After making proper arrangements for Wei Anqi, Hai Wuya prepared to clean up the villa area.

For his future new base, Hai Wuya still had to be careful about the initial work.

Although the few zombies in the villa area were not a threat to Hai Wuya's base, Hai Wuya still had to make sure that his base was foolproof.

Now half of the area in the villa area has not been cleaned up and is still in its initial state.

If Hai Wuya wants to clean it all up, it will only take about half an hour.

Such a short time passed quickly, and Hai Wuya had completed the cleaning and sweeping.

It was still the same as before, all zombies would be killed, and if there were any survivors, they would be ignored for the time being.

Anyway, after Hai Wuya moved the base here, the "indigenous people" here would definitely not live well and live happily anymore.

As long as Hai Wuya officially relocated the base, the entire villa area would be his property, and how to distribute it in the future would depend on his own wishes.

Hai Wuya had already cleaned up all the places in the villa area at this moment.

It was no different from the beginning, except that there were fewer zombies and humans, and it was still very desolate.

But now Hai Wuya didn't care. After spending half an hour to do all this, he set off directly to return to his villa.

The villa area was surrounded by walls. As long as no one attracted the zombies outside, there would basically be no zombies besieging it.

And if the zombies didn't besiege the villa area, it would be very safe in theory. Therefore, Hai Wuya did not take any more defensive measures. In short, he would consider those things after the large army came.

Hai Wuya returned to the villa in a few blinks, and the two women who were resting in the living room were also suddenly startled.

At this moment, Wei Anqi and Su Qiao had used the food given by Hai Wuya to restore their full energy.

So they immediately stood up and greeted Hai Wuya:

"Mr. Hai, you are back."

Hearing this, Hai Wuya nodded, waved his hand to indicate that they don't need to be restrained, and then led the two women to sit on the sofa again.

"Have you recovered your strength? But it looks like you haven't rested enough."

Wei Anqi smiled and shook her head, then said:

"Thank you Mr. Hai for your concern, but we looked like we didn't rest well because we were worried for so many days, but now we are very relieved."

"Just now you said to sweep the zombies in the villa area, I think you have done it, so we are not so scared now."

Speaking of this, Hai Wuya also nodded, and then replied to Wei Anqi:

"Yes, the villa area has been swept now, and I will move the base to the villa area in some time."

"So you don't have to worry about your survival in the future. As long as you have the protection of the base, you can survive well in the end times."

Hai Wuya smiled and told the two about various things about the base. The purpose of doing this was to make the two full of longing for the base.

According to the previous system prompts, Hai Wuya knew that Wei Anqi was the kind of strong woman who felt that she was not inferior to boys in anything.

Of course, Wei Anqi is not a "female fist", but she thinks she has the ability to do better, so she is very strong.

Therefore, if you want to capture Wei Anqi, Hai Wuya thinks you can start by building a "goal". Once the other party becomes interested, Hai Wuya feels that it is a sure thing.

In the living room, Hai Wuya and the two talked about the future of the base, various development matters, and even talked about various systems of the base.

This base was originally completely under the control of Hai Wuya, so there is no doubt that Hai Wuya will serve as the "king" of the base.

Wei Anqi did not refute this point. Under the background of the end of the world today, strong rule is indeed needed to allow mankind to continue.

Therefore, Wei Anqi basically agrees with all of Hai Wuya's ideas. After all, the strong will be respected in the future, and all "democracy" is empty.

And as they talked, Wei Anqi seemed to have found the motivation to face the future, that is, to help Hai Wuya build a stable base to continue the fate of the human race in the future.

Wei Anqi took a deep breath and then said to Hai Wuya:

"Mr. Hai! You are really amazing. You can build a base with a thousand people from scratch by yourself!"

"I can even make a conclusion about the future.The entire Donghai City will regard you as a beacon of humanity!"

"So I have a request, that is, I want to help you wholeheartedly, to contribute to the base, to strive for hope for the human race!"

Wei Anqi looked firm, and looked at Hai Wuya with a sharp gaze, and the urgency he expressed was not concealed at all.

Hai Wuya smiled and nodded, and then said:

"Anqi, I know your ability, and I also affirm your determination."

"So I agreed to your request!"

"I hope you can do what you say in the future and contribute to the development of the base. "

Looking at Wei Anqi's serious and excited expression, Hai Wuya couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Although what he said to Wei Anqi was true and would definitely come true in the future, Hai Wuya could stay out of trouble no matter what the fate of mankind was.

Therefore, Hai Wuya only valued the development base, and didn't care much about saving the fate of mankind.

Time passed inadvertently, and soon it was noon.

Hai Wuya and the two women also had a very pleasant conversation, so he took out a few hot dishes from the space and enjoyed lunch with the two women. meal.

The food the two women got in the morning was industrial food. Although it tasted good, it was nothing compared to the hot dishes on the table today.

Su Qiao looked at the hot dishes and swallowed her saliva. Then she looked at Wei Anqi and Hai Wuya one after another. Although she was greedy for these foods, she did not move her chopsticks.

No matter who she was facing, her status was one level lower, so she knew her limits and did not say much.

Hai Wuya looked at the expressions of the two women and smiled, and then he said directly:

"Okay, don't be restrained, let's eat together. "

The two women couldn't help but flash joy in their eyes when they heard this, and then they looked at each other and began to stretch out their chopsticks.

The two women had high status before the end of the world, so they were accustomed to delicacies, but now after experiencing the baptism of the end of the world for a few days, they wanted to bite off their tongues when eating these delicacies.

Hai Wuya watched the two women's meal, and he ate slowly with a smile on his face the whole time.

After eating only a bowl of rice, Hai Wuya was full, and then he took out a bottle of fine red wine from the space, shook it in front of the two women, and asked:

"How about it, do you want to have a drink together?"

The two women looked at the bottle of red wine, and their eyes were full of surprise. Then the two women looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.

Wei Anqi couldn't help but chuckle, and then said to Hai Wuya excitedly:

"Okay, let's have a drink together! "

Su Qiao also said:

"Sister Qi, I didn't expect that we were still worried about life and death in the morning, but now we can sit down and eat delicious food and drink fine wine..."

"I am really grateful to Mr. Hai. I, Su Qiao, will definitely repay you for saving my life!"

"Yes, I will definitely repay you for saving my life and the delicious food and wine that Mr. Hai gave us!"

Wei Anqi also looked serious and said to Hai Wuya very seriously.

Hai Wuya smiled and nodded, then opened the bottle of red wine, poured a glass for all three people present, and then slowly said:

"I am looking forward to your repayment."

"Come on, let's toast to the future."

Hai Wuya raised his glass and smiled at the two women.

The two women looked at each other and smiled:

"Come on, toast to the future! "

As the three of them chatted and drank, a pleasant lunch was soon over.

After the meal, the two women were a little drunk, so Hai Wuya supported them appropriately and sent them to the room to rest.

The time is not yet ripe, so Hai Wuya is not in a hurry to conquer the two women immediately.

Hai Wuya actually had a premonition in his heart that if he spent another two days with them, everything would be smooth sailing, so he just let it go.

The two women in the room quickly fell asleep in the current environment, so Hai Wuya was ready to return to Yang Mi's villa. , go and bring them here.

Except for Lin Rourou who was going to be taken back to the base, Hai Wuya directly placed the other girls in the villa.

Because the relocation plan of the base has been determined, there is no need to let them all rush to the hotel.

Hai Wuya thought in his heart and soon arrived at Yang Mi's villa.

After another flash, Hai Wuya came directly to the living room on the second floor of Yang Mi's villa. At this moment, Lin Rourou and Zhao Min were reading books on the sofa in the living room to kill time.

Zhao Min is Lin Rourou's best friend and the daughter of that beautiful woman.

TheIt must be said that Zhao Min, apart from not having any talent, looks very good. She can be said to be a typical daughter of a wealthy family.

Therefore, Hai Wuya did not just treat her as an ordinary person in the base.

Instead, he wanted to raise her as a "pet" and let her live by his side.

The two women on the sofa were startled when they saw Hai Wuya suddenly appear, but they soon came to their senses.

Lin Rourou's expression was very happy. She didn't know why she felt very comfortable when she saw Hai Wuya.

As for Zhao Min, her expression was calm, with a little bit of indifference.

"Brother Hai, you are finally back!"

Lin Rourou got up and came to Hai Wuya, she looked very happy.

Hai Wuya pinched Lin Rourou's pretty face gently, and then asked casually:

"Why, do you miss me so much?"

Lin Rourou lowered her head slightly, and then said shyly:

"Well... no... but I feel very happy when I see you, I don't know why..."

After Lin Rourou finished speaking, she looked up at Hai Wuya carefully, and after seeing his half-smile, she snorted and ran away.

Hai Wuya shook his head, and then glanced at Zhao Min. After seeing that the other party had the same expression as before, he ignored her.

Hai Wuya turned around and walked towards the room where the "three people" rested last night.

Walking to Yang Mi's master bedroom, I only saw the beautiful woman shaking the quilt and tidying up the room.

The battle last night was actually very fierce, but thanks to Bai Rujie's tidying up, there were no traces of "battlefield remnants".

Yes, Bai Rujie is the name of the beautiful woman.

As Hai Wuya walked into the room, Bai Rujie turned around and said with a chuckle:

"You're back."

Hai Wuya nodded and responded with a smile:

"Well, the work was done smoothly."

"Have you had lunch?"

Bai Rujie nodded slightly, then turned around to continue to tidy up the bed, and said:

"I have eaten. The supplies you left are very rich. Thank you..."

Hai Wuya nodded and walked around the room but did not find Yang Mi.

Bai Rujie also knew what Hai Wuya was looking for, so she said:

"Miss Yang is sunbathing on the balcony. If you want to find her, you can go there to see her."

Hai Wuya raised his eyebrows and walked out of the room to the balcony.

Hai Wuya actually had nothing to do with looking for Yang Mi, but just to confirm the safety of everyone.

When he came to the balcony and found that Yang Mi was indeed squinting in the sun, Hai Wuya also walked closer.

Then Hai Wuya picked up Yang Mi and lay down on the sun lounger.

Hai Wuya embraced Yang Mi, and the other party also said with a scolding:

"What are you doing... Don't you see others basking in the sun..."

Yang Mi's tone was somewhat reproachful, but her body leaned into Hai Wuya's arms honestly.

However, there was a pair of hands that were not very honest.

Yang Mi took a deep breath, then snorted and said:

"Be gentle... They are still in the living room..."

Hai Wuya did not respond to this, but continued to work on his own.

There was nothing to do this afternoon, so Hai Wuya could relax and rest for a while, and the entertainment with Yang Mi at this moment made Hai Wuya feel very relaxed.

Time passed slowly, and soon Yang Mi was exhausted. She leaned in Hai Wuya's arms, squinting her eyes and enjoying it very much.

Although the world has changed, fortunately she met someone who can make her feel at ease.

Yang Mi no longer had any worries or fears about his future life. He only hoped that such a comfortable and pleasant life could continue forever.

And Hai Wuya also felt very comfortable at this moment.


It’s the tenth day of the first lunar month, slightly slightly slightly (σ≧︎▽︎≦︎)σ.

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