Lin Chen's figure suddenly disappeared, and this change made Uncle Tan's face suddenly solemn.

He hurriedly turned to the two old men standing next to him, and said with a bit of urgency in his tone, "The boy suddenly disappeared."

"It's just bluffing."

The old man in black responded in a deep voice. At the same time, the powerful superpowers in his body surged out like a tide, and his sharp eyes swept around like ice, trying to catch the clues of Lin Chen.

However, before he could find Lin Chen's trace, a sudden loud noise broke the tense and silent atmosphere.


Uncle Tan turned his head in astonishment, only to see a purple lightning gun appear out of thin air, with the tip of the gun pointing directly at his chest.

His face suddenly changed, and his body quickly dodged.

The old man in black also reacted very quickly. He urged his superpowers and punched the approaching lightning gun.

The two collided, and a deafening roar broke out.

"Boom boom!"

Energy shock waves spread everywhere, even Uncle Tan and the two old men, who were quite powerful, were shaken back by this force.

Although the old man in black blocked the attack, the price was not small.

His face turned pale instantly, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, staining his front red.

Uncle Tan was horrified when he saw this, but as a member of the Bronzebeard family, he had to stand up at this moment.

He shouted loudly: "You two old guys, this is not your usual level! If you lose, our Bronzebeard family will lose face!"

The old man in black glared at Uncle Tan and snorted coldly: "Do you need to say this? I know it in my heart. However, this kid is indeed not simple. Old Gray, let's use a combination of skills, otherwise you will suffer."

The old man in gray frowned when he heard this, but did not refute, "Use it, but don't say it so scary.

"Xuanhuo Thorn Array! "

This low spell came out slowly from the mouths of the two old men, as if it carried a mysterious magic.

Then, the space of dozens of meters in front of them began to twist violently, as if it was affected by some powerful force.

As the space twisted, the temperature around it also rose sharply, and a burning breath filled the air.

In a flash, thick pillars of fire condensed. These pillars of fire were ten feet high, burning fiercely, and emitting amazing heat.

What's even more amazing is that these pillars of fire seem to be attached with sharp thorns, flashing dangerous light.

Even if you stay away from these pillars of fire, you can Feeling the powerful force they exude, it seems that once touched, they will be melted instantly.

Lin Chen looked at this sudden display of supernatural power and was shocked.

He originally thought that the dwarves were all trash, but now it seems that he obviously underestimated them.

A smile appeared on his face, which was the excitement of fighting and the expectation of the upcoming challenge.

As Lin Chen's mind moved slightly, the purple lightning guns behind him instantly changed from one to ten, flashing with sharp lightning, as if ready to attack at any time.

"Boy, we just wanted to play with you, but now, I'm sorry, you have to die."

The old man in black said angrily, his voice full of murderous intent.

"Go to hell! "

As soon as the words fell, those huge pillars of fire slammed into Lin Chen like missiles.

Everything was melted by the high temperature wherever the pillars of fire passed, showing its amazing destructive power.

However, facing this fierce attack, Lin Chen seemed unusually calm.

"You're not afraid of death, are you?"

He said lightly, with no fear on his face.

As his mind moved slightly, ten lightning guns, like bullets, directly met those pillars of fire.

The huge pillars of fire and the lightning guns collided violently in the air, erupting with amazing energy fluctuations.

The whole city seemed to tremble under the impact of this force.

But what was shocking was that those seemingly indestructible pillars of fire actually cracked one after another at the moment of collision with the lightning guns, as if they were destroyed by the powerful force contained in the lightning guns.

"Fuck, this kid is too powerful, we are no match for him. Run! "

The old man in black shouted in horror, his face full of fear and unwillingness.

Before he finished speaking, he ran back without looking back.

The old man in gray and Uncle Tan followed closely behind, fleeing in a hurry.

However, Lin Chen was not the kind of person who would let the enemy go easily.

He looked at the three people fleeing coldly, and a murderous intent surged in his heart.

He chased after them, and his speed instantly increased to several times the speed of sound, as if a purple lightning flashed across the sky.

He crossed the streets and finally came to a wasteland.

He saw that Uncle Tan and others had stopped there, as if they were waiting for him.

"Aren't you going to run? Why don't you run?"

Lin Chen asked coldlysaid, his voice full of sarcasm.

"We can't run away."

The old man in black said with a wry smile, "You are really powerful, we are not your opponent."

"In fact, you shouldn't have run away."

Lin Chen said lightly, "If you had said sorry to me just now, I might have forgiven your unreasonableness. But now, it's too late."

"Do you think you can really kill us?"

The old man in black sneered and shook his head, "Anyway, Ironforge is the territory of our Bronzebeard family. You may be powerful, but you definitely don't dare to act wild here."

"You talk too much nonsense!"

Lin Chen looked at the old man in black and others with a gloomy look, "I will show you who talks more nonsense now."

He was about to take these people down to avoid changes.

However, at this moment, a sound of mechanical operation came from not far away.

"Boom boom..."

The sound echoed over the wasteland like thunder.

As the sound approached, a huge steel beast of nearly ten feet suddenly appeared in the building not far away, rushing towards the wasteland here.

It was so big that it looked like a Transformer.

But its speed was much faster than that of the Transformer, and it had already approached the wasteland in a few breaths.

As the steel beast approached, Lin Chen could see its true appearance.

It was simply a hybrid of a Decepticon and a Megatron. It was covered with solid steel armor and exuded a cold metallic luster.

Its eyes flashed red light, like two burning flames.

Seeing such a huge monster rushing towards him, even a powerful Lin Chen couldn't help but feel excited.

"I can get a mecha for free again."

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