Hearing the word "corpse tide", Liang Chen and the security guard turned pale. It's not that they haven't heard of this word. On the contrary, they know the meaning behind this word very well.

Liang Chen and the security guard were panicked and at a loss. They had never experienced such a situation. Facing unknown danger, they lost their direction for a while.

At this time, San Shang Youya, who was held in Lin Chen's arms, suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, it seems that God is helping me. Even if I die today, I have to drag someone down with me!" San Shang Youya laughed out loud.

"Yes, Captain, we can die together." Qiu Yuan added quickly.

"You go to hell!" San Shang Youya and Yumi shouted almost in unison.

Lin Chen didn't have time to entangle with them. He looked forward firmly and immediately used the supernatural power "Secret of Shadow". A dark shadow emerged from behind him, as if another real existence.

"You still have supernatural powers? Who are you? As far as I know, most people only have one supernatural power." Qiu Yuan asked in horror.

Lin Chen replied calmly: "You just said that ordinary people only have one superpower. But I am not an ordinary person, I am your husband!" Then he ordered Shadow to pick up Yumei and Liang Chen, one beauty in each hand, like a dark prince walking in the night.

"Uncle, follow me!" he shouted loudly. Although the security guard was full of fear, he knew that he had no other choice. Only by following Lin Chen could he survive.

Qiu Yuan looked at Lin Chen and his party who were getting farther and farther away, and the despair in his heart became stronger and stronger. He knew that he was not far from death.

"You can't run away. The level of this zombie tide is not low at all. Hahaha, Captain, we will see you in hell later." Qiu Yuan roared, but his voice was soon drowned out by the increasingly loud roars of zombies in the distance.

Lin Chen and his party had disappeared in the night. Qiu Yuan knew that he had no chance. He began to roar and curse, trying to vent his fear and despair in various ways. However, before he could finish his two sentences, countless huge zombies suddenly appeared in the distant buildings. They gathered together densely, as if a blood-red ocean was spreading. The violent roar echoed between the world, getting more and more intense...

On the way to escape, Lin Chen glanced casually and found the zombie tide in the distance. He stopped and observed the scene quietly.

"Is this the zombie tide?"


A day ago, when Lin Chen thought that Wu Xiaotian had been completely solved by Lin Lan, he took Lin Lan back to the Wu family. However, things did not develop as he expected.

Shortly after Lin Chen left, an extremely faint light suddenly appeared and attached to Wu Xiaotian. This light was not an ordinary light, but a mutated zombie parasitic beast. After the end of the world, the parasitic beast began to mutate, from relying on animals to survive, to being able to control animals, and even parasitize in the human body.

If Wu Xiaotian had not been on the verge of death at the time, this weak parasitic beast would not dare to approach. Coincidentally, when the parasitic beast merged with Wu Xiaotian, the cells of the two overlapped to a high degree, allowing Wu Xiaotian to be directly promoted to a level 5 zombie king.

"I'm not dead? I'm not dead!" Wu Xiaotian suddenly jumped up from the ground, his eyes wide open, his face full of astonishment and disbelief. He couldn't believe that he could survive in such a desperate situation.

The zombies that had originally planned to surround him to share his food were easily blown away by his sudden collision. The level 2 zombie rolled several times in the air and fell heavily to the ground, obviously shocked by Wu Xiaotian's power.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to these at this time. He was more concerned about his state after becoming a zombie. He found that after becoming a zombie, his speed and strength seemed to have dropped significantly.

"Will the strength really weaken after becoming a zombie?" Wu Xiaotian wondered in his heart.

But soon, he realized that this was not the case. He understood that this was because he had only been a zombie for a short time and his body had not yet fully adapted to and controlled this new power.

Wu Xiaotian knew this very well, so he began to try hard to control his superpowers. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, and slowly poured out his power. He used his heart to feel this new power, to get familiar with it and master it.

However, after he became the corpse king, he was shocked to find that his superpowers had undergone earth-shaking changes. The familiar skills and powers no longer belonged to him, and were replaced by a new and unknown field ability.

Around him, invisible forces gradually gathered to form a mysterious field. This power is powerful and majestic, as if it can control everything.Everything around. The zombies that just passed by him were directly suppressed to the ground at the moment of touching this power, as if they were hit by an invisible heavy hammer, and the sound of bones breaking was clearly audible.

Wu Xiaotian witnessed this scene, and the ecstasy in his heart could not be expressed in words. He laughed loudly, and the laughter echoed in the empty streets with a crazy joy.

"Haha! This is my new power!" He shouted loudly, "If Lin Chen dares to appear in front of me, then be prepared to accept the coming of death!"

There was a cruel light in his eyes, as if he had seen Lin Chen struggling under his domain.


So, after a whole night of adaptation and running-in, Wu Xiaotian finally mastered the new body and ability thoroughly in the early morning of the next day. He knew that this was the beginning of his revenge and the opportunity for his rise.

Wu Xiaotian did not spend too much effort to summon the zombies.

As a Level 5 zombie king, the majesty and power he exuded naturally attracted many zombies to approach.

His existence seemed to have become a powerful magnetic field, leading more and more zombies to gather under his command.

When the number of zombies gathered reached 1,000, Wu Xiaotian knew that the time was ripe.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and everything that Lin Chen did to his wife yesterday echoed in his mind.

He would never forget that shame and pain.

"It's time to let Lin Chen taste the taste of fear." Wu Xiaotian said in his heart. He was ready to launch an unprecedented zombie tide, making the whole city tremble for his revenge.

He raised his hands high, and invisible power flowed from his fingertips, infecting the zombies around him. With his will, the zombies began to move, forming a huge and unparalleled zombie tide. They were no longer unconscious zombies, but tools for Wu Xiaotian's revenge, and an extension of his power and will.

Wu Xiaotian looked ahead, his eyes full of determination and coldness.

"Lin Chen, are you ready for my revenge?" He growled, his voice filled with endless hatred and determination.

As the tide of corpses surged, the prelude to revenge officially began.

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