"Master, I don't recommend you to explore this ruins."

Lin Lan said cautiously.

What are ruins? Both people present knew it well.

The Lin family has been able to stand in Longguo for many years. In addition to its own powerful bloodline power, the more important thing is the exploration of ruins. But the risks contained in the ruins are also difficult to estimate.

"Why is this?" Lin Chen was a little surprised. He originally had a strong interest in the ruins, but Lin Lan's words puzzled him.

"Although the ruins are full of endless mysteries and treasures, the risks are also huge." Lin Lan explained, "Even for a big family like the Lin family, the casualty rate of sending people into the ruins is as high as 70%, or even higher."

"With such a high casualty rate, why would a family send people in?" Lin Chen asked puzzled.

"Because there are powerful treasures hidden in the ruins." Lin Lan's eyes flashed with a trace of reminiscence, "The reason why my Lin family can gain a foothold in Longguo is because we once found a treasure in the ruins, which established our position in the imperial capital."

"Treasure? What treasure is that?" Lin Chen asked curiously.

"Only the clan leader knows what the treasure is." Lin Lan shook his head, "But I can tell you that the power of that treasure is very strong, enough to make the Lin family stand at the top of Longguo."

"I will consider it, after all, I still cherish my life."

Lin Chen chuckled, but deep in his heart he had a stronger interest in this relic. In the world before the end of the world, there must be many unknown secrets and powers hidden.

And the ruins are undoubtedly the key to unlocking these secrets.

Lin Lan looked at him and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Although Lin Chen is powerful, his understanding of this world is still before the end of the world. The world after the end of the world is far more complicated and dangerous than he imagined. And the ruins are full of unknowns and dangers.

"Okay, let's talk about the ruins later. Let's solve the current problems first. As long as the rest of you are willing to submit to me, I can consider not killing you." Lin Chen turned his head and looked at the rest of the people.


Lin Chen's original intention was to cut the grass and root out the roots, but considering the importance of the Wu family in the doomsday and the agreement with Wu Qian, he decided to adopt Lin Lan's suggestion and let Wu Qian manage the Wu family on his behalf.

After all, in the world of doomsday, having a warrior family as an ally is undoubtedly a good thing. Moreover, Wu Xiaotian has been dominating the Wu family for many years, and the family has long been full of resentment. If it weren't for Lin Lan's decisive action, I'm afraid someone would have risen up to resist.

This time, Lin Lan came to the front with the support of Lin Chen, which was also a decision he made after careful consideration. With someone in the front as the talker, he can also focus more on his own practice and Wu Qian's affairs.

Not long after, many Wu family children were summoned to the vast venue in Yunjindongfang.

"What's going on? Why do we suddenly have to hold a meeting here?"

"Yes, the last time such a large-scale meeting was when the doomsday happened."

"Do you think Wu Xiaotian is going to cause trouble again this time? If so, I will end it with him even if I risk my life."

"Wait, look, there is movement on the stage, it's Madam Lin Lan! But who is walking in front of her?"

While everyone was talking, Lin Chen, Lin Lan, Wu Qian and a group of Wu family's senior executives came to the stage. Their appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I think there is no need to say more about who I am." Lin Lan said with a smile, "But today's protagonist is not me, but the man behind me, my master, Lin Chen."

As soon as Lin Lan finished speaking, Lin Chen signaled Wu Qian, and then dragged out the body of Wu Lei, who had just died tragically.

The bloody scene shocked everyone in the audience.

Isn't that the third elder Wu Lei? How did he become like this?

Lin Chen did this, firstly to establish his authority and let everyone know his strength and means; secondly, to borrow Wu Lei's body, because Wu Xiaotian's body had been pierced by Lin Lan and could no longer be used.

Before everyone could fully come to their senses, Lin Chen spoke again: "This is your third elder, I just killed him. Your clan leader Wu Hao was also killed by me. If anyone wants to avenge them, you can stand up now, I am always here to accompany you."

He paused and continued: "But if you choose to take revenge after the meeting, I guarantee that you will see a bloodier and more cruel scene than this, which will be a hundred times, a thousand times more painful."

Lin Chen's words made the people in the audience silent, and no one dared to speak. They knew that the Wu family was no longer the original Wu family, and everything would change dramatically.

In this doomsday world, choosing a powerfulThe leader is crucial. Although the Wu family has a certain strength and status in Luocheng as a warrior family, most of the members are ordinary people like Lin Lan. They are powerless to resist Wu Xiaotian's tyranny, but now that they have a new leader, they can only accept reality.

After all, in this doomsday world, it is normal to change leaders.

"What can you bring to us? You won't be more brutal than Wu Xiaotian, right?" A childish voice sounded in the audience, breaking the silence on the scene.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, he looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was a young girl.

"What do you know, little kid? Adult, my child is ignorant, please don't blame her." An old man hurriedly stood up to block Lin Chen's sight for the girl, for fear of angering him.

Lin Chen did not answer immediately, but stood up. When he stood there, the old man was frightened and kowtowed to admit his fault, muttering: "Sir, my granddaughter is still young and ignorant. Please be magnanimous and don't bother with her. I am willing to be punished for her, just ask you to let her go."

"Grandpa, why are you begging him? If he is the same person as Wu Xiaotian, it will be useless even if you beg him a hundred times or a thousand times!" The girl said dissatisfiedly when she saw her grandfather like this.

"Don't scream, if you scream again, both of us will be in trouble." The old man looked at his granddaughter lovingly and blamed her. But he also understood that the current occasion was not suitable for willfulness.

Seeing the grandfather and grandson talking like this, others avoided their sight for fear of being involved.

Lin Chen didn't expect that the first one who dared to speak was actually an old man and a young man. He also became interested and walked off the stage.

When everyone saw Lin Chen coming, they wished they had ten legs and ran away.

Some people even fainted when they saw Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen walked to the grandfather and grandson, the loli granddaughter directly blocked the way.

"What are you going to do? If you want to use force on my grandfather, just step over me."

Lin Chen: ? ? ?

MD, although I love beautiful women, I am not interested in loli!

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