On the battlefield, even the howling of zombies disappeared, leaving only the sound of the wind and the hurried footsteps of senior officers.

However, just as he was about to escape into the base, a group of imperial guards suddenly appeared.

Kimura, the chief of the imperial guards sitting on the tank, looked at the senior officers who fled in embarrassment and laughed out loud: "Hahaha, the chief of the guards actually escaped alone, which is really embarrassing. If I were you, I would have committed suicide in a minute."

The senior officer's face turned pale when he heard this, but he was speechless.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "You ran away very quickly, but thank you very much. If you hadn't led these zombies away, I wouldn't have thought of such a good way to catch them all in one fell swoop."

This voice, like frost in the cold wind, made people shudder.

The senior officer turned back suddenly, but saw a figure looming in the darkness, as if it was the incarnation of the god of death, staring at him coldly.

"You, don't come over here!"

The senior officer's voice was filled with undisguised fear. His body seemed to have lost control and he collapsed to the ground, his eyes full of fear and helplessness.

"You, how can you be so useless?"

Seeing this, Kimura raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, "Look at me, little guys, kill this ghostly black shadow for me." His words were full of confidence, as if the black shadow was not worth mentioning to him at all.

They had the most powerful tanks in the entire Japanese Empire, and crushing the so-called black shadow was just a piece of cake for them.

Kimura's heart was full of such faith.

The next moment, the tank's engine roared, like an angry beast, it started directly and rushed towards the black shadow.

The senior officer saw the mighty momentum of the tank and was so scared that he hid aside and dared not look directly at it.

"Boom boom boom boom~~~"

The sound of the tank's engine was deafening, and it came to the front of the black shadow in a short while.

The shadow was none other than the legendary zombie general, who exuded a cold aura, as if he was a messenger from hell.

"Damn, is this guy a fool? He didn't even hide when he saw the tank. Crush him to death. Damn it."

Kimura ordered proudly from behind, as if he had seen the zombie general being crushed into meat paste by the tank.

However, a loud "bang!" broke Kimura's fantasy.

After the tank ran over, before he could be happy for a moment, the entire tank was directly split into two, as if torn apart by an invisible force.

This scene stunned everyone, and Kimura widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Is this a human or a ghost?"

There was an unconcealable tremor in his voice, and fear quietly climbed into his heart like ice, making his heart almost stop beating.

But soon, Captain Kimura reacted suddenly.

He was sitting in an indestructible tank. How could this mere figure withstand the crushing of the tank?

Could it be that even the bombardment of the cannon could not destroy it?

"Damn it, aim the tank and fire at that guy! I just don't believe it, he can still not be blown to death."

Captain Kimura gritted his teeth and gave the order, his face full of ferocity and unwillingness.

Immediately, the cannons of the tanks began to move slowly, locking onto the figure that frightened them.

At this time, Dongye also rushed over with a group of refugees. They saw the muzzle of the tank pointed at them, but continued to charge without hesitation.

"Are these people crazy? My cannon is not made of paper! Fire!"

Captain Kimura roared, his voice full of anger and helplessness.

Under the order of Captain Kimura, the tanks' cannons fired at the same time, with deafening noises. Huge shells streaked across the sky like meteors, fell in front of the zombie general, and exploded directly, releasing the power of destroying the world.

After a while, the tanks stopped attacking. It was not because the bullets were exhausted, but because huge deep pits had been blown out, and the ground seemed to be torn apart.

With billowing smoke, Captain Kimura proudly ordered to stop shooting.

He thought that the terrifying figure had been completely destroyed in the artillery fire.

However, just when Captain Kimura had arranged for people to clean up the battlefield, the smoke gradually dissipated, and a group of refugees actually rushed over from the smoke.

Their eyes were full of madness and desire, as if they saw the hope of life.

Seeing this scene, Captain Kimura's face showed the same expression as the previous senior officers, full of shock and disbelief.Conceivable.

"How is this possible? This tank is the most advanced weapon on the entire Blue Star. How could it not destroy that figure?"

He murmured to himself, his heart filled with unspeakable fear and despair.

However, what he didn't know was that the refugees at this time could no longer care about so much.

They were hungry, tired, and desperate, and only saw the food and hope in front of them.

So, they rushed up one by one without regard for their lives, as if they wanted to pour all their anger and strength on that figure.

"Go! There is food in front of us, go!"

They shouted, their voices full of madness and desire.

"Food! Food! I want food!"

A refugee screamed, his eyes only had the food in front of him, as if that was all his life.

"Long live God! Long live God!"

Other refugees shouted slogans, they regarded that figure as a god-like existence, and were willing to give everything for it.

And in this chaos, the main output was still the zombie general.

He was like a tireless war machine, constantly waving his weapons, cutting tanks one by one like cutting tofu.

His existence seemed to prove the cruelty and ruthlessness of this world.


"Master, with your extraordinary strength, if you want to conquer Tokyo, or even take the entire Japanese Empire into your pocket, wouldn't it be as easy as taking something out of a bag? Why do you choose to support a puppet to rule?"

Qiuhua stared at Lin Chen, with a hint of puzzlement and confusion in his tone.

Since the moment Lin Chen helped the refugee leader Dongye, this question has quietly taken root in Qiuhua's heart, like a seed sown inadvertently in spring.

However, out of loyalty and deep awe for Lin Chen, he has always kept this question in his heart and never asked it easily, for fear that his words would offend this mysterious master.


As time went by and the war progressed, the battle between the refugees led by Dong Ye and the soldiers of the war base was gradually coming to an end.

In these years of war, Qiu Hua's doubts grew like weeds, becoming stronger and stronger, and could no longer be suppressed.

Finally, he could no longer suppress his inner impulse and curiosity, and mustered up the courage to ask Lin Chen.

There was a tremor in his words, both the fear of the unknown and the desire for the truth.

Facing Qiu Hua's question, Lin Chen did not answer directly, but smiled slightly, and that smile seemed to contain endless depth and wisdom.

He asked back: "What do you think?"

There was a hint of playfulness and guidance in his tone.

Qiu Hua heard this, and after a moment of hesitation, he slowly said: "I think the adults think it would be more convenient to have a puppet to manage the Little Japanese Empire, which can not only avoid the adults personally working on state affairs, but also ensure the stability and order of the empire."

There was a hint of speculation and temptation in his tone.

However, after hearing Qiu Hua's answer, Lin Chen shook his head gently, with a complicated look in his eyes.

He slowly said: "It seems that you still don't fully understand my intention. Forget it, come with me. Some things may be understood by seeing them with your own eyes."

As he spoke, Lin Chen's figure swayed, as light and elegant as the wind, and rushed to the war base in Tokyo with Qiu Hua.

Their figures shuttled through the night, like two lightning bolts breaking through the sky, heading straight for the unknown truth.


At this moment.

In the warehouse of the war base, there was an indescribable atmosphere.

The man standing at the front of the warehouse had red eyes and flashing tears.

He stared at the mountains of food in the warehouse, and his emotions could no longer be suppressed.

He was not a person who cried easily, but facing this full warehouse of food, the excitement and emotion in his heart surged like a tide, making him unable to control himself.

"Dongye, are these foods real?"

The old man beside him looked incredulous, with a trembling voice.

"Mr. Chen, how could they be fake?"

Dongye responded with a firm voice, "But before we enjoy these foods, I think we should express our gratitude to God. Because without God, how could we have these foods? Don't you think so?"

Although everyone was hungry and covered in wounds, Dongye knew that it was not easy to get all this.

If he had not been guided and blessed by God to take over this war base, how could he, Dongye, have achieved what he has today?

As Dongye's words fell, everyone knelt down in front of the food, as if the gods were living on the piles of food, accepting their worship.

And at this moment, Lin Chen quietly arrived.His appearance was like a ray of light that cut through the haze, which lifted everyone's heart.

"Look, is that God? God is so handsome!"

Someone exclaimed, full of admiration, "No wonder Dong Ye worships God so much. If it were me, I would also worship him without hesitation!"

"Wow, this God's appearance is simply off the charts!"

Another person couldn't help but admire.

"God! I, I can't hide my feelings! Can you look at me? I am Liu Yifei in Tokyo, with an enviable 36D plump figure, with a protruding front and a curved back, and graceful curves. So, God, can you let me be your woman? I am willing to give everything for you, follow you, and serve you until the last moment of my life."

This female voice, with a mixture of shyness and boldness, reveals infinite worship and physical temptation for God.

She hopes that God will notice her, recognize her, and let her become a part of God.

Facing the enthusiasm and admiration of the crowd, Lin Chen just smiled slightly, and he slowly said:

"Everyone, this war base now belongs to you. But this is not the end. Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, there are still many people like you who suffer from hunger and cold. Therefore, I entrust God's servant Dongye to lead you to continue to fight for more refugees. I know that some people may think that I am talking without any pain, but please believe that my zombie army will fight side by side with you and conquer all the war bases of the Little Japanese Empire together. I believe that when you take over the entire Little Japanese Empire, you will be grateful to me."

As soon as the voice fell, the zombie army that had just led the refugees to capture the war base also entered the warehouse.

As soon as they saw Lin Chen, they knelt on one knee and respectfully called him "Master".

This scene shocked everyone present.

Coupled with Lin Chen's inspiring words, the emotions of the crowd were completely ignited, and they wanted to set off immediately to conquer all the bases.

You know, from the number of refugees who initially attacked the Tokyo war base to now, there are only a few hundred people left.

But these few hundred people hate the official army of the Japanese Empire more than anyone else.

"God, we will follow your arrangements. I hope you will continue to lead us!"

Dongye stood up first, patted his chest, and expressed his determination.

Then, he looked at the refugee brothers who were devastated by the end of the world and the war, and shouted loudly: "Brothers and sisters, I know that we may not understand God's will for a while, but today's food, tomorrow's women, and the freedom of the day after tomorrow, everyone should understand what this means!"

It has to be said that Dongye's ability to incite is indeed very strong.

Suddenly, those refugees who had just knelt down and were still a little dissatisfied in their hearts all figured it out. They shouted loudly:

"I don't have much education, but I must listen to God's will, because I don't have a wife yet!"

"I don't actually need a woman, because I am a woman myself. I don't know if God needs someone to warm my bed."

"Whatever God says is what it is, but can I have some food first? Sorry, I don't have much pursuit!"


Looking at the refugees' great respect and fanatical worship for Lin Chen, Qiu Hua was greatly shocked.

As the head of the Ninja Village, he has always believed that refugees are insignificant and can be ignored in any era.

However, the scene he saw today completely overturned his cognition.

He was surprised to find that just because a small zombie army was sent out and some insignificant benefits were given, these refugees showed their determination and courage to take over the entire Little Japanese Empire.

This kind of power, this kind of united momentum, is something he has never seen in refugees before.

You know, even the powerful strength of the Ninja Village does not dare to easily say that it will control the Little Japanese Empire.

After all, in addition to the ninja village, the Little Sun Empire is also protected by many hermits.

The strength of these hermits is unfathomable, and even he does not know their true details.

However, since recognizing Lin Chen as his master, Qiu Hua suddenly felt that perhaps these refugees will really become the pillar of the Little Sun Empire in the future. This idea made him feel both surprised and expectant.

He began to re-examine these refugees and found that they have endless potential and possibilities.

Perhaps, under Lin's leadership, they can really create shocking miracles.

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