The Poseidon Trident had just condensed into the Poseidon Armor, emitting a majestic and mysterious light.

At the same time, the seemingly insignificant broken ice also arrived as expected. It drew an elegant arc in the air and rushed straight towards Feng Lao.

Compared with Feng Lao's mighty and domineering armor, this broken ice does seem a little insignificant.

However, the ordinary appearance does not mean the inner weakness. The energy contained in this broken ice is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.


Under the tense gaze of everyone, the broken ice hit the Poseidon Trident fearlessly.

At the moment of the collision, the whole world seemed to be shocked.

Thunder rolled, wind and rain raged, and the world seemed to be in chaos.

The sky, which was clear just now, is no longer as quiet as before.

The sea roared, thunder and lightning raged, and the wind whistled. The whole world was caught in this unprecedented storm.

A few seconds later, the originally quiet broken ice suddenly burst open, releasing a shocking force.

Although the explosion did not look very spectacular visually.

However, the energy it contained was enough to make people stunned.

Purple lightning, chaotic lightning and extreme ice intertwined and gushed in the explosion, and the power in an instant actually swallowed up most of the surrounding sea water.

The members of the mermaid tribe woke up at this moment. They shuttled through the sea in panic, eager to avoid this sudden disaster.

In sharp contrast, the people in the ninja village had disappeared without a trace.

It turned out that Qiuhua led his ninja team without hesitation and evacuated quickly to a hundred kilometers away as soon as he sensed the dangerous atmosphere.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he had obviously anticipated the arrival of this disaster.

"Oh my God, such an explosion, is it really caused by that kid?"

Wanshe's eyes were fixed on the front, with disbelief on his face.

"If you don't believe me, I can't help you. But I want to ask you, what are you doing here with me?"

Qiu Hua's tone was a little unhappy.

A trace of doubt flashed in Wan She's eyes. He did not answer Qiu Hua's question, but turned and left.

"Damn it, you can play by yourself. I'll go first." He seemed to have noticed something and chose to retreat without hesitation.

"Why are you running? Did you see anything scary? Wait... Hurry up, let's retreat too!"

Qiu Hua's tone suddenly became nervous.

With the center point of contact between the broken ice and the trident of the sea god as the center of the circle, the temperature and energy within a radius of 500 kilometers began to fluctuate violently.

From time to time, some mountaintops were submerged by the sea, as if it was a roar of nature.

Flames, lightning and coldness intertwined and raged in this sea area, and the power reached its peak at this moment.

Although Wan She and Qiu Hua, who had escaped earlier, were far away from the center of the explosion, they still couldn't help looking back.

Although they did not dare to get too close, they were shocked by the power in their hearts.

They could not imagine that such a terrifying power came from the hands of a young man who was only 20 years old.

"Damn it, it's a good thing we ran fast, otherwise we would have died."

Qiuhua urged his supernatural power and sped up to escape from the scene.

However, as they were escaping, a crisp sound suddenly rang out.


At first, the sound was so subtle that it was almost imperceptible.

But as time went on, it gradually became louder and louder until it was deafening.

Because they were surprised to find that the Sea God Trident began to crack little by little after turning into Sea God's armor.


The Sea God Trident gradually disintegrated with a slow cracking sound.

Qiuhua and Wanshe were originally fleeing quickly and did not immediately notice this change, but the speed of the cracking quickly accelerated, and even with the ninja's keen mental power, they easily captured this strange phenomenon.

At this moment, the Seagod Armor was obviously unable to withstand the raging ice-breaking power.

Qiuhua suddenly stopped at this moment, and his face became more solemn than ever before.

He had never expected such a situation. When Feng Lao waved the Seagod Trident, he was convinced that Lin Chen had no choice but to escape.

However, the scene in front of him completely overturned his prediction.

Wanshe's expression was also heavy. He and Qiuhua looked at each other, and both showed an unbelievable look on their faces.

It seemed that at this moment, they had lost their usual calmness and composure.

At this time, a figure appeared not far away, it was Long Lao and Ye Liuyun.

Originally, they did not plan to come, but thinking that Lin Chen was a member of Tianluodiwang, as a Tianluo, how could he let other Tianluo be in danger?.

But even they didn't expect it.

Not long after arriving in the Little Sun Empire, a strong energy fluctuation directly made them afraid to move forward.

"This, this energy, can't it be caused by Lin Chen? No, it's this kid. How come this kid's strength has soared to this point after such a long time."

As a former supernatural genius and martial arts genius, Ye Liuyun was highly expected.

But now it seems that he has just realized that he is not a genius at all. In front of the pervert Lin Chen, he is at most a hammer.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be Lin Chen. And this kid actually broke the Sea God Trident of the Mermaid Clan Leader Feng Lao. This Lin Chen is really terrifying. Fortunately, he was recruited into the Tianluodiwang at the beginning, otherwise I dare not imagine the achievements of this kid in the future."

Looking at the front, after a moment, Long Lao took a deep breath, as if thinking of the scene when he met Lin Chen.

It seems that we need to arrange a few more people next time we meet, and send dozens of female superpowers over.

When the time comes.

Foreign enemies are prohibited from entering the territory of Dragon Country!

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