
Mikami Yuya?

These two seemingly unrelated names really don't make sense to others.

But Will and Mikami Tanashita are familiar with each other.

Will came here to find Ivanka, and Mikami Tanashita was originally sent to find Mikami Yuya, but under the pressure of the Eagle Sauce, he was forced to follow Will to find Ivanka.

But who knew that Ivanka and Mikami Yuya were both caught by Lin Chen.

"You, what did you say? Miss Mikami Yuya was caught by you." Even Mikami Tanashita, who was enduring the pain, asked.

"You little brat, be careful with your words. What do you mean by being caught by me? It was obviously she who followed me." Lin Chen always felt that the man in front of him was a bit like a dog, so he took out the mobile phone from his clothes.

"Look, am I lying to you?" It turned out that Mikami Yuya and Su Yun had taken photos and private photos together when they had nothing to do during this period, and even took photos together when Lin Chen came back.

So when Mikami Tanaka saw his secret crush taking photos with Lin Chen so intimately, it was so painful.

It hurt more than being pierced through the body.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Nothing is impossible." Lin Chen said lightly: "Okay, my Fei'er has something to ask me, so I won't accompany you."

After speaking, Lin Chen turned around and left.

"F**k, although I am dead, Eagle Sauce will send someone to deal with you..."

But before he finished speaking, Lin Chen suddenly moved. He moved his mind slightly, and an invisible spiritual force instantly enveloped Will and Mikami Tanaka. The two felt an irresistible force instantly tearing their bodies apart, and then their bodies turned into blood foam and dissipated in the air.

However, at the moment their bodies dissipated, Will used up his last bit of strength to send out Lin Chen's coordinates.

He knew that he could no longer escape Lin Chen's killer, but he hoped that Eagle Sauce could avenge him.

At the same time, in the iconic white building of the Eagle Sauce Empire, an old man with white hair sat upright, listening attentively to the reports of his subordinates.

This old man is one of the core decision-makers of the Eagle Sauce Empire, and has a very high status and power.

However, a hasty sound of pushing the door broke the silence in the room.

The old man raised his head unhappily, and the flames of dissatisfaction flashed in his cold eyes. He said in a deep voice: "Robert, is there anything that can't wait for me to finish listening before coming in?"

Robert pushed open the door, with a horrified expression on his face.

He walked up to the old man and said in a trembling voice: "Sir, I brought an S-level message."

"S-level?" The old man frowned, and his tone revealed a solemnity. He knew what the S-level message represented, which was important intelligence related to the safety of the country.

Robert took a deep breath and continued, "Will died in the battle, but the news he sent back is very valuable. According to his description, Lin Chen's strength has reached the level of a Tianluo candidate."

"Tianluo?" The old man heard this and suppressed his anger.

The old man knew what Tianluo meant.

The strongest fighting force of the Dragon Kingdom, although less in number than the super strong men of the Eagle Sauce, is a pain in the old man's heart in terms of strength.

A young Tianluo candidate with such a fast growth rate, even if the Eagle Sauce, White Bear and other major empires knew about it, they would want to kill it in the cradle early.

Otherwise, once he becomes a real Tianluo, the strength of the Dragon Kingdom will rise. When it comes to a war between countries, the strength of a Tianluo can even determine the victory or defeat of the war.

"Send those two of mine out," the old man said slowly, his voice so calm as if he was talking about a trivial matter, "there can't be any more accidents. Otherwise, Robert, you don't have to appear in front of me anymore."

Robert's legs trembled involuntarily. He tried to stand firm, but the power of fear was too strong. Finally, he knelt on the ground with a "thump", and cold sweat poured down his forehead.

"Yes... yes, sir!" Robert replied tremblingly, his voice full of fear and awe, "I will definitely do this well and will never let you down again!"

But in his heart, he was thinking that those two had not come out for many years, and the price they paid this time was probably very high.


At this moment, Lin Chen had already brought Liu Feier back to the headquarters of Tianluodiwang.

At first glance, this headquarters is not much different from ordinary buildings. If it weren't for the huge power behind it, Lin Chen might have mistaken it for a pyramid scheme organization.

However, he did not pay too much attention to these superficial things, because as soon as he entered the headquarters, he discovered a whole different world.As soon as they entered the door, many female superpowers surrounded them. Their buttocks were plump and their breasts were even more proud.

They greeted Liu Feier enthusiastically. Some curiously asked whether the mission was completed, and some teased Lin Chen behind Liu Feier.

"Captain Feier, you are back? How was the mission completed?"

"Feier, is this handsome guy your new friend? Why don't you introduce him to everyone?"

"Wow, this handsome guy is so handsome, Feier, you are really hiding it deep. You don't share such a handsome husband with everyone!"


Faced with everyone's teasing, Liu Feier's face flushed slightly, but she was very happy in her heart.

She has a reputation for both strength and beauty in Tianluodiwang, so she is loved by many people.

However, this love sometimes turns into a complicated emotion.

Some people regard Liu Feier as the goddess of Tianluodiwang, so when she gets closer to other men, it will cause jealousy and dissatisfaction in some people. This emotion was particularly evident when he saw Lin Chen, the handsome new face.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also said directly: "Hello everyone, I am Liu Fei'er's husband Lin Chen, and I am very happy to meet you all. Thank you for your love for Liu Fei'er. If there are still people who are interested in Liu Fei'er, then I'm sorry, you can only watch."

The people who gathered around included female psychics and male psychics.

And Lin Chen also saw early that Liu Fei'er was really charming, otherwise why would he feel some hostile eyes as soon as he came out.

However, these eyes were not strong, and Lin Chen did not take it seriously at all.

Just as Liu Fei'er was chatting with everyone and slowly walking towards the headquarters building, an unfriendly voice came over.

"Fei'er, you've changed. I, Chen Keyu, have misjudged you. I didn't expect that you, like other women, also like gigolos."

"Don't you know that now that the end of the world is coming, you can't live long with a so-called gigolo?"

"I originally thought that you would find a man better than me, so I could accept it even if I was angry, but why did you find a gigolo!"

Lin Chen and others heard this and immediately looked up, and what came into view was a burly figure.

The big man had muscles all over his body, as if he was cast from steel, and every step he took was filled with a heavy sense of power.

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