It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and Hai Wuya had already safely sent the four elders to the villa.

The Hai family villa is now full of Hai Wuya's wives, so the four elders will definitely move to another villa.

It's not that Hai Wuya doesn't let the elders live together, but they don't want to.

But for the time being, they will stay in the Hai family villa for a while, and then arrange the residence at night, such as directly requisitioning a villa next door.

After arranging the situation in the villa, Hai Wuya did not stay too long and turned back to the hotel area.

At this moment, the people in the hotel have probably walked some distance, so Hai Wuya only needs to return according to the route he has drawn, and then he can meet the main force.

Hai Wuya has walked the route he has drawn many times, so basically there will be no accidents.

As long as the crowd can move forward completely according to the command, there will be no mistakes. Hai Wuya still has sufficient confidence in the command ability of Ma Guobao and Wang Yanjinwei.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya also sped all the way.

About thirty minutes after leaving the hotel area, he finally saw a large army moving slowly one kilometer outside the hotel.

At this moment, the scene in front of him was a huge black hemisphere that was constantly moving forward.

The zombies along the way didn't care about the movement of the black sphere at all. Except for the zombies very close to the hemisphere, they noticed it a little bit, and the rest didn't have any abnormalities.

However, even those zombies who noticed it would be swallowed by the mucus in an instant and dissolved directly by the acidity of the mucus.

In fact, swallowing zombies would also provide some energy to the mucus lord, but the taste of zombies was too disgusting, so the mucus lord would not swallow zombies unless he had to.

Of course, the mutant beasts at this stage didn't taste much better, so the mucus lord had no interest in swallowing them.

Except for the mutant creatures that had to be dealt with along the way, the mucus lord didn't care at all.

As the slime controlled the barrier to move forward slowly, it suddenly sensed Hai Wuya's breath moving forward. Finally, after two breaths, Hai Wuya came to the front of the slime lord.

The slime lord can directly attach to the barrier, but it can only walk in human form because of Hai Wuya's order.

At this moment, with the appearance of Hai Wuya, the slime lord just wanted to stop, but Hai Wuya said with his mind:

"Don't stop, keep going."

Hai Wuya communicated with the slime lord, and then flashed behind it, which was also next to Ma Guobao.

Ma Guobao walked at the front of the team, and Wang Yan and Jin Wei patrolled in the middle area and the back area respectively.

As for the battle team of more than 100 people, they were guarding the edge area in a circular formation.

After several temperings, although the strength of the battle team was still insufficient in Hai Wuya's opinion, it was more than enough to deal with ordinary zombies.

If it wasn't for the need to protect ordinary people, and it was just for the combat team to migrate, then there would not even be a need for the slime lord to come out and create a barrier.

At this moment, the crowd was moving forward steadily, and no accidents occurred because of Hai Wuya's sudden appearance.

Hai Wuya came to Ma Guobao and walked synchronously, signaling him not to stop, and asked:

"How is it, no accidents?"

Ma Guobao shook his head after hearing this, and then slowly told all the situations along the way.

"Master, I didn't encounter any danger, but some roads are not wide. If it is not very extreme to pass through, there may be riots inside the barrier."

"If the width of some roads ahead is less than 50 meters, then it is estimated that it will be troublesome, but if the barrier can be deformed, it can actually solve it..."

Ma Guobao said it was true. After all, the road to the villa area is so far away that it is impossible for all wide roads to be wide. There are actually many small roads and corners that are difficult to pass.

However, after listening to this, Hai Wuya shook his head and chuckled, then said:

"Don't worry about this, the barrier can be controlled to deform. When you really encounter that kind of narrow road, you just need to organize the crowd to pass through."

"As for the rest of the affairs, just leave it to the slime lord in front. I have already instructed him before."

After getting Hai Wuya's guarantee, Ma Guobao was really relieved. Then he smiled at Hai Wuya and started chatting with him.

While the crowd was moving forward steadily,At this time, in a building not far in front of the barrier, there were several men who looked very fierce, staring at this side.

"Boss, that black hemisphere has been moving forward, there must be something rare inside!"

"In the TV that I used to watch, isn't it in this kind of scene that a peerless treasure will appear?"

"Once the boss gets the treasure, combined with your powerful strength, the entire apocalypse will be under your control, right!?"

In a French window of the building, a flattering man with eyes was talking to the muscular man next to him.

And next to the two men, there were also several men with gloomy faces. After hearing the flattery of the man with eyes, they all took over and expressed their admiration for the muscular man.

And the muscular man listened to the flattery of the people around him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

He was originally the security captain of this building. After the end of the world, he awakened his C-level talent. His combat power can be said to be far superior to those around him. Therefore, relying on his understanding of this building, he quickly became the ruler of this building.

There are still dozens of survivors in this building, all living under his rule.

However, although his talent is C-level and he has the strength to conquer the building, there are still many places that he has not explored.

He can't even fully control the building, let alone go out to venture.

But now this strong man is quite satisfied with the current situation. Anyway, he is accompanied by the boss's secretary every day, and the supplies are temporarily sufficient.

So even though everyone around him is praising him, he is still a little hesitant. After all, he is far less powerful than his younger brothers say.

If he goes out to attack the black hemisphere and something unexpected happens, resulting in his death, it will be a loss.

He hasn't enjoyed his boss's beautiful secretary enough, not to mention that there are several beauties that he hasn't succeeded in getting...


Is it okay to want to generate electricity for love?


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