"Master, there are so many passages in this secret realm. Where should we go next?"

At this moment, Hai Wuya and his group of four returned to the 'Novice Village' of the secret realm.

Looking at the five passages ahead, Jin Wei's tone was a little sad.

Listening to the question, Hai Wuya rubbed his chin and did not respond.

Now he is still more than 7,000 experience points away from upgrading.

If you want to quickly gain experience points, then you have to sweep all the secret realms here.

And Hai Wuya has already explored the passages on the left and right sides, leaving only the three passages in the middle, which he has not yet set foot in.

Therefore, Hai Wuya plans to set the next plan to sweep the three passages in the middle.

Hai Wuya informed everyone of the next itinerary, and everyone certainly had no objection.

Although they did not need their help, going together would always be helpful.

Having made a decision, Hai Wuya did not waste any more time.

Immediately, he took everyone to use space transfer and started sweeping from the second passage on the right.

After advancing for a distance, Hai Wuya soon encountered a new monster.

After using the Eye of Exploration, Hai Wuya learned that this monster was called the Earth Demon Spirit, and its appearance was very similar to a green-skinned dwarf.

There were many of them, but killing one only increased 0.5 experience points.

But the advantage was that there were many of them, which could provide Hai Wuya with a huge amount of experience points.

Killing them was so easy that after about ten minutes, all the monsters in the entire passage were killed.

And the reminder of the increase in experience points also sounded immediately.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing 2328 experience points! ]


Killed more than 4,000 Earth Demon Spirits?

Hai Wuya couldn't help but smile, and then checked how much experience points he had at present.

[Level: E- (5305/10000)] (I don't want to waste words)

Hiss, this is still more than 4,000...

After understanding his own experience points, Hai Wuya shook his head and continued to go deeper inside.

Other passages have other items in the depths, so this passage must have some as well.

With this thought in mind, Hai Wuya soon came to a vast cave.

There were torches lighting up the cave, so Hai Wuya could see the scene inside.

Ahead was a village of demons, and the number of demons was not large on the surface.

But looking at the quiet atmosphere, it was estimated that there were not many demons.

Going deeper, Hai Wuya was soon "discovered" by the demon archers.

Then there was another big battle, and the noise caused almost attracted all the demons in the village.

The most eye-catching thing was a huge demon in the group of demons, which should be the leader of these demons.

Hai Wuya used the exploration eye on it, and then the information appeared in front of him.

[Name: Demon Leader]

[Race: Demon]

[Ability: This is a leader-level monster, but except for the physical fitness becoming stronger and the ability to use a whistle to summon the race group, it has no special abilities. 】

[Strength Rating: E+ (Strong, but long-range attacks can consume the opponent to death.)]

[Kill Experience Points: 100 (Only valid for E-level.)]

Hai Wuya didn't care about the other information of this leader.

But the experience points that can increase by 100 really made Hai Wuya salivate.

Alas, if there were another 100 leaders...

Hai Wuya thought secretly, but suddenly remembered that he still had a magic spirit contract talent, which seemed to be used to contract monsters?

However, that talent can only be used to contract with monsters of the same level as himself...

Tsk, I'll use it later.

Hai Wuya was thinking in his heart, and at the same time, the earth demons had gradually approached.

Seeing this, Hai Wuya immediately fought with the monsters again.

As for the monster leader, he was easily killed.

About ten minutes later, all the monsters in the earth demon village were killed by Hai Wuya.

The experience value also increased, reaching (6008/10000).

3992 more!

Continue to gain experience!

After sweeping the village, Hai Wuya came to the largest toilet in the middle, wanting to see if there were any item rewards.

After all, normally, there would be settlement rewards after sweeping the monster spawning points.

Entering the toilet, Hai Wuya saw a huge bronze treasure chest.

After opening the treasure chest, a box of short swords inside was also displayed in front of him.

Hai Wuya checked the weapon information and found that there were twenty E-level secret bronze swords in total.

After storing all these secret bronze swords in the space, Hai Wuya flashed away from here.

There are two more passagesHai Wuya would never waste time without exploration.


After leaving the Demonic Channel, Hai Wuya and his group of four went to the remaining two channels to sweep.

The monsters guarding the other two channels were "Slime Demon" and "Demon Dog".

Hai Wuya gained 4005 experience points in total, and received the reward of "Power Potion*10", five bottles for each channel.

Power Potion has the same effect as Power Crystal, but the recovery rate is only one-tenth of Power Crystal, so it doesn't matter to Hai Wuya at all.

But the most important thing is that Hai Wuya has upgraded now!

He changed from E-level to E-level. Although it was only a small level increase, his strength in all aspects increased by more than two times!

Hai Wuya was very satisfied with this result.

When everyone returned to the 'Novice Village' again, Hai Wuya was in a very good mood.

The rewards obtained in this trip to the secret realm were simply too many.

In such a short time, Hai Wuya plundered the important opportunities of the two destiny protagonists, and the rewards he received doubled!


This is not his enemy, it is simply his treasure hunting rat!

Hai Wuya sighed in his heart, and at the same time, he was ready to return to the base.

At present, Hai Wuya has not had time to use the rewards obtained from the plunder.

For example, the Flame Demon Saber, the 'Purification Spirit' and the 'Sea of ​​Consciousness Heart Sword'.

Hai Wuya didn't understand these three items. It was really important to upgrade them. I will think about them after returning to the base.

After the preparations were completed, Hai Wuya took Wang Yan, Jin Wei, and Lin Yiyi back to the base.

It was already late at night outside the secret realm, but the heart to return to the base was not shaken at all.


Deep in the secret realm, in the mine passage.

Xiao Yan, who was knocked unconscious at this moment, finally woke up after being choked by the smoke.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Xiao Yan was a little confused.

Where is the fire?

Wait, I was attacked by someone before!

Damn it!

Where is Miss Yiyi?

Xiao Yan coughed a few times and stood up to look around.

But there was nothing except the burnt chariot in the passage...

Xiao Yan felt so angry that he suddenly spit out blood and fainted.

ps: Can you guys give me some love? (selling cuteness.jpg)

The chapter on February 9 has been reviewed, please take a day off and update tomorrow (crying to death.jpg)

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