After a brief confrontation, the zombie camp was obviously hit hard, and their number decreased sharply, at least by more than half.

Han Yue stood on the solid wall, overlooking the zombies that were collapsing below, with calmness and determination in his eyes.

The corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile of the Dragon King, which was a symbol of victory and confidence.

The scene in front of her seemed to reproduce the classic scene in the movie, where humans rose up in despair and finally defeated the terrifying zombies and successfully defended their homes.

Han Yue was full of relief. It seemed that they really defended it this time.

However, in this brief peace and relief, an inexplicable sense of crisis quietly approached.

Among the zombies, a female zombie in a white suit was particularly eye-catching.

She bit her red lips lightly and said softly in an almost inaudible voice: "Corpse explosion!"

Although her voice was subtle, it seemed that only the zombies around her could detect it, but these two short words seemed to contain endless power.

Then, the zombies that had just been piled up under the wall suddenly exploded without any warning.

The rumbling explosions came one after another, and the zombies exploded one after another, producing amazing destructive power.

Although the wall was temporarily built with the efforts of everyone, and the thickness reached several meters, it collapsed instantly under this huge explosive force.

You know, such a wall may not be destroyed even if it is bombarded for an hour with a 60mm large-caliber cannon, but now, just because of a word from the female zombie, it disappeared in an instant.

Such a display of supernatural powers stunned everyone present, even Lin Chen, who had experienced many battles, was stunned.

He said in shock: "The simultaneous explosion of these thousands of zombies is as powerful as the simultaneous detonation of several tons of TNT explosives. Such a "corpse explosion" ability is really terrible."

Indeed, such an explosion almost makes people have no time to react, and once it is triggered, they can only passively accept the fate of death.

And now, they have to face this sudden catastrophic consequence.


A terrified scream broke the silence. Some people had not yet recovered from their shock. Then, after a wail, they were engulfed by the flames of the bomb and turned into a ball of sparks.

"Hurry, run!"

Han Yue watched the bodies turn into ashes in the explosion. He shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to get the people around him to escape from this catastrophe.

However, his shouting seemed to come too late. When the wall collapsed in the explosion, the entire North Gate had turned into a ruin.

The North Gate no longer existed, leaving only broken walls and smoke.

In this catastrophe, except for those with special abilities like Han Yue, whose bodies were strong enough to withstand the impact of the explosion, ordinary people were almost unsuccessful once they were exposed to the explosion.

Their lives were engulfed by the ruthless explosion in an instant, and they didn't even have the chance to call for help.

Han Yue stared at the ruins in front of him, his heart full of helplessness and grief.

"Sister Yue, are you okay?"

Han Fei, Han Xue and others exclaimed. They saw the north gate was destroyed in an instant, and immediately dropped their work and rushed to Han Yue.

Han Yue is the strongest psychic in their base, and her safety is directly related to the survival of the entire base.

If they lose Han Yue, then this base is basically equivalent to being sentenced to death.

"What are you doing here? Go back and guard your posts!"

Han Yue was helped up by the crowd, with a reproachful tone, "If the zombies attack again, our base will be really finished."

"It's okay, Sister Yue."

Han Xue said with a smile, "Look, after the zombie explosion this time, many zombies who didn't have time to escape were also killed. Now the remaining zombies don't dare to attack our base easily."

"Yes, Sister Yue."

Han Fei also said lightly, "The zombies are almost blown up now. Only the female zombie opposite is with some remnants. They can't make any big waves."

Indeed, in the corpse explosion just now, countless zombies and zombie corpses were blown to ashes in an instant.

However, at this moment, the female zombie opposite was staring at her slender jade hand, and didn't seem to care about the decrease in the number of zombies.

Suddenly, the female zombie's red cheeks moved slightly, and she whispered: "Summon the zombie berserkers!"

Then, a huge black vortex appeared in front of her.

As soon as the black vortex opened, countless zombies rushed out of the vortex like hungry wolves.

They were waving their claws and teeth, with hideous faces, as if they were going to swallow up the whole world..

Seeing this scene, Han Xue and the others couldn't help but scream and subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

This was not because they were really afraid of this zombie berserker, but it was an instinctive reaction of humans when facing terrifying things.

At the same time, Lin Chen in the air behaved completely differently.

Not only was he not afraid, but he was also a little curious about this zombie berserker.

He observed that the appearance and combat effectiveness of this zombie berserker seemed to be comparable to the zombies he summoned.

However, this was not the most shocking thing.

The eyes of the zombie berserker seemed to emit red light, and it stared at Han Xue and others fiercely, as if it wanted to tear them into pieces.

"Don't be afraid, everyone,"

Han Xue mustered up the courage to comfort everyone, "We have just successfully defeated such zombies. Hurry up and bring the remaining cannons over. I don't believe that any zombie can withstand the power of the cannon."

Despite this, Han Xue's words did not completely eliminate the fear of everyone.

The collapse of the north gate wall has completely shaken their hearts.

Especially those ordinary people fighting on the wall, they witnessed the sacrifice of their families and friends, and the fear and grief in their hearts are beyond words.

Some of them are men in their families, some are elderly in their families, and some are even sons in their families. But what about now?

But what about now?

One by one, the bloody lives are completely gone.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The zombie berserkers rushed out of the vortex, and as soon as they stepped out of the vortex, they rushed towards the north gate wall that no longer existed.

They seemed to understand that as long as they broke through this line of defense, they could slaughter at will.

At this moment, the north gate was already in vain, and the unobstructed city gate was like an open gate to hell, inviting the zombies to pour in.

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