Lin Chen flashed and easily dodged the hand of the man in black. At the same time, he grabbed the man's wrist with his backhand.

The man in black felt a sharp pain and his face turned pale.

"It seems you still don't know me."

Lin Chen looked at the man in black coldly, "I'll say it again, I'm Lin Chen, Li Tianluo asked me to come. If you still have questions, you can ask him in person."

"You kid, you're done. Come on! There's a spy here! There's a spy here!"

As soon as these words came out, the air around seemed to be shaken.

The people who were originally busy were attracted by the movement here, and they gathered together to form a tight circle of onlookers.

"Boy, what are you doing? Let go of our companions!"

Someone shouted dissatisfiedly.

"This is Tianluo's territory. No matter how arrogant you are, you have to have a limit."

Another person warned.

Some people even challenged directly: "Boy, watch out!"

Among the crowd, some were whispering and talking, while others were eager to try and ready to take action at any time.

Suddenly, a low and majestic voice penetrated the noise: "Lin Chen, why are you here?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the voice, and then a respectful look appeared on their faces.

"Old Long, Old Long is here."

People made way, and their tone was full of respect.

Old Long walked slowly, his eyes were like torches, and after looking around, he didn't say much.

He walked straight to Lin Chen and said with a bit of ridicule: "Boy, you are here to poach the female warriors of our organization again this time."

Until this moment, the man in black finally woke up from his dream, and he realized that he might have really met the legendary young Tianluo.

The arrogance in his heart instantly dissipated without a trace, and he apologized with difficulty: "I'm sorry... I didn't recognize the great man..."

Lin Chen smiled slightly and let go of his hand.

The man in black stepped back as if he had been pardoned, and bowed to Lin Chen respectfully.

He knew that he was lucky enough to meet a real master today, and this master was the object of his previous ridicule and suspicion.

"It's okay, since it's a misunderstanding, just solve it."

Lin Chen was very generous.

He turned to look at Elder Long and continued, "Elder Long, you don't have to hide it from me anymore. Since I am Tianluo, I have the right to participate in this operation. Don't you think so?"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong aura suddenly descended.

Lin Chen looked up and saw a tall old man walking slowly.

He was about two meters tall, wearing white trousers and a coat, and his neat white hair fluttered in the wind.

Although his face looked old, his eyes were bright and revealed an extraordinary temperament.

His appearance seemed to freeze the air around him.

Although he was several meters away from Lin Chen, his powerful aura made it impossible to ignore his presence.

Everyone turned their eyes to him, as if he was the god here.

"Old Ye, this is our new Tianluo, Lin Chen."

Old Long introduced eagerly, with a bit of pride in his tone.

Upon hearing this, a trace of curiosity flashed in Old Ye's deep eyes.

He took a light step, and his figure instantly appeared in front of Lin Chen, so fast that it seemed to have crossed the space, which was jaw-dropping.

Lin Chen looked at the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him in astonishment, and couldn't help wondering in his heart: What is the intention of this old man to find him?

"Old Ye? I... didn't hear it wrong?"

Lin Chen's voice was trembling, and he was obviously shocked by Old Ye's aura and sudden appearance.

"Yes, you heard it right. This is the legendary Old Ye, the strongest man on Blue Star."

The people around confirmed it one after another, and their voices were full of awe and admiration.

Someone whispered:

"It's a great honor to see Mr. Ye in person."

"According to Mr. Ye's age, he must be at least 200 years old, but he still looks so energetic."

Another person sighed.

Old Long also introduced at the right time: "Lin Chen, the person standing in front of you is Ye Liuyun, Mr. Ye. He is not only the founder of our Tianluodiwang, but also the recognized peak of martial arts on Blue Star today, with the terrifying strength of a martial emperor."

"The founder of Tianluodiwang?"

Such a title made even Lin Chen feel dazed.

He never thought that he would be able to see such a legendary figure in person one day.

"Hello, Mr. Ye. I am Lin Chen."

He took a deep breath, tried to calm down his excitement, and respectfully greeted Mr. Ye.

Although Lin Chen had achieved extraordinary achievements in the Killing Tower, he knew that there were many hidden talents on Blue Star.The masters and the strong men in the underground world are not known to the outside world.

Therefore, he always maintains respect for the strong.

Ye Lao looked at Lin Chen, and a trace of admiration flashed in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a rare smile.

"Ye Lao actually smiled?"

Long Lao blurted out in astonishment, almost unable to believe his eyes.

He knew Ye Lao's character very well. This legendary strong man on the blue star has always been indifferent or even harsh to those who are not as strong as himself.

However, at this moment, Ye Lao actually showed a gentle smile to Lin Chen, which made Long Lao feel surprised and a little jealous.

Ye Lao's eyes flowed over Lin Chen, as if he wanted to see through his soul. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Not bad, really good. I hope you will quickly stand out after this battle. I look forward to your leading the Tianluodiwang in the future and defending our Dragon Country."

Lin Chen was stunned!

Long Lao was stunned!

Everyone at the door of the entire Tianluodiwang was also dumbfounded!

Lead the dragnet?

Are you talking about Lin Chen?

Lin Chen is going to lead the dragnet?

"I, I, I can't do it..."

Lin Chen stammered in response, his heart full of panic and uneasiness.

How could he imagine that he would one day shoulder such a heavy responsibility.

He couldn't help but worry about how the old man Long in front of him would view him?

How would others view him?

However, Ye Lao said in an unquestionable tone: "As a man, you can't say that you can't do it. Well, we should go to the top floor for a meeting. I will introduce you to some core members."

He nodded slightly, and seemed very satisfied with Lin Chen's performance.

Under the eager and awe-inspiring gaze of the crowd, Lin Chen walked side by side with Ye Lao and Long Lao and went to the top floor of the dragnet together.

Their figures gradually disappeared from everyone's sight, but this did not weaken the atmosphere on the scene. Instead, it was like a spark falling into a haystack, instantly igniting everyone's passion.

When Mr. Ye's figure completely disappeared from sight, the crowd at the entrance of the Tianluodiwang seemed to be unsealed. For a moment, discussions and cheers rose and fell, merging into a boiling ocean.

"Mr. Ye has come out of confinement. This is really a great blessing for the Dragon Country!"

Some people were so excited that their eyes were filled with tears, as if they had seen a savior.

"Mr. Ye is simply our god. With him, those arrogant guys in the Little Japanese Empire will definitely suffer."

Another person said confidently, as if he had foreseen the future victory.

"Is there any need to say that? Mr. Ye is a martial emperor, the number one person on Blue Star! Apart from him, who else can take on this important task? Who else but me, Mr. Ye is the only one!"

Someone else shouted loudly, expressing his infinite respect and trust for Mr. Ye.

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