"Hello, my friend. I am the king of the dwarves, Uncle Bronzebeard. If we are destined to be together, you can become my apprentice and call me Master."

King Bronzebeard said kindly, and at the same time extended his right hand to Lin Chen to show his friendship.

Lin Chen was looking around curiously, and after hearing what King Bronzebeard said.

He turned his head and looked at the short but extraordinary king.

He smiled politely and replied, "Hello, King Bronzebeard. My name is Lin Chen. I don't think we need to rush into the matter of becoming your disciple. After all, this is our first meeting and we don't know each other very well. You don't want to take someone of unknown identity as your disciple, right? So, King, let's take a long-term view on this matter."

After hearing this, King Bronzebeard laughed out loud, "Hahaha, you are quite interesting. The humans I have met either look down on my dwarf figure or stay away from me. You are the first one who dares to talk to me like this. Not bad, not bad, I really didn't make a mistake about you. I am not used to your temper."

King Bronzebeard paused and asked curiously, "However, I really want to know how you brought the precious daughter of the kid from the Dark Iron Tribe here? That kid is a daughter slave, "Lin Chen listened to this, and frowned slightly. He said lightly:" King, I am grateful for you to take me out of the terrible space storm, but it seems that it is not appropriate to ask others' privacy. " Come, go back to the iron furnacebao with me, you will like it. "He said carefully, and then looked at Lin Chen again, and then said," Don't rush to reject me. "Lin Chen heard this and moved in his heart. He had heard of the extraordinary skills of the dwarves in the mech manufacturing long ago, and it can even be said to be a long time. "Okay, I'll go to Ironforge with you."

Lin Chen agreed without hesitation.

"Haha, I knew you would say that."

King Bronzebeard seemed very happy.

"Come on, let's go. The adventures and treasures of Ironforge are waiting for you!"


After accepting King Bronzebeard's cordial invitation.

Lin Chen took Moira with him and embarked on the journey to Ironforge.

Ironforge, a mecha holy land with a high reputation among the dwarves, has an irresistible attraction for all dwarves who aspire to become forging masters.

According to King Bronzebeard, Ironforge holds a grand forging competition every year, and all kinds of exquisite mechas, armors and weapons will be unveiled here.

However, mechas are always the main attraction of the competition.

After all, for short dwarves, putting on mechas and immediately turning into giants several meters high, this shocking experience is undoubtedly what they dream of.

As Lin Chen continued to accelerate, the scene in the distance gradually came into view.

After flying for nearly half an hour, he vaguely saw the outline of the city covered with snow in front of him.

When they approached the snow-covered land, Lin Chen was surprised to find that in addition to the three of them, there were other flying objects in the sky.

These flying objects were not ordinary aircraft, but flying superpowers carrying dwarves.

Lin Chen was stunned. The speed and flexibility of these flying superpowers far exceeded the human aircraft he knew.

Seeing this, King Bronzebeard explained proudly: "This is the pride of our dwarves - the flying superpower device. Its maximum speed can reach several times that of your human Boeing aircraft. However, due to its high cost, ordinary people can't afford it. Only the big families of our dwarves are qualified to use it."

Looking at the gleam in Lin Chen's eyes, King Bronzebeard took the opportunity to tempt him: "Why don't you worship me as your master. After becoming my apprentice, you can have as many flying superpower devices as you want."

After hearing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile and responded: "King Bronzebeard, why don't you give me a flying superpower device first, then maybe I can consider becoming your apprentice?"


King Bronzebeard laughed, "You kid, you have a big appetite. However, I like your straightforwardness. But things like worshipping a master still require you to be willing. As for the flying superpower device, after you officially become my apprentice, naturally you will not be missing. "

While the two chatted and laughed, Ironforge was already in sight.

This snow-covered city was like a bright pearl inlaid on the vast snowfield.

When Lin Chen and his party finally arrived in front of the towering gate, the three big characters "Ironforge" were engraved on the door.

He truly appreciated the magnificence of this city.

Looking inward from the gate, as far as the eye can see.

There are huge red buildings, stretching endlessly, as if there is no end.

The grandeur and complexity of this building are breathtaking.

As far as the eye can see, there are only buildings in a row, but it is difficult to see Its full view.

The only thing that can be clearly identified is a huge iron furnace in the center, with magma surging and flames blazing inside.

This scene made Lin Chen deeply feel that Ironforge is known as the capital of mechas, and it is indeed well-deserved.

On the road leading to the city from the gate, all kinds of mechas and scientific transportation devices are in an endless stream.

Their structural design is simple and efficient, exuding a domineering aura, as if even the top sports car Bugatti Veyron cannot be compared with it.

Lin Chen stared at this seemingly boundless city, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

"This is Ironforge, right? "

He murmured to himself, his tone revealing endless amazement.

Although Lin Chen had traveled to many big cities, it was the first time for him to see a super city like Ironforge.

Unlike the human cities he had seen before, the architectural style and scale here were more magnificent and peculiar.

In Dragon Country, although the imperial capital was also a large city, it was after all a gathering place for ordinary humans.

And the Ironforge in front of him gave people a sense of solidity and mystery like a castle.

Lin Chen even suspected that the city itself was a huge castle, and every building was full of the ingenuity and wisdom of the dwarves.

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