Dragon Kingdom Magic City.

This vibrant city has become a battlefield full of tension and unknowns after the end of the world.

Since the full outbreak of the apocalyptic crisis, whether it is the solemn imperial capital, the sunny Yang City, or this prosperous Magic City, all have urgently launched a comprehensive rescue plan for the end of the world.

Magic City, as the economic hub of Dragon Kingdom, has shouldered a heavy responsibility in this crisis.

In order to cope with the zombie invasion and the attack of sea monsters that may occur at any time, Magic City quickly built a magnificent war base on the seashore.

The length of this base exceeds an astonishing one thousand meters. It is like a steel behemoth, firmly guarding the peace of the city.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines through the clouds and sprinkles on this war fortress, and the soldiers begin their daily rotation work.

"Finally, I can change my guard. I'm exhausted."

A young soldier holding a machine gun stretched and complained.

"Don't talk nonsense, stay alert!"

The captain beside him glared at him and reminded him seriously.

The young soldier immediately restrained his attitude, "Yes, Captain."

The captain looked at him and slowed down his tone, "I don't want to blame you, but you know the current situation. We must always be vigilant."

Just then, the young soldier suddenly pointed in the direction of the sea, "Captain, look over there!"

The captain looked in the direction he pointed.

At first, he only saw the vast sea, but then he saw an incredible scene.

"Is that... a fighter? No, is that an aircraft carrier? But how can an aircraft carrier fly? Is it a spacecraft?"

He immediately ordered the alarm to be sounded, and the entire war base suddenly sounded a shrill alarm.

The soldiers who were still a little drowsy immediately perked up. They knew that this might be an invasion by foreign forces.

As the huge aircraft spacecraft got closer and closer, the soldiers could see that its huge body was full of people.

The length of this spacecraft exceeded an astonishing 200 meters, covered with rows of soldiers waiting in formation, and such a posture made people feel awe.

"Quick! Bring out the laser cannon!"

The captain ordered anxiously.

The soldiers acted quickly and the laser cannon was quickly set up.

The current laser cannon of Longguo is so powerful that it is said that it can even injure a level nine superpower. The soldiers confidently aimed at the approaching spacecraft.

However, just when the laser cannon was about to be fired, a man jumped off the spacecraft.

He was suspended in the air, facing the incoming laser cannon without any fear.

"Hahaha!" He laughed loudly, "Someone is so stupid that he wants to block the laser cannon with manpower, which is impossible!"

However, the scene at the next moment was shocking.

When the beam of the laser cannon stopped, the man stood there unscathed, as if the powerful laser cannon had no effect on him.

"Naive Longguo people!"

A deep voice echoed in the air, full of ridicule and disdain.

This is the voice of an old man, which resounds throughout the world and makes people feel awe.

As the sound spread, the zombies outside the base city and the monsters in the ocean seemed to feel some kind of powerful pressure. They began to crawl on the ground instinctively, which was an absolute submission and fear of strength.

The soldiers in the war base were also stunned at this moment. They couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

They knew the power of the laser cannon very well, but it was ineffective against the old man at this moment, which was beyond their imagination.

In the command hall, Tianluo looked at the spacecraft on the big screen and the old man who seemed thin but exuded a strong aura in horror.

His heart was full of doubts and fear: "What is this?"

He muttered to himself, "Impossible, this is a laser cannon!"

Suddenly, the old man raised his hand and muttered: "Melting Rasengan!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge spiral energy ball quickly formed in his hand and flew towards the war base.

Boom! !

With a loud bang, the entire Demon City seemed to be twisted at that moment, and the sky instantly became dark and lightless.

The Rasengan hit the base with overwhelming force, and the originally indestructible war fortress began to collapse and annihilate under the attack of the Rasengan.

The soldiers in the base were as small and helpless as ants. They lost their lives in fear without even having time to shout.

Of course, at the last moment when the Rasengan approached the base, several Tenra and Tenra candidates stepped forward and tried to resist this devastating blow.

However, the gap in strength was too great, and they only held on for a moment before they were defeated.

The wholeThe war base has been damaged for the most part, standing precariously on the seashore and may collapse completely at any time.

The citizens of the base city turned pale as paper when they saw the tragic scenes. They seemed to be in a nightmare and could not wake up. "Oh my God, I must not wake up!"

They silently chanted in their hearts to try to escape this cruel reality.

However, no matter how they prayed and deceived themselves,

the disaster brought by the old man continued...


The atmosphere at Tianluo headquarters was extremely solemn.

"Old Long, it's not good. Old Long, there is an emergency!"

A subordinate rushed into the office in a panic, speaking in a hurried tone.

Old Long raised his head, and his calm eyes were withdrawn from the big screen. He waved his hand and signaled the other party to calm down: "Don't worry, talk slowly, the sky won't fall."

Although Old Long was very calm, his subordinates could still feel an invisible pressure.

He took a deep breath and tried to steady his tone: "Old Long, the war base in the Magic City... is gone."

A trace of shock flashed across Old Long's eyes, but he soon regained his composure.

He frowned and asked in a deep voice: "What are the casualties?"

"The situation is not good," his subordinate reported with his head down, "All the members of Tianluo who were at the Magic City War Base at that time... have all died."

Old Long stood up suddenly, with a trace of anger flashing across his face: "Asshole! This Little Japanese Empire is so rampant that it dares to raid our Dragon Country.

It seems that their strength is indeed not to be underestimated. I suspect that their strength has at least reached the level of Martial Emperor.

There is indeed a certain gap between our Dragon Country and the Little Japanese Empire."

Old Long's words revealed helplessness and regret.

Dragon Country has always adhered to the principle of independent development without relying on external forces, but now it has suffered such a major blow.

In contrast, under the leadership of Ito, the ninja village of the Little Sun Empire constantly contacts alien races such as the mermaids, elves, and dwarves, and even sacrifices its dignity in exchange for the mermaids' help in resources.

Although this practice makes Old Long feel disgusted, he has to admit that the strength of the Little Sun Empire is indeed increasing rapidly.

"Old Long," the subordinate said anxiously, "We must find Lin Chen Tianluo as soon as possible. Only he can turn the situation around. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Upon hearing this, the originally calm and steady Old Long instantly became energetic, and a barely perceptible light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Chen, this name caused a lot of ripples in his heart.

Indeed, Lin Chen is a young man with great potential, strong strength and extraordinary talent.

However, he is still far from being able to grow up to be able to stand on his own.

More importantly, his current identity and strength cannot be easily exposed, and must be carefully protected to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"No, no!" Elder Long refused flatly, "Lin Chen cannot be dispatched easily. If he encounters an accident outside, the entire Dragon Country will fall into an unprecedented crisis."

Long's words revealed deep worry.

He understood that Lin Chen was the hope of the Dragon Country's future and there must be no mistakes.

"But Elder Long, if we don't send Lin Chen to fight, the next base may be difficult to keep." The subordinate said anxiously, his face full of worry.

"Don't say it." Elder Long waved his hand and interrupted the other party's words, "Lin Chen is our trump card. It must not be easily revealed unless it is absolutely necessary. You also know that with his current strength, facing those martial emperor-level strongmen in the Little Japanese Empire is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg."

After that, Elder Long took a deep breath and took out an old satellite phone from the safe.

This phone was handed over to him by his predecessor and was regarded as the last straw for the Dragon Country.

This phone can only be dialed at the critical moment when the country is facing life and death.

The ringing of the phone echoed in the empty office, and every ring seemed to strike at the heart of Elder Long.

Time seemed to become unusually long at this moment. Elder Long held the phone tightly and prayed silently in his heart.

Finally, the phone was connected just before it was about to hang up automatically.

An old and powerful voice came from the receiver: "Xiaolong, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly remember to call me? Is your skin itchy again and you miss me?"

Although there was a little ridicule in the other party's words, Elder Long heard deep concern from it.

He felt warm in his heart and quickly told the current predicament of Longguo: "Old Ye, the war base in the Magic City is gone, and our current situation is very difficult..."

The other end of the phone fell into a brief silence, and then Elder Ye's voice sounded again: "Xiaolong, don't worry. I'll come over now, and we'll go togetherFind a way to solve the current predicament. "

Hearing Mr. Ye's promise, the big stone in Mr. Long's heart finally fell.

He knew that as long as Mr. Ye was there, Longguo would definitely have hope.


In the villa area of ​​​​Loucheng.

Lin Chen's home is full of warmth and comfort.

After dinner, Lin Chen and the beauties sat on the spacious sofa, enjoying the time of being cared for and accompanied like sandwich biscuits.

There were all kinds of fruits and snacks in front of them, and a relaxed and pleasant chat atmosphere lingered in the air.

In this doomsday era, if such a comfortable life scene is seen by the outside world, it will probably attract countless envy and jealousy.

While tasting the snacks in her hand, Su Yun asked Lin Chen: "Lin Chen, husband, are you really not going to go out today?"

There was a hint of coquetry and expectation in her tone.

Lin Chen smiled and responded: "I won't go out. I'm tired of running out every day for so long. I want to enjoy family time today. What do you think? "

His eyes swept over the faces of the girls one by one, and finally stopped at Su Yun.

"Okay, then you can cook for us later."

Su Yun suggested, "I especially want to eat the tofu you made for me when you rented my house before."

Lin Chen joked, "Tofu? Do you mean your tofu?"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yun rolled her eyes.

Yan Siqi also joined in the fun and said, "I also want to eat Aunt Su's tofu."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became more lively.

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing and sighed, "You women, you can really perform one good show after another."

He looked around and looked at the beauties around him, his heart full of happiness and satisfaction.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang.

He glanced at the caller ID and then said to the girls, "You guys chat first, I'll take a call. "

Su Yun muttered in dissatisfaction: "You always try to take advantage of us."

As she said that, she glanced at you in a pretended angry way, then turned her head to continue chatting with other women.

Lin Chen kissed Su Yun's cheek gently to comfort her, "There really is a call, you guys chat first, I'll be back soon."

After that, he turned and walked towards the study, ready to answer the important call.


When Lin Chen's eyes fell on the name "Li Tianluo" displayed on the caller screen of the mobile phone, he was stunned for a moment.

This is the first time that Li Tianluo has contacted him in such a long time.

Although a little surprised, Lin Chen quickly picked up the phone.

"Li Tianluo, hello! Why are you calling me in person? Did Elder Long ask you to call?"

Lin Chen said half-jokingly, "Fortunately, you didn't come to see me during this period, I was really busy. Of course, if your Tianluo Diwang has recently recruited some beautiful female Diwang members, I don't mind going over to give them some guidance. What do you think? Hahaha~~~"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Li Tianluo on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile helplessly.

He thought to himself, this guy really only thinks about women.

But at this moment, he didn't have time to joke with Lin Chen, and said in a serious tone: "Boy, I'm not in the mood to joke with you now. There is a very important matter that concerns the survival of Longguo. If it's convenient for you, come to Tianluo headquarters as soon as possible. All the government officials, generals and Tianluo members of Longguo will be present. "

Li Tianluo didn't actually want to disturb Lin Chen. He made this call secretly without Long Lao's knowledge.

Originally, Long Lao wanted Lin Chen to continue to grow and not tell him about this for the time being.

But Li Tianluo was deeply worried about the future of Longguo. After thinking it over, he decided to call Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen heard the words "the life and death of Longguo", his heart was shocked and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

He realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately asked:

"What happened?

It actually concerns the life and death of Longguo?"

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