"Do you want to retreat?"

When Dongye looked around and saw that everyone's morale was so low, this thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Everyone's face was full of fatigue and confusion, as if a thick fog shrouded their hearts, making the road ahead unclear.

"Is it God? Is it you? I, I have been waiting for your call."

Dongye's mouth corners rose, revealing a trace of joy.

He seemed to see a ray of light in the darkness, which was the signal he had been waiting for for a long time and the motivation for him to continue fighting.

"Answer me, do you want to retreat?"

He asked again, as if confirming with a mysterious existence.

"No." Dongye's tone was firm, "I will lead everyone to capture the war base, get food, and survive."

There was a fiery light flashing in his eyes, which was the hope for the future and the desire for survival.

He poured his faith, determination and sincerity into this sentence, as if in this way, God could feel his efforts and give him a response.

"Okay. So, do you want to occupy the Little Japanese Empire? I'm willing to help you."

The mysterious voice sounded in his mind again.

"Can I? If I can, I'm willing."

Dongye's heartbeat accelerated, and his eyes flashed with a fiery light.

This was the opportunity he had dreamed of, and he seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

However, at this moment.


A gunshot broke the silence.

The bullet penetrated Dongye's body.

The blood stained his clothes red.

The sudden change shocked everyone, and some people even began to waver.

"Sir, we don't really want to attack the war base."

A middle-aged man hurriedly explained, "Dongye used his supernatural powers to threaten us, so we had to obey."

"Qiangzi, what are you doing!"

An old man stood up angrily in the crowd, holding a hoe and rushing towards Qiangzi, "Although we are tired and don't want to fight again, we never think Dongye is wrong. You actually shot him, I, I want to avenge him!"

However, Qiangzi sneered, raised his rifle and hit the old man hard.

The old man's face was bloody and he fell to the ground groaning in pain.

Qiangzi seemed to be still unsatisfied, and kicked him a few more times, as if he wanted to vent all his dissatisfaction with Dongye on the old man.

After venting, Qiangzi turned to the senior officer and begged humbly: "Sir, you see, I have helped you kill Dongye. Can I join the war base?"

The senior officer looked at this scene and showed a smug smile on his face: "What do you think? You were refugees, and now you have killed the refugee leader. Are you no longer a refugee?"

He waved his hand and ordered his men to start moving, "Young men, the refugee leader is dead, and our guns can be used again."

Following his order, the soldiers raised their weapons and aimed at the remaining refugees.

Since they can use guns, these originally terrifying refugees are now just a group of lambs to be slaughtered in their eyes.

And Dongye, the man who once led and protected them.

Now he is lying quietly on the ground, unable to stand up again.

"Bang bang bang!"

The roar of gunfire echoed in the empty battlefield, and every deafening explosion mercilessly announced the end of at least one person's life.

However, in this land ravaged by war, the lives of these refugees seem to be insignificant.

They are like a corner forgotten by the world. Under the cruel joke of fate, life seems so fragile and insignificant.

When Dongye passed away, many people may have secretly rejoiced in their hearts, thinking that they could finally be freed from his iron-fisted control.


When the soldiers of the war base raised their guns and pointed the black muzzles at these helpless refugees, they suddenly realized that once they launched an attack on the war base, they had embarked on a road of no return.

Before them,

there were only two choices: either fight bloody battles to seize the war base; or they could only fall miserably in the war.

However, at this moment, they have lost their leader, and the fighting spirit in their hearts has dissipated.

Retreat is no longer an option.

"I've said it before, we should listen to Dongye,"

someone shouted angrily,

"Why don't you listen to his advice?"

"Do you think I didn't listen?"

Another person retorted,

"I was the one who rushed to the front, what's wrong now? You think I'm a coward because you see me hiding at the back?"

"You rushed to the front? That was only in the past! Now look at you, hiding at the backAt the end of the crowd, I feel ashamed for you. "

"Come on, don't laugh at others for taking only one step. What difference does it make to us now that we are at the end of our rope?"

The roar of gunfire continued, and the quarrels and conflicts between refugees never stopped.

Their hearts were filled with



or fucking regret.

If they had listened to Dongye's guidance,

perhaps they would have been the winners in the war base at this moment, enjoying the fruits of victory.

However, reality is cruel, there is no if, only results.

They can only continue to look for a ray of hope in this war-torn land.


wait for the final judgment of fate.

On the other side.

Dongye, who was lying in a pool of blood, disappeared without a trace at some point.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes abruptly and was shocked to find that he was actually suspended in the air, surrounded by misty clouds.

"Ah? This, is this the sky? "

He said to himself in astonishment, "It seems that God will take me away after all."

In a very short time, Dongye actually calmly accepted his fate that he might have died.

A dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. The man had a deep face, a tall and straight figure, and was amazingly handsome. Who else could it be but Lin Chen?

"Do you regret it?" Lin Chen asked lightly, "Do you regret leading those refugees to attack the war base?"

Dongye was stunned for a moment, looking at the mysterious figure in front of him who seemed to represent God, he asked tentatively: "You, are you God? Can you revive me, I... I want to try again. "

Lin Chen was a little surprised, 'Don't you want revenge?'

A trace of determination flashed in Dongye's eyes, but he shook his head and said: "Revenge? No, it's not their fault, it's the fault of this world. I once heard a strong man say, don't let yourself become the sorrow of the times. I hope to change all this. "

His words were full of determination and faith, and his sincere heart and firm eyes deeply touched Lin Chen.

In this doomsday, Lin Chen has always remained calm and rational.

But at this moment, he was moved by Dong Ye's saintly sentiments, and suddenly felt that such a person might really have the value of existence.

What's more, the sentence quoted by this kid was exactly what he, Lin Chen, had said.

"I can resurrect you," Lin Chen finally said, "but you must do things for me, such as taking down the Little Japanese Empire and taking charge of this country for me. You must not resist my orders, otherwise I will make you unable to live or die in the next moment."

Dong Ye agreed without hesitation: "As long as I can survive, you can ask me to do anything. But I hope you can understand that these refugees are actually forced, and they have no malice. "

"I won't let you take action against them," Lin Chen promised, "at most I will ask you to find the traitor among them. "

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Chen's figure disappeared in the mist.

Dongye only felt his eyes light up, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the chaotic massacre scene.

A soldier was raising his rifle, and the sharp bayonet was aimed at an old man who had been injured and fell to the ground.

Dongye's figure flashed and instantly appeared behind the soldier. "Bang!" With a muffled sound, the soldier fell to the ground.

The old man looked at Dongye who suddenly appeared in shock, "Dongye! You...you are not dead?"

Dongye smiled slightly, his eyes full of mystery and majesty, "I am not a human, nor a ghost, but...a servant of God!"

Such a declaration not only shocked the old man, but also shocked everyone present.

They looked at Dongye, as if they really saw a servant of God descending into their suffering, bringing hope and the possibility of salvation.

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