The cold wind was howling and biting. In front of the mall full of zombies, there was a figure standing.

Hai Wuya had just finished an experiment and observed the zombies for a while.

As for the mall in front of him, Hai Wuya felt that he could go in and harvest some.

Although there were a lot of stocks in Hai Wuya's space, the mall was right in front of him, and it wouldn't take much time to go in and harvest the supplies.

Therefore, Hai Wuya used the talent of the hurricane walker, merged himself into the air, and then flashed into the mall.

This mall is divided into five floors. Although the area is not large, because of the many floors, a lot of supplies can still be obtained by harvesting.

The first floor of the mall is a supermarket. Hai Wuya's first target must be this place. After harvesting the supplies in the supermarket, he will consider harvesting useful things.

The supermarket area on this floor almost occupies the entire first floor, so if all the things are harvested, it is still very important.

Hai Wuya flashed into the supermarket area, and then gradually put the supplies into the dimensional space.

Because the mall closes at around 10:30, there are no living people in the supermarket at this moment, and the number of zombies is also very rare, with only a few accidentally breaking in.

Hai Wuya successfully put all the supplies into the space, and if he encountered a zombie, he would kill it directly with the wind blade, so it can be said that there was no obstruction along the way.

About 20 minutes later, all the supplies in the supermarket were collected by Hai Wuya into the space.

The supplies in the entire department store were all taken away, which can be said to be a considerable amount, and Hai Wuya's stockpiling also increased a lot.

After casually checking the situation in the supermarket and finding that there was nothing missing, Hai Wuya left here directly.

On the first floor of this mall, in addition to a department store worth looting, the shops in the area are some clothes and various food stores.

Now that the power and water have been cut off for many days, the inventory in the store must be useless, so Hai Wuya directly skipped them and went to the clothing store.

In the end of the world, people also need to change clothes. Besides, Hai Wuya has so many wives. If he can give them more clothes to choose from, they will be very happy.

Because Hai Wuya doesn't like shopping, he really doesn't want to distinguish the various styles in these clothing stores.

After putting all the clothes and items into the dimensional space, Hai Wuya quickly left the first floor area and went to the second floor to see if there was anything worth harvesting.

The second floor is basically all about shopping for clothes and various food stores, so Hai Wuya just randomly searched a few stores and left the second floor.

Coming to the third floor, this is a place mainly for entertainment, various entertainment venues for children to play, and game halls where fun can be found in each section. In addition, there is a billiard table.

Hai Wuya touched his chin, thinking about whether to put all these things into the space.

When the base moves to the villa area in the future, there will definitely be vacant land, and then if you find a place to build a game venue, it will also increase the entertainment atmosphere in the base.

Thinking of this, Hai Wuya's mouth corners slightly raised, and he decided to put all these items into the space.

These things only need electricity to run, so Hai Wuya has no worries.

Of course, Hai Wuya also took away all the game coins that come with these entertainment devices.

When a complete trading chain is established in the base in the future, let the survivors exchange supplies for game coins.

Tsk tsk tsk, Hai Wuya couldn't help shaking his head when thinking about it.

Hai Wuya acted quickly, and after about ten minutes, all kinds of entertainment equipment in the entire third floor area had been looted.

Next, Hai Wuya went to the fourth floor. The fourth floor area was a bit interesting. It was an area with health as the theme.

For example, foot washing and massage, as well as various relaxing projects.

Of course, they must be legal relaxation projects.

But now for Hai Wuya, there is no interest at all.

If it was before the end of the world, Hai Wuya might have gone to this kind of relaxing place to spend money, but now he can't spend money even if he wants to...

Well, let's see if there are people in the base who will build this kind of entertainment place in the future.

Hai Wuya sighed lightly, and then went to the fifth floor area.

There are not many facilities in the fifth floor area. The film and television city alone occupies two-thirds of the area, and the other areas are just some "high-tech" experience halls.

But it's not interesting.

For this floor, Hai Wuya just glanced at it casually and lost interest.There was nothing worth looting in the cinema, so Hai Wuya's mall looting this time could be declared over.

Along the way, Hai Wuya only encountered zombies, and even a few mutant beasts, let alone encountering living people.

Hai Wuya casually killed the zombies blocking his way with a wind blade, and then quickly left the mall.

Harvesting the supplies in the mall was just a small episode. Next, Hai Wuya needed to return to the base to do business.

However, at the moment when Hai Wuya left the mall, a pair of dark eyes looked at his back.

But in a flash, the eyes disappeared directly.


It took Hai Wuya about twice as long to finally return to the hotel base after walking and stopping along the way.

At this moment, the time was gradually getting dark. It had been a day and a half since Hai Wuya left the hotel.

After looking at the wall outside the hotel and seeing no signs of attack, Hai Wuya nodded with relief.

Then Hai Wuya didn't stop and went straight to the hotel.

Taking the elevator, Hai Wuya quickly came to his floor area.

It was time for dinner, so Hai Wuya wanted to wait until everyone had dinner together before summoning Wang Yan Jinweima National Security to learn about what happened in the past two days.

After leaving the hotel with the combat team yesterday morning, Hai Wuya had not received any news, so he waited until after dinner to settle it.

Back in his suite, Hai Wuya only saw Luo Danxia, ​​who was fiddling with potted plants on the sofa at the moment, using her talent as before.

Luo Danxia's talent has the ability to revitalize organisms, so she has been experimenting with potted plants, wanting to master her talent more proficiently.

As Hai Wuya came to the living room, Luo Danxia didn't even notice him.

It wasn't until Hai Wuya came behind Luo Danxia and suddenly hugged her and held her entire upper body in his arms that she exclaimed and reacted.

"Who!... Hey, what are you doing..."

Luo Danxia was startled at first, but when she felt the familiar embrace, she turned her head and looked at Hai Wuya.

"Why didn't you tell me you were back? I was practicing my talent, didn't you see..."

Before Luo Danxia finished her words, Hai Wuya suddenly sealed her mouth.

After a while, Hai Wuya let go of the blushing Luo Danxia.

"Humph, you are still the most diligent in the base. I guess they are all playing now?"

Hai Wuya came to sit on the sofa, holding Luo Danxia and spoke casually.

Luo Danxia snorted when she heard this, and then continued to fiddle with the potted plants, while replying:

"Their talents are more inclined towards fighting, so they don't need to practice hard to have the power to protect themselves."

"But I'm different. Although my talent is S-level, my own combat ability is almost zero."

"So I want to control my talent more skillfully and see if there is any way to make up for my shortcomings."

Luo Danxia's tone was very serious, and Hai Wuya could hear that she really wanted to gain a self-protection ability.

But for now, Hai Wuya has no way to help Luo Danxia realize her vision.

Therefore, Hai Wuya hugged Luo Danxia even harder, and said in a very serious tone:

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

"I don't need you to be strong, although it's best to have a self-protective combat power, but you are special, so you don't have to worry too much."

"You can provide the greatest help to the base. In various future treatment events, only you can complete them."

Speaking of this, Luo Danxia suddenly came back to her senses, and then she said to Hai Wuya:

"By the way, didn't the combat team go out of the base yesterday? After they came back last night, some of them were injured to varying degrees."

"Although I have tried my best to treat them, there are still a few people who are too seriously injured, so..."

Luo Danxia's expression was a little depressed at the end. She felt that she didn't save them because she was not capable enough.

Hai Wuya frowned slightly when he heard this, but he certainly didn't mean to blame Luo Danxia. After all, injuries are inevitable when going out to sweep.

But since someone was seriously injured and even Luo Danxia couldn't save him?

"Can you tell me the specific reason why you couldn't save the dead gifted person?"

"I don't mean to blame you, and you don't have to blame yourself."

Luo Danxia still looked depressed after hearing this, but sheAfter thinking for a while, she said to Hai Wuya:

"Well... I remember those gifted people who were fatally injured but I couldn't save them because their wounds could not heal."

"Even if I use my talent to treat them continuously, I can't completely heal their wounds. Once I stop treating them, their wounds will become more serious."

"Although I tried my best to treat them in the end, they died last night."

Luo Danxia frowned and slowly told the situation of those people yesterday.

In fact, if ordinary zombies attack gifted people and the gifted people are infected with the virus, then Luo Danxia can successfully treat them.

But for some reason, the wounds of those people yesterday were obviously infected, but they could not be cured anyway.

Luo Danxia also asked Wang Yan and Jin Wei, but they didn't know. As for the parties involved, they were in a coma because of their wounds.

Luo Danxia told Hai Wuya all these situations. She wanted to know if Hai Wuya knew what was going on.

Hai Wuya frowned upon hearing this. How could he, who had no idea about the situation, know what was going on?

"I'll go to Wang Yan and Jin Wei to find out the situation tonight. Let's go to dinner now."

Hai Wuya stood up while speaking, and took Luo Danxia to the next suite.

After arriving next door, as expected, the girls in the living room were playing together again.

Looking at the girls' backs, Hai Wuya said:

"You guys are having so much fun. Did you even forget to eat dinner?"

Hai Wuya said as he walked towards the restaurant.

After hearing this, the girls all turned their heads to look at Hai Wuya, but they soon stopped caring about him and went back into the game.

Xia Xiaona, who was still watching the game, reminded them at the beginning:

"Okay, let's go to dinner first, and then we can play together after dinner!"

Xia Xiaoyu was the first to stand up and respond when she heard Xia Xiaona's words, and then the girls also stood up one after another and went to the dining table.

At the dining table, Hai Wuya took out several hot dishes from the space, and Luo Danxia also pushed the dining cart and brought the dinner provided by the kitchen.

After everyone looked at the table of hot dishes and the expressionless Hai Wuya, they didn't speak, and the atmosphere seemed a little silent.

Seeing this scene, Hai Wuya no longer frowned. As the master of the house, it is better not to be too serious.

After shaking his head, Hai Wuya said directly to everyone:

"Okay, let's start eating."

Hearing this, the girls started to eat, and Xia Xiaona said to Hai Wuya:

"Did you encounter any danger this time?"

"You walked for so long this time, longer than before..."

Hai Wuya chuckled and responded:

"It's nothing. With my strength, how could I encounter any danger? Don't worry."

"But since you care about me so much, I will give you some rewards later."

Hai Wuya smiled at Xia Xiaona, and it was self-evident what the reward was.

Xia Xiaona glared at Hai Wuya, then glanced in the direction of Xia Xiaoyu, and was slightly relieved when she saw that the other party didn't pay attention.

However, Ye Xue raised her head and looked back and forth between Xia Xiaona and Hai Wuya, but she didn't say much, just frowned slightly, and then continued to eat.

I don't know what happened, but after the reward was said, the atmosphere at the dinner table became a little subtle.

Hai Wuya looked at the expressions of the girls and laughed awkwardly, then quickly finished a bowl of rice and left the table.

If he stayed any longer, Hai Wuya felt that he would be examined invisibly, which made him uncomfortable.

After leaving the table, Hai Wuya prepared to summon Wang Yan, Jin Wei and Ma Guobao to learn about the situation of the combatants.


It's the twelfth day of the first lunar month, time flies so fast...

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