"I don't support it!"

This voice echoed in the meeting hall like thunder, making everyone look sideways.

Zhou Shan and others' faces changed drastically. They never expected that someone would openly oppose at this critical moment.

They quickly turned their heads and saw a young figure standing at the door of the hall. It was Lin Chen who had just arrived.

You know, this is a high-level meeting of the Zhou family. Even the direct descendants are not qualified to participate.

"Who are you? Why do you say you don't support it?" An old man said dissatisfiedly.

"Why? Because he is my master!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were focused on the figure who walked out from behind Lin Chen. She was wearing a black dress, mysterious and deep, like the incarnation of the night.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing? Who is this person? Why have I never seen him? Why do you call him master?" Zhou Shan said with a sullen face.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xiaoxiao just smiled faintly after hearing Zhou Shan's words, and said directly to everyone:

"Just because he killed Zhou Yuan and Zhou Qiang."

When Zhou Shan and others heard this, they immediately took a breath of cold air.


The young master of the Zhou family was solved by the young man in front of them?

Damn, he must die!

But why didn't Zhou Xiaoxiao feel anything at all? No matter what, Zhou Yuan and Zhou Xiaoxiao are brothers and sisters from the same mother.

"Okay, okay!" Zhou Shan couldn't bear it after saying three "okay"s in a row. Although he didn't know what happened to Zhou Xiaoxiao, since someone dared to touch his son and daughter, he must die.

"Since you dare to come to our Zhou family today, then you stay!"

Zhou Shan's voice was full of threats, and his eyes flashed with coldness, as if he had seen that Lin Chen had nowhere to escape.

However, facing such a threat, Lin Chen just smiled faintly:

"Stay? It's not impossible, but you have to give up your position to me."

When this sentence came out, Zhou Shan was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Lin Chen to be so arrogant.

In his eyes, Lin Chen was just a nobody. How could he be qualified to challenge his position in the Zhou family?

"Boy, this is in the Zhou family. You don't look like you are from a big family. You are so arrogant. Then let me deal with you."

The old man on the side couldn't stand Lin Chen's arrogance. Before he finished speaking, he rushed towards Lin Chen, ready to teach this ignorant boy a lesson.

However, at the moment when the old man was about to attack Lin Chen, Lin Chen just moved his mind slightly.


A loud noise came, and the old man who was just aggressive was suddenly hit by a purple lightning, and his head exploded instantly. The headless body fell heavily to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

This scene happened too suddenly, and everyone was stunned.

They had never thought that this seemingly ordinary young man actually possessed such terrifying strength.

This was the first time that Lin Chen used the Purple Sky Divine Thunder after upgrading. He used his mental power to cooperate with the power of the Purple Sky Divine Thunder, turning it into an invisible lightning rod, and caught the opponent off guard before the opponent could react.

"Second Elder!!!" Zhou Shan shouted angrily.

Seeing the headless body of the second elder fall to the ground, the remaining senior executives of the Zhou family showed a horrified expression for a while.

Their eyes were full of disbelief and deep fear, as if they had seen something incredible.

"How did you do this?" One person asked in a trembling voice, his voice full of confusion and fear.

"The second elder's strength is obviously stronger than the first elder, why is he so vulnerable?" Another person couldn't help muttering to himself, his eyes flashing with unconcealable shock.

"Is it really a headshot?" Another person said in a trembling voice, his eyes full of fear and disbelief.

Zhou Shan was also shocked. He stared at Lin Chen in front of him with wide eyes, as if he saw a monster.

He had no idea how Lin Chen made his move, or rather, he was shocked by Lin Chen's strength and began to feel scared.

This terrifying feeling of suffocation reminded Zhou Shan of his experience of going out for training when he was young.

At that time, he had met some ancient family elders, whose strength was so strong that he felt desperate.

At that time, he almost lost his life there.

And now, when this thought appeared in his mind again, his heart began to churn.

At this time, Lin Chen looked at Zhou Shan, who was already scared, and said casually: "Patriarch Zhou Shan, do you still want to keep me today?"

Lin Chen's words brought Zhou Shan back to reality.

He raised his finger viciously, pointed at Lin Chen and said: "You, you have offended me today."

Lin Chen smiled and took a step forward and said: "Even if I offended you, so what?"

He didn't take Zhou Shan seriously at all.

The pressure from this super strong man made Zhou Shan feel breathless. He said nervously: "Then congratulations, you have hit a soft persimmon!"

After saying this, Zhou Shan actually knelt down in front of Lin Chen in front of everyone.

His face was full of fear and pleading.

"Handsome guy, big brother, please, I am wrong. "

Zhou Shan's voice was full of pleading and fear. He kept repeating this sentence, as if he wanted to calm Lin Chen's anger in this way.

Looking at Zhou Shan like this, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He had seen many people say harsh words, but it was the first time he saw someone like Zhou Shan, who said harsh words but acted so weakly.

Originally, I thought Zhou Shan would be like Wu Xiaotian, angry and wanting revenge for his son's death, but now it seems that his performance is surprising.

Just when Lin Chen was about to speak, a dissatisfied voice suddenly came over.

Lin Chen turned his head and saw a hot young woman walking in.

Her long hair was swinging, her small waist was dancing, exuding an alluring charm.

Her appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

As soon as the beautiful young woman came in, she cried and shouted: "Master, Zhou Yuan is dead, you have to avenge Zhou Yuan! Master, what are you kneeling here for? "

However, Lin Chen noticed that although the beautiful young woman was extremely sad, her charm and charm were not diminished at all.

Even among his many women, her charm was probably only comparable to Su Yun.

Although Zhou Shan was kneeling, he was particularly domineering to his woman.

He shouted loudly: "Get out, the Consciousness Hall is not a place for women like you to come?" His voice was full of majesty and dissatisfaction.

The beautiful young woman obviously didn't understand the situation yet, she continued to pester Zhou Shan: "Master, my son Zhou Yuan is dead! Don't you care?"

However, at this moment, a loud slap suddenly hit the beautiful young woman in the face. Surprisingly, the person who hit her was not Zhou Shan, but her daughter Zhou Xiaoxiao.

The slap was so heavy that five bright red fingerprints immediately appeared on the face of the beautiful young woman.

She was stunned, looking at Zhou Xiaoxiao with eyes full of surprise and confusion: "Xiaoxiao, what are you doing? Your brother is dead, aren't you sad? "

Seeing this "harmonious" scene, Lin Chen decided not to waste time. He said lightly:

"Okay, Zhou Shan, I'll give you a chance. If you get rid of all the men in the Zhou family right now, I'll let you go."

Zhou Shan seemed to be controlled by some kind of power, with a crazy light flashing in his eyes. He began to scan the Zhou family without hesitation.

This time, almost all the high-level people who came to the consciousness hall were men, so when Zhou Shan's eyes fell on them, they all showed expressions of anger and fear.

"Damn it, Zhou Shan, you dare to touch me? My son will never let you go!" One person roared, his voice full of threats and fear.

"Zhou Shan, what stupid thing are you going to do?" Another person asked in horror, his eyes flashing with anxiety and despair.

"Zhou Shan, as the patriarch, how can you do such a conscienceless thing? Aren't you afraid of retribution? "Another person shouted angrily, his voice full of anger and condemnation.

However, Zhou Shan seemed to have lost his mind at this time. In his eyes, there was only fear of Lin Chen and desire for revenge.

He was like crazy, and began to attack those male family members frantically.

Half an hour later, the entire Zhou family fell into chaos and blood.

There were more than 300 people in the Zhou family, most of whom were men, but at this moment, Zhou Shan almost killed them all.

Walking on the road in the villa area, you can smell the disgusting bloody smell everywhere. The entire Zhou family has become a hell on earth.

Zhou Shan knelt in front of Lin Chen and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, I listened to you and killed everyone in the Zhou family."

However, Lin Chen looked at him indifferently and said lightly: "Okay, since you are willing to kill even your own people, then you can die too! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Shan's body was pierced by Lin Chen's lightning spear, and the ground was stained with blood.

Lin Chen knew that he could not tolerate such a fence-sitter in the doomsday. Otherwise, once he left Luocheng and went to other cities, such a person would become the biggest disaster. Therefore, he did not hesitate to deal with Zhou Shan to prevent future troubles.

In the only room in the Zhou family villa that was not contaminated, Zhou Xiaoxiao brought tenSeveral beautiful young women quietly waited for Lin Chen's arrival.

Their faces were filled with fear and anxiety, fearing that this devil-like man would take them away.

However, Zhou Xiaoxiao...

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