It was noon, in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

At this sunny noon, the originally extremely quiet lobby was almost crowded.

After the universal forging furnace completed forging and smelting last night, 120 weapons of various types and shields were distributed.

However, because it was too late, the gifted people who got the weapons could not use them immediately.

But now, the team of gifted people led by Wang Yan and Jin Wei gathered in the lobby on the first floor waiting for orders.

This time they will leave the base and go to the real doomsday for actual combat, so almost all the gifted people are very nervous.

Although led by Wang Yan and Jin Wei, the fear of zombies, deformed people and mutant beasts has not been reduced much.

However, at this point, they have obtained handy weapons and made sufficient psychological preparations. They are just waiting for the order to go out, and then they should set off to experience outside the base.

Wang Yan and Jin Wei stood at the front of the team, with the originally closed gate behind them. But now the gate was open and there was no need to keep it closed.

Wang Yan stood in front of the team of gifted people, watching their timid actions, but he did not feel dissatisfied.

After all, this was their first time to encounter the real apocalypse, so it was normal to have some concerns.

Wang Yan took a deep breath, and then shouted to everyone present:

"I know everyone is very worried about going out of the base, but the young master's order has been issued just now, that is, the main purpose of our going out this time is to experience our own experience of the end of the world!"

"So this first time out, Lao Jin and I will not take everyone too far away from the base. As long as everyone can kill two zombies, then we will complete the mission of this outing!"

"Everything has to have a process, so I hope that everyone will have the ability and courage to face zombie mutants alone in the future!"

"But I have to say ugly words in advance. If anyone dares to violate the rules, leave the team alone and run around, causing the team to fall into danger, then I, Wang Yan, will kill him personally!"

Wang Yan glanced at the more than 100 people present, and solemnly announced the mission and rules of this outing.

Although he and Jin Wei did not take ordinary zombies seriously at all, it was hard to say for these novices in the hall.

After giving the order, Wang Yan turned to look at Jin Wei, wanting to know if he had anything else to tell him.

But Jin Wei nodded slightly and did not express any opinion.

And the more than one hundred talents responded one after another at this moment.

"Brother Yan, we know! Give the order to set off!"

"Kill zombies! Kill mutants! Clear the danger for the base!"

"Let's go, I can't wait to show my skills!"


Seeing everyone's enthusiastic response, Wang Yan nodded to show his satisfaction. Being able to get rid of the fear of zombies in his heart has already overcome the first level.

At this time, Hai Wuya also took the elevator to the first floor lobby. He looked at the excited talents, and his expression did not change.

When he came to the back of the team, someone immediately found Hai Wuya, and then the talents turned around and cheered for Hai Wuya.

Hai Wuya passed through the middle and came to the front of the team, but he came here not for any orders, but because he also wanted to go out of the base.

The wall of the base was too high, so a passage was created for the talents.

Hai Wuya raised his right hand and pressed it, signaling the talents to be quiet.

After all the talents in front were quiet, Hai Wuya slowly spoke:

"When you go out this time, you must not be surrounded by the zombies, otherwise it will be difficult to get out."

"I won't say much about the rest. You just need to listen to Wang Yanjinwei's orders. I hope that when you return, no one will be missing."

After Hai Wuya finished speaking these things, he turned around and signaled Wang Yanjinwei to move to the side.

When there was no obstacle at the gate, he used his talent to raise the steps on the ground, so that he could directly reach the wall.

However, there were no steps outside the wall, because the zombies could also come in directly.

Hai Wuya built several gaps outside the wall, so that the gifted can jump and climb to leave and return, but the zombies can't get in because they have no wisdom.

After doing all this, Hai Wuya turned his head to look at Wang Yan and Jin Wei, and said to them calmly:

"Okay, you can take the team out, I will leave the hotel later to deal with someThings. "

Wang Yan and Jin Wei nodded at the same time, and then called on the group of talents to leave the base and go to the periphery.

Now there are no zombies in the open area outside the base, so the talents can pass smoothly.

As for Hai Wuya, if he goes to the Linjiang Villa District this time, he will go alone.

Although the wives have good talents, taking them with him will only become a burden, and it will also affect his ability to conquer other heroines.

Therefore, Hai Wuya should be a lone ranger in this operation. After all, his strength is invincible, so it's not bad to go out and explore.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya didn't hesitate any more and used space transfer to leave the original place.

The Linjiang Villa District is in the southeast of the hotel, about ten kilometers away. If the road is smooth, If it is not, it will take more than ten minutes to get there, but it will take at most half an hour.

That villa area is ranked among the top three luxurious places in the whole Donghai City, and the Hai family also has a villa there.

It’s just that the Hai family also has a luxurious villa in the top villa area in Donghai City, so they basically don’t live there.

But the Linjiang Villa Area is also full of wealthy families. Hai Wuya thinks that this trip there will probably be a big gain.

There must be a lot of celebrities and noble ladies there. After all, the Linjiang Villa Area has another nickname, which is the communication place for celebrities and noble ladies.

There are many popular female celebrities and social celebrities who live in the Linjiang Villa Area.

Although Hai Wuya went to the villa area this time with the main purpose of conquering the heroine, those former female celebrities and social celebrities People, it's not bad to take it in as a 'pet'.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya's mouth corners slightly raised, and his pace of progress also quickened a bit.



In the security booth, a zombie in security uniform was constantly roaring forward.

Because a man suddenly appeared in front of the gate it was guarding.

The security zombie kept roaring, but it couldn't do anything to the man in front of it through the wall, so it could only roar helplessly.


Hai Wuya stopped in front of the gate of the Linjiang Villa District, and killed the security zombie with a wind blade, but his attention was only on the villa district from beginning to end.

On the way from the base to the villa district, although the zombie group encountered could be described as a huge number, it was not a big deal for Hai Wuya. Form any obstacles.

About twenty minutes later, Hai Wuya also arrived at the gate of the riverside villa area.

This first gate is just the dividing line between the villa area and the outside world. There is actually a long distance to enter the core area.

After a short pause, Hai Wuya continued to go deeper into the villa area, but because he was not very familiar with the people here, he decided to go to the central area first, where the Hai family’s own villa was.

There are about two hundred villas in this villa area, which means there are two hundred wealthy families, so the number of zombies in this place is not large.

Hai Wuya is going deeper and deeper at this moment, and soon found the villas in the edge area.

At the gate of the first villa found, there are several zombies wandering, so there must be no living people inside.

Hai Wuya’s idea now is to enter a villa with living people first, and then consider other things.

After all, he is not sure which house really has the heroine and the beauty.

After passing the first house, Hai Wuya continued to go deeper inside and soon found a villa with a closed door.

Seeing that the door of the villa was closed, Hai Wuya prepared to go in to see the situation, and then used space transfer to come to the front door of the villa.

There were no traces of zombies around, but Hai Wuya vaguely heard the roar of mutant dogs in the backyard of the villa.

As long as there is a house with animals, there must be living people living there.

Hai Wuya raised his eyebrows and then entered the living room of the villa, but there was nothing unusual in the living room. Except for some traces of rummaging, there was nothing else worth noting.

Perhaps sensing the arrival of living people, the mutant dog in the backyard became more excited, its roar increased a few points, and began to constantly attack the door connecting the living room to the backyard.

Hai Wuya walked around the floor and found nothing, but looking at the remains of the kitchen, he knew that there must be living people in it.

Next, Hai Wuya prepared to go to the second floor, but before going to the second floor, he used a wind blade to chop at the mutant dog beast.

The wind blade pierced through the door and quickly killed the mutant dog beast, and Hai Wuya had already climbed the spiral staircase.

Tap tap tap...

Hai Wuya's footsteps were not concealed at all, and every stepThey were all very heavy, because he knew that there must be living people in this house, so he deliberately made a noise.

When he came to the living room on the second floor, Hai Wuya first saw the scattered snack bags on the coffee table, and those women's underwear?


It seems to be quite large...

Hai Wuya stroked his chin. He was sure that there must be someone on the second floor, and it was a woman with a great advantage.

However, there was no movement in any corner of the second floor, so Hai Wuya was not sure where the person was.

But since the scope has been locked on the second floor, it only needs to search a few closed rooms, isn't it?

With this idea in mind, Hai Wuya turned around and came to the room closest to the living room, and then kicked the door open.

This is a guest room, so the space is not large and there is nothing unusual.

Hai Wuya turned around and prepared to search the next room, but at this time a voice suddenly came from the front asking.

"Outside... Is there a living person outside?"

The tone of the voice was very trembling, and it can be heard that it was a woman.

Hearing this question, Hai Wuya raised his eyebrows, guessing that it should be the hostess here.

So Hai Wuya strode forward and headed towards the room where the sound came from.

When he arrived at the door, Hai Wuya did not kick it directly this time, but said calmly:

"I am a normal person, you don't have to be afraid and you can open the door."

The woman in the room heard this response and immediately looked happy, but then she thought about it and felt very scared.

In this situation, how could someone come to her house?

But since the other party is a normal person, it is not a solution to close the door like this. After all, if she doesn't open the door, the other party will definitely kick it open.

Rather than going to that point, it is better to open the door openly.

Thinking of this, the woman in the room unlocked the door and slowly opened the door.

As the door gradually opened, Hai Wuya also saw the appearance of the woman behind the door clearly.

The other party was wearing pajamas and robes at the moment, and her face was a little worried and frightened, but her exquisite and beautiful face was not affected.

Even though the end of the world has come for many days, the woman in front of him is still very exquisite and does not make people feel uncomfortable.

It’s just that the face of the woman in front of him makes Hai Wuya feel a little familiar, but he can’t put his finger on it.

So Hai Wuya asked the other party:

"Who are you? Are you the only one in this house?"

After the woman opened the door just now, she was a little surprised at Hai Wuya's appearance. After all, she couldn't imagine how such a noble person would come to her house.

But now that she heard the question, she quickly came back to her senses and replied:

"My name is Yang Mi, and my identity is a film and television actor. I am indeed the only one in this house."

Yang Mi said, and at the same time, she felt a little embarrassed. After all, in her own opinion, her popularity should not be that small.

But the handsome guy in front of him didn't recognize him...

After hearing Yang Mi's self-introduction, Hai Wuya finally remembered that the person in front of him was a female star.

But even if she was a female star, so what? Hai Wuya's heart was not disturbed.

"Hey... handsome guy, can you tell me how you got here?"

"Has the situation outside improved?"

Yang Mi looked at Hai Wuya, who looked normal, and asked in a hurried tone.

After all, the 'little white face' in front of him could come here as if nothing had happened, so doesn't it mean that the chaos has been resolved?

Hearing this, Hai Wuya shook his head and said:

"There are still groups of zombies outside. As for how I came here, you don't need to worry. I came here to find someone."

When Yang Mi heard the answer, his breath was choked again, and his face was ashen.

It turns out that the environment outside is still horrible...

Then I will starve to death in the house...


Happy Valentine's Day! (can't laugh.jpg)

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