heart.

But he managed to calm down and began to slowly descend with the help of the rescue ladder.

As it was cold, the woman was dressed very conservatively.

Therefore, Xiao Yan, who was "looking after" below, did not "accidentally" see any beautiful scenery.

This made Xiao Yan feel a little disappointed, but as the woman landed on the roof, he immediately put on a warm smile.

"Handsome man, thank you for saving me!" Lin Yiyi showed gratitude and said sincerely: "If it weren't for you, I would probably..."

"Beautiful lady, you are too kind! I, Xiao Yan, have always been kind and generous. Seeing you in a desperate situation, I will naturally help you!"

Xiao Yan was righteous and then climbed onto the roof, and then continued to say to Lin Yiyi:

"Beautiful lady, please go back to the car first, and I will tidy up the roof."

Lin Yiyi nodded when she heard this, and then did not refuse, and directly turned over and climbed down the skylight.

Xiao Yan packed up the rescue ladder, and then left the roof and returned to the car.

Inside the RV, Lin Yiyi looked at the furnishings in the interior space in front of her and couldn't believe it!

Is this an RV?

It's more like a mobile base!

"Beauty, sit down and rest for a while, I'll get you some food."

Xiao Yan spoke, acting very gentlemanly.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao, oh, by the way, my name is Lin Yiyi."

Lin Yiyi said gratefully, and then sat on the sofa.

But she felt a little dreamy at the moment.

This morning, several prompts suddenly appeared in Lin Yiyi's mind.

Said that she had awakened an A-level talent called "Solemn Prayer".

This talent ability is very strange, or it has no substantial ability at all.

The function of the solemn prayer talent is that when you pray for something to happen, the probability of the prayed thing happening is,will greatly increase.

But there is one condition, that is, the prayer must be practical.

For example, Lin Yiyi was in a desperate situation just now, and then she tried to pray in her heart, hoping that someone could come to save her.

Not long after that, Xiao Yan appeared in a motorhome and saved herself from the desperate situation.

At this moment, Lin Yiyi was out of danger, but she suddenly felt as if her body was overdrawn.

Her face was pale, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of her mouth.


Is her talent real?

Now she was saved because of the prayer just now?

Lin Yiyi now believes that her talent is real and effective.

But the side effects of successful prayer are also very huge!

In this case, try to use your talent as little as possible and use it with caution in the future!

Lin Yiyi thought in her heart, while wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, and Xiao Yan also brought a bucket of instant noodles over.

Xiao Yan's supplies are limited, and the bucket of instant noodles given to Lin Yiyi now is already pretty good.

Lin Yiyi was very grateful for this, and after thanking Xiao Yan, she started to eat.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Xiao Yan felt very comfortable for some reason.

How great it would be if he could get her...

Xiao Yan immediately shook his head when this thought came up.

It is better to keep a distance first, and then slowly get to know each other and fall in love, which is in line with Xiao Yan's view of love.

But what Xiao Yan didn't know was that there was an unknown person who liked to rob the things of the "protagonists" like them...

After saving Lin Yiyi, Xiao Yan continued to stay here.

The secret realm will be opened nearby tomorrow, and he still has to focus on obtaining the secret realm minerals.

After vacating an empty room for Lin Yiyi to rest, Xiao Yan continued to fish for zombies happily.

Sure enough, "fishing" can bring good luck, and he must keep up the good work!


Not far from Xiao Yan's RV, there was a lonely figure standing on the roof and looking out.

This person was looking at an empty square on the left bank of the middle section of the Huangpu River.

Looking at the vaguely familiar scene around him, he thought that this was probably the place where the secret realm would land.

That's right, this person was Ye Fan who came from Donghai University!

And he remembered very clearly that the first permanent secret realm after the end of the world would land here tomorrow!

I must become stronger!

I must obtain the hidden weapons in the secret realm!

Hai Wuya, you wait for me!

Ye Fan roared in his heart, and the vision of revenge emerged in his mind again.

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