When the doomsday comes, there will be more and more people with special abilities, and it is common for some strange and bizarre superpowers to appear.

Originally, Lin Chen thought that his superpowers were relatively special, but until he saw the superpowers of the young nurse Jiang Mengqi, he knew what special was.

Whose superpowers burn clothes when they get hot.

In other words, Jiang Mengqi's clothes are now incomplete.

Such a scene is a great test for any man.

Although Lin Chen is not a gentleman, he does not want to take advantage of others.

However, Jiang Mengqi in front of him is too tempting.

Cough cough cough ~

He pretended to cough a few times, trying to suppress the impulse in his heart.

He still couldn't help but look at Jiang Mengqi more.

Her damaged nurse's uniform loomed in the dim pharmacy, adding a bit of mystery and temptation.

Such Jiang Mengqi made Lin Chen's heart beat faster.

[Harmonious content has been deleted]

"Is it okay for me to do this?" Jiang Mengqi asked with a blushing face.

"Why not? This is my school uniform, and you are the first woman to wear my clothes. Okay, let's go to the teacher's dormitory now."

"Teacher's dormitory? Husband, there are zombies there! Aren't we going there to die?"

Jiang Mengqi's words were not alarmist, but the dormitory building had become a disaster area for zombies with the advent of the doomsday.

It is no exaggeration to say that entering this disaster area is no different from seeking death.

"I am going to die. Don't worry, just follow me closely." Lin Chen took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with determination and confidence, and said.

Seeing Lin Chen's persistence, and thinking of Lin Chen's mighty performance in killing zombies, Jiang Mengqi still followed him obediently.

Not far from the entrance of the teacher's dormitory, a few strong men and a woman came out by chance.

The tattoos on these people were in various shapes, some were ferocious dragons, some were ferocious tigers, and they didn't look like people from the school.

The woman they caught said impatiently: "What you did is a crime! Do you believe me or not, I will call the police."


One of the men with a bald head and a tiger tattoo laughed: "Do you mean hold you tight? Or call the police?"

His tone was full of disdain and ridicule.

The woman was enraged by the man's words, and she struggled and shouted: "I'm serious! I will call the police!"

"Hahaha, do you think we are afraid of the police?" Another man laughed and said, "Now it's the end of the world, who do you think can take care of you except me, girl, wait for me to enjoy you, and you will know what comfort is."

Hearing the threats and ridicules of those strong men, the woman felt helpless and desperate.

She knew that she could not escape from the clutches of these men.

As a devout believer who never has sex before marriage, she once longed to give her most precious gift to her husband when she got married.

But now it seems that this is no longer possible.

At this time, Lin Chen, who was far away, witnessed this scene and quickly materialized a lightning gun,

aimed at the man with the tiger tattoo, and threw it hard.

With a "puff",

the lightning gun with lightning properties pierced the man's chest, and blood gushed out of the wound.

The man trembled in pain, and his breathing became rapid and difficult.

He felt unprecedented humiliation and fear,

but the next moment, his life was coming to an end.

Because Lin Chen did not give him a chance to breathe, he was killed directly with one blow.

"Brother Tiger."

The man with the dragon tattoo shouted.

But except for his tearing roar, there was nothing.

It must be said that Lin Chen's move was too fast, so fast that it caught people off guard.

Those sturdy men had never expected that the man called Brother Tiger would be dealt with so quickly.

They originally thought that after the doomsday, the most difficult thing to deal with would be the zombies,

but now it seems that

the superpowers might be the real threat.

Brother Long took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He said in a deep voice: "My friend, what do you mean by doing this? I don't seem to have offended you, right?"

"Jiangnan Gang? All kinds of gangs have come out?"

Lin Chen's voice was full of disdain and contempt.

Hearing this, the sturdy men also moved closer, as if looking for an opportunity to attack Lin Chen.

Their eyes were full of vigilance and hostility, as if as long as Brother Long gave an order, they would pounce on Lin Chen without hesitation.

"My friend, you don't even know about our Jiangnan Gang. It seems that you don't know anything about the big things that happened in the past few days?"

Lin Chen's words that belonged to no oneThe words made Brother Long look very ugly. In order to save face, he continued:

"I'm afraid you don't know, so I tell you this. Now in the whole Jiangnan City, our Jiangnan Gang is second, and no one dares to say first."

In fact, after saying this, Brother Long felt his heart pounding, because he knew that the so-called Jiangnan Gang was only a second-rate gang.

If they really wanted to dominate the Jiangnan Gang, they would still be very stunned.

But in front of outsiders, the identity is given by oneself.

"Are you done?" Lin Chen said coldly.

If he was not afraid that these people would hurt the captured women, Lin Chen would have dealt with them in the morning.

So he was ready to provoke them, and as long as the women were a certain safe distance away from you, he would immediately take action.

Since it has come to this point, Brother Long's heart is clearer than a mirror, and it seems that taking action is just a matter of millimeters.

And for the sake of conservativeness, Brother Long directly said: "This handsome guy, do you want a wife?"

Lin Chen: ? ? ?

Jiang Mengqi: ? ? ?

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