
Xiao Yan drove the chariot forward at full speed in the passage.

Xiao Yan was very eager to get the thing that could upgrade the chariot, so he was focused on rushing forward all the way, and didn't care about the situation around and behind him at all.

The chariot was running on the road, and some micro-organisms were living in the grass beside the road. They were blown down by the hurricane brought by the chariot, and were frightened by three humans after one or two minutes.

Hai Wuya and the two women followed the chariot all the way, and the distance was only one or two minutes away. They couldn't follow too close, but they couldn't fall behind too far.

Otherwise, they might not catch up, or miss a few small opportunities.

The two women had no more expressions of amazement at this moment, because the environment in the passage was basically the same, and there was nothing worth paying attention to.

The only thing that made the two women look forward to now was the monsters that could enhance their strength after killing them. Seeing the scenes in front of them repeating, they didn't say much.

After all, Hai Wuya was on his way with a serious face, and they just had to follow him without causing trouble. They knew this.

After walking for about ten minutes, Hai Wuya finally stopped.

The reason was that there was a group of flowers walking upright not far ahead, blocking the road ahead.

And those flowers in front looked like monsters. After all, there were no other special creatures in the secret realm except monsters.

Hai Wuya brought the two women to stop outside the attack range, and then said to the two women:

"The one in front is a monster, you stand here and observe it first."

After saying this, Hai Wuya directly used the exploration eye to check the information of the monster in front.

[Name: Flower Demon]

[Race: Demon]

[Ability: This creature has a strong self-healing ability. If it cannot be killed directly in a short period of time, it will quickly recover. At the same time, its strength will be enhanced in the grass and other environments. At the same time, it can control different plants to attack with different powers according to its own strength. ]

[Strength Rating: F+ (For ordinary talents, it is an extremely difficult monster. It is recommended to use fire or ice to restrain talents to attack, so that the damage caused will be more powerful.)]

[Kill to gain experience: 3 (only for F-level talents.)]

After reading the information about this Flower Demon, Hai Wuya's heart can be said to be calm.

Because with his strength, he can basically kill F-level monsters in large quantities, so he has no worries at all.

What's more, killing these monsters in front can also provide himself with 3 experience points. Considering the number of Flower Demons, there is no problem in adding hundreds of experience points to himself.

After learning the information about the monsters, Hai Wuya turned around and said to the two women who were still observing:

"Don't run around, I'll go and get rid of all the monsters in front."

After the voice fell, Hai Wuya ignored the reactions of the two women and went straight ahead.

As Hai Wuya rushed through the forbidden line, the flower demons immediately reacted and then attacked Hai Wuya together.

Some flower demons controlled the vines to attack, while others attacked forward by themselves. In short, they attacked Hai Wuya in all directions.

Hai Wuya stopped to meet their attack, and then gathered lightning in his hands and started to kill happily.

The lethality of lightning to plants can be said to be stronger than that of fire.

So Hai Wuya directly possessed the electromagnetic law master, and thunder blasted out with a wave of his hand. Once the flower demons were hit by thunder, they would wail in pain in an instant, and then struggle to death.

And because the thunder is a range damage, Hai Wuya can kill monsters very easily, and most of these flower monsters were killed in an instant.

The two women were stunned and speechless when they saw this explosive scene.

Su Qiao widened her eyes and said to Wei Anqi in shock:

"Sister Qi! Mr. Hai can actually summon thunder and lightning! And it seems that he is stronger than you!"

"Oh my God! Mr. Hai is really omnipotent, so amazing!"

Hearing Su Qiao's words, Wei Anqi's eyes were also bright. She looked at Hai Wuya's fighting back and unconsciously felt admiration in her heart.

Of course, she has not realized it yet, she just feels that she respects Hai Wuya more and more, and is more looking forward to the future.

After all, if she can follow the footsteps of "God", her future will be bright.

JustWhile the two women were thinking differently, Hai Wuya's progress in killing the Flower Demon had come to an end.

Now Hai Wuya's 'blue bar' was very sufficient, and he only consumed about one-third of it to kill the entire group of Flower Demons.

Looking at the charred corpses on the ground, Hai Wuya didn't care too much. After the reminder sound of several hundred experience points was heard, Hai Wuya turned around and quickly came to the two women.

At this moment, the two women were shocked. Hai Wuya didn't say much, and took them to continue chasing Xiao Yan.

And Xiao Yan in front had come to a circular area full of thorns. The area was very gloomy and weird, which made people shudder unconsciously.

Xiao Yan stayed in the control room of the chariot. After observing the situation around him, he frowned and felt a little tricky.

It's not that he is afraid of the environment here, but because he has no idea where to start. He doesn't know how to get the opportunity reward.

His talent and chariot upgrade system only told him that the opportunity was nearby, but he didn't see anything special after checking around.

Xiao Yan's chariot upgrade system and talent both provided the location of the ore, but this place was full of thorns, and there was nothing else worth noting.

At this moment, Xiao Yan felt very headache, because his own strength was very ordinary, just a little stronger than the physical fitness of normal people.

But other than that, he didn't have any special abilities, so he didn't dare to leave the chariot to explore the situation nearby.

After all, there were dangers everywhere in the secret realm, and he didn't dare to risk his life to explore, which led to him being in a very embarrassing situation now.

But in the end, the flame of revenge in his heart was too strong. Xiao Yan took the only remaining flashlight and a hatchet, opened the car door and came into this weird space.

He illuminated the surroundings to check the situation, and after confirming that there was no danger for the time being, he began to slowly explore the surroundings.


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Seeking power for love, Xiao Niu really wants to either...

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