"King, what are you doing?"

Lin Chen picked up the teacup casually, took a sip and asked leisurely.

King Bronzebeard saw this and hurriedly refilled Lin Chen's tea. He was in awe of this young but extraordinary talent and hoped to keep him in the dwarves.

In his eyes, Lin Chen was not only a good seedling with potential, but also the future pillar of their dwarves.

"No, nothing. I just want to see if you are willing..."

King Bronzebeard spoke tentatively, but before he finished speaking, Lin Chen interrupted him directly.


Lin Chen's attitude was clear and resolute.

Seeing the king they had always admired being so humble in front of Lin Chen, Uncle Tan, Tony and others could not stand it.

Even though they knew they might not be Lin Chen's opponent, they still stood up without hesitation and were determined to protect the king's dignity.

"My friend, you misunderstood."

King Bronzebeard saw the tense atmosphere and hurriedly explained, "I don't want you to be my apprentice. To be honest, the terrifying energy you released today is hard for even me to resist."

"What do you want me to do?"

Lin Chen's tone was a little unhappy. He always felt that King Bronzebeard had other plans.

"Actually, I want to invite you to join our dwarfs. As long as you are willing to join our dwarfs, then you will take over my position as the leader."

King Bronzebeard finally said his true thoughts.

"Join? Forget it. Besides, I have already joined an organization. It is not reasonable to join your organization, don't you think?"

Lin Chen refused without hesitation.

"You are indeed very powerful, but you are a little too arrogant."

Uncle Tan on the side couldn't help but interrupt, "Do you know who you are rejecting? He is the king of the dwarves, the god in the hearts of all our dwarves."

King Bronzebeard waved his hand, signaling Uncle Tan to leave. He looked at Lin Chen with burning eyes and made a suggestion: "My friend, don't rush to refuse. I don't care what your organization is, but can you do this? We can discuss a competition, and I will arrange a few people to fight you. If you win, I can agree to any of your conditions; but if you lose, you have to join our dwarves and become our elder."

King Bronzebeard said this because he saw that Lin Chen was arrogant at the moment and needed a competition to dampen his spirit. At the same time, he also hoped to take this opportunity to truly absorb this young hero into the dwarves.

Hearing this, Lin Chen had already seen through King Bronzebeard's intentions. He smiled and said, "This competition is not unacceptable, but my conditions may be a bit harsh."

King Bronzebeard smiled meaningfully upon hearing this and responded, "As long as your condition is not to marry my daughter to you, I can consider other conditions. Besides, are you so confident that you can beat us? Even if you are gifted, you should know that two fists cannot beat four hands, and the advantage in numbers is not so easy to make up."

Lin Chen said expressionlessly, "Unfortunately, my condition is that the person who fights with me must follow me once he loses. This naturally includes your daughter, who needs to fight with me. Battle exchange."

"Good boy, you are really brave!"

King Bronzebeard's eyes flashed with admiration, and he quickly agreed, as if he was afraid that Lin Chen would go back on his word, "As long as you can win our people, I can not only hand over my daughter to you, but I can even go with you."

Then, King Bronzebeard turned to Uncle Tan and Tony and began to urgently order: "Quick, summon all the elders to the Colosseum immediately. Tell them that in the competition with Lin Chen, only victory is allowed, not defeat. As long as there is an elder who can defeat Lin Chen, I will reward him heavily and will never break my promise. "

"Yes, my Lord King!"

Although Uncle Tan was unwilling, he still faithfully executed the order.

"My friend, I will go to prepare the venue first, you can come later."

After leaving this sentence, King Bronzebeard led everyone away in a hurry.

As soon as he left Lin Chen's sight, Tony, who was flying, couldn't help but express his concerns to the king: "King, is this really a good idea? That kid's strength has at least reached the level of Martial Emperor. Although our elders are powerful, it is impossible for all of them to be Martial Emperors!"

King Bronzebeard smiled confidently and responded calmly: "What are you afraid of? I just said that I would arrange a few people to compete with him, but I didn't specify whether it was two or nine people. This "several people" can be large or small, and it is flexible.

When the time comes, send 9 elders and drive 9 mechas, then it will be easy to capture this kid. He does have the strength of a Martial Emperor.strength, but the strength of the nine elders is not weaker than that of the Martial Emperor, so can he win? I think Xuan.

And, didn't you notice?

This kid is still too young, impatient, and agreed to our competition at once. When his competition is over, the strength of our dwarves will be further improved. By then, the unification of the Black Iron Tribe and even the entire underground world will be just around the corner. "

"Hahaha, the king is really wise!"

After hearing this, Uncle Tan, Tony and others expressed their sincere admiration for the king's foresight.

"King, you will always be our leader and our god!"

The voices of praise from the crowd came one after another, and King Bronzebeard also raised a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.


After King Bronzebeard left, Lin Chen was about to step out of the door to the Colosseum.

However, at this moment, a graceful voice floated gently, breaking the step he was about to take.

"Handsome boy, are you a little rash? You actually agreed to the old man with bronze beard's request for a competition. Don't you know that the old man never does a business that has no chance of winning? I don't know whether to praise you for being smart or stupid. "

There was a hint of teasing and concern in the voice.

Lin Chen turned his head when he heard the voice, and his eyes met the source of the voice, and he was stunned.

Standing in front of him was a beautiful woman in cheongsam, which was tightly attached to her figure, perfectly outlining her graceful and moving curves.

Her appearance seemed to light up the whole space.

However, Lin Chen quickly came back to his senses from his amazement. He suddenly realized something, subconsciously took a step back, and stared at the cheongsam woman with his eyes.

There was a vigilant look on his face, as if he was trying to find some clues.

"You, who are you?"

Lin Chen's tone was full of doubt and tension,

"Why do I sense the breath of Elvy on you?"

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