Just as Lin Chen was intoxicated with admiring the beauty of the two beauties, Li Wei and Vivian, the two beauties showed a rare tacit understanding and cleverness.

They looked at each other, as if they had a telepathic connection, and then they jumped up lightly and landed gracefully in front of Lin Chen.

Looking at their sudden actions, Lin Chen couldn't help but raise one corner of his mouth and smiled meaningfully. He asked curiously: "What do you want to do?"

"Master Lin Chen," Li Wei and Vivian said in unison with a firm look, "We want to be your women."

This sentence surprised Lin Chen, because it was completely beyond his expectations and was not his instruction or suggestion.

He secretly wondered in his heart, wondering what kind of new trick this sudden confession was, or what new ability their superpowers had evolved.

However, this sudden confession angered the ancestor of the Chen family not far away.

He was already confused by Lin Chen's ability to make all his Chen family members recognize him as their master, and now this sudden "betrayal" made him even more furious.

The voice of the Chen family ancestor was full of anger, and it came from afar:

"Lin Chen, you are so shameless! It's okay that you don't have martial ethics, but now you dare to hit my woman. Tell me, what is your purpose? As long as you let my woman go, I can pretend that nothing happened today, otherwise you can prepare to accept the anger of the Chen family and the forces behind them."

Although the Chen family ancestor did not spend a long time with these two concubines, only a few decades, their charm far exceeded all his previous wives.

It was precisely because of their unique charm that the Chen family ancestor would take concubines again after so many years.

When Li Wei heard the angry words of the Chen family ancestor, she stood up without hesitation and refuted him in a firm and resolute tone. She had her back to Lin Chen, and her graceful figure seemed to be building a solid barrier for Lin Chen. At the same time, her words brought an unprecedented shock to the Chen family ancestor.

Li Wei sneered and said, "Old Ancestor, how dare you say such things? You have lived for so many years. In addition to letting your first wife give birth to children, have you let other wives have children? I have to say that your ability in that area has long faded, and may even be gone. But you just don't believe this evil, and you take medicine crazily, take concubines crazily, and ruin countless innocent girls."

Her words revealed deep disappointment and anger, and continued: "I was really blind before, I actually fell in love with you, thinking you were so powerful. But in fact? I will know after a try, you are not good at all. I have been married to you for so many years, but I am still a virgin. This is simply a joke."

Li Wei's words became more and more sharp, and she accused bluntly: "I advise you to hide quickly, otherwise I will definitely scold you to death. Did you hear it? Old Ancestor? Are you deaf? If you hear it, reply!"

While Li Wei was speaking, Lin Chen noticed that her words contained a unique energy.

This energy made him curious, so he subconsciously used the system to identify Li Wei and Vivian.

[Name: Li Wei]

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 46

Quality: Stunning

Occupation: The eldest daughter of the Li family in Donghai

Appearance: 91

Body: 96

Power: A-level ice power

Level: Level 7 power user

Overall evaluation: 94

[Name: Vivian]

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 46

Quality: Stunning

Occupation: The second daughter of the Li family in Donghai

Appearance: 91

Body: 95

Power: A-level ice power

Level: Level 7 power user

Overall evaluation: 93

It would have been better if he hadn't tried it. Once he tried it, Lin Chen was shocked.

These two people are actually power users.

In other words, this is the first time he has met a female power user of a relatively high level.

No wonder when the two women jumped over, their white skin and necks were covered with beads of sweat, and their chests were still panting. They were obviously martial artists.

"Li! Wei! Go! Die!!!!"

The roar of the Chen family ancestor came from not far away, and his voice was full of coldness and murderous intent.

For the Chen family ancestor, as a man, he could tolerate the slander and attacks of others, but when this attack and slander came from his concubine, this humiliation made him unbearable.

He would rather choose to destroy her than accept this betrayal.

As the Chen family ancestor's voice fell, Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and looked sharply not far away.

I saw a black shadow approaching quickly, it was the Chen family ancestor who had been hiding before.

His face was full of anger and hideousness, obviously beingLi Wei's words completely angered him.

He rushed towards Lin Chen and Li Wei at an accelerated speed, obviously preparing to get rid of Li Wei, the "spendthrift woman" first.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen's face sank slightly. He didn't expect that a few words would force the Chen family ancestor to show up.

His mind moved, and his thoughts turned slightly. Suddenly, several purple lightning guns surrounded him, making a hissing sound, lightning and thunder.

He went forward fearlessly, ready to fight with the Chen family ancestor.

"Ancestor, why are you so impatient?"

Lin Chen said disdainfully, "Look at you, you are not young anymore, but you are forced to show up by a weak woman."

The Chen family ancestor stared at Lin Chen with a fierce look in his eyes, and the gloomy voice shocked Li Wei, who had just spoken wildly. He stared at Lin Chen fiercely, as if he wanted to tear him apart with his eyes.

However, when the Chen family ancestor faced Lin Chen's unusual purple lightning spear attack, his face suddenly changed.

In the first contact with Lin Chen, he had already felt the unusualness of this purple lightning.

Although he was also a lightning power user, there was indeed a big gap between different lightning.

The Chen family ancestor hurriedly mobilized the power in his body for defense, but it was too late.


A loud noise erupted in the sky, and the power like a volcanic eruption caught the Chen family ancestor off guard.

He was hit hard by Lin Chen's lightning spear, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body fell to the ground like a meteor.

Lin Chen now uses the 7th level purple thunder and the mental power comparable to that of a 9th level power user, and his strength can almost reach the first level of martial king in a short time.

However, this Chen family ancestor is still just an ordinary 9th level power user. Although there is only one level difference between a power user and a martial king, it is also extremely huge.

If he had not been angered by Li Wei's words just now, Lin Chen would not have found him so easily.

Of course, this is all later.

At this time, the Chen family ancestor was in a miserable state. Where was the dignity of the ancestor?

He lay on the ground with disheveled hair, spitting blood from his mouth, his heart full of regret and unwillingness.

He was careless. He should not have exposed himself because of a woman's words.

However, it was too late to regret. The Chen family ancestor struggled to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and began to look for a way to escape.

He knew that he was not Lin Chen's opponent. In the face of absolute strength, any strategy was futile.

"Lin Chen, if you let me go, I will return Chen Lili to you! Otherwise, the dwarves will not let you go!"

Seeing Lin Chen suddenly attack, his heart tightened and he said hurriedly.

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