Inside the mucus barrier, everyone was resting.

Hai Wuya scanned the surroundings and saw that there was nothing special, so he told Ma Guobao:

"I'll go search the supermarket here, you just need to lead the team forward steadily, and you don't have to wait for me when the rest time comes."

Ma Guobao nodded immediately after receiving the order, and then responded:

"Okay, young master, but we may encounter similar situations along the way. Should we pay attention to it?"

Hai Wuya pondered for a moment, then said directly:

"Next time you encounter a similar situation, just leave it to the venom, it will solve it perfectly."

After all, the mucus lord's desire for food is endless. At most, he can't eat it, but he will still enjoy the decomposition process.

When Ma Guobao heard this answer, he immediately recalled the scene just now.

The psychological shadow caused by the mucus lord to everyone just now is very large.

For example, the slime lord used slime tentacles to dissolve and devour the corpse directly, which caused a very severe psychological shadow impact on Ma Guobao and other people present.

Therefore, he certainly had no objection to the strength of the slime lord.

After seeing the other party's expression, Hai Wuya did not say anything more and turned around and left the slime barrier.

Next, he would go to search the large supermarkets around. As for how long it would take, it is not known yet, but it would be able to increase a lot of inventory.

Hai Wuya is very interested and willing to search for supplies. After all, there are so many wives to support at home, and the future development of the base is inseparable from the supply of sufficient supplies.

Let alone whether the supplies are useful or not, they are definitely indispensable. After all, when the combat team goes out to perform tasks, their return rewards also need to be rewarded with supplies.

So considering all factors, Hai Wuya has a full need to search for more supplies.

Besides, now he is idle anyway, so he might as well do something more meaningful.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya quickly rushed to the supermarket.

Now that the apocalypse has been here for a long time, the survivors in various places also need to eat, so there are traces of human looting in supermarkets of all sizes.

What's more, after entering the supermarket directly, they regard the supermarket as a survival base.

Of course, to be able to do this, you must be a gifted person, and your strength is not weak.

Otherwise, ordinary people can't even beat ordinary zombies, let alone occupy a supermarket.

And the door of a large supermarket that Hai Wuya came to at this moment is obviously an occupied territory.

For example, the defense facilities at the entrance of the supermarket and the detection equipment on the second floor of the supermarket all indicate that there is a group of survivors in the supermarket in front of you.

Although I don't know how strong the people here are, they can occupy such a large place and establish a relatively complete defense system, so the leader must be a gifted person.

But whether it is a gifted person or not, it doesn't matter to Hai Wuya, because he can defeat all enemies, let alone the supermarket in front of him.

Hai Wuya stood in front of the supermarket gate, but he didn't rush in directly. Instead, he observed the facilities here.

But during the time Hai Wuya stayed, the scouts on the second floor of the supermarket discovered Hai Wuya, an outsider.

The scouts immediately reported the situation to the leader, and then shouted to Hai Wuya from the window on the second floor:

"Hey, the kid in front, if you don't want to die, leave here quickly!"

"Otherwise, when our boss comes out, you'll be dead!"

The scout shouted loudly to Hai Wuya, and at the same time, he checked the situation around him with some vigilance, because he wanted to be on guard against whether Hai Wuya had teammates or partners.

After all, in the end times, everyone went out together, and no one dared to go out alone, otherwise they would only become food for the zombies.

As for the shouts on the second floor of the supermarket, Hai Wuya did not respond. He looked at the source of the sound and knew clearly that he had been detected.

But Hai Wuya didn't care, because he was going to use space transfer to directly enter the supermarket. Although he could directly blow open the door, it would create unnecessary trouble.

As Hai Wuya suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye, the personnel investigating on the second floor of the supermarket were also suddenly startled. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. After confirming that the person had disappeared again and again, he couldn't help but murmured:

"What's going on? I was indeed alone outside just now. Could it be that I didn't control myself last night, which led to hallucinations today?...?"

The investigator was a little confused, but he suddenly remembered that he had reported to the leader, but now there was no one, would he say that he was lying?

If the leader determined that it was a false report, then he would be in trouble!


After Hai Wuya used the space transfer, he came directly to the inside of the supermarket.

At this moment, the inside of the supermarket was still very quiet. At least around Hai Wuya on the first floor, there was no one at all.

Presumably, the small group occupying this supermarket should live on the second floor or there. Anyway, they are very confident in the defense facilities outside the supermarket, resulting in no reconnaissance measures on the first floor.

And in this first floor area today, the items on the shelves have basically not changed. Except for a few shortages, they are basically the same as before the end of the world.

Based on this, Hai Wuya knew that the group occupying this supermarket should not be large, otherwise the consumption of supplies would not be so slow.

After observing the surrounding environment for a while, Hai Wuya did not There was no need to think about anything else, but to use his supernatural power to put the items side by side into the space.

After harvesting the supplies on the first floor, it would not be too late to harvest on the second floor.

Thinking in his heart, Hai Wuya did not stop, and soon a large number of supplies disappeared out of thin air and were all taken away by Hai Wuya.

At the corner of the second floor deep in the first floor, a man was waking up from a nap.

This man was the guard on the first floor. It was time to change shifts, so after he was woken up by the alarm, he rubbed his eyes and stood up.

According to the usual practice, the guard glanced around and when he found that there was no problem, he was ready to return to the second floor.

However, when he turned around, he suddenly saw from the corner of his eyes that a small piece of supplies on the shelf disappeared out of thin air?

The guard was suddenly startled, then turned around quickly, and then he saw an even more shocking scene.



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