After coming out, Lin Chen took Ivanka to another room.

After coming out for a while, Lin Chen was not going to take Ivanka here, but when he performed the blood oath, he didn't want others to know.

Of course, there is another reason, that the God of Creation does not allow multiple operations in one day, multiple P, wearing colored hats, etc.

Lin Chen does not want to be sanctioned again, so he has to use this supernatural power.

But Lin Chen thinks so, but Ivanka does not.

"You, you, what are you going to do? You Dragon people will not play people to death like the people of the Little Japanese Empire, right? That would be too painful, can you just give me a pain. Then you can do whatever you want after I die, anyway, I won't feel anything by then." Ivanka said nervously.

"Oh, you want to be played to death?" Lin Chen joked.

"No, no, who wants to play to death. In our Eagle sauce, our women like to play with others. Bah, bah, bah, why am I telling you this? What on earth are you going to do?" Ivanka stared at the handsome Dragon countryman in front of her.

In fact, if Lin Chen was not a Dragon countryman with such a handsome face, she might really like him.

"Okay, what's the point of playing or not. I just want you to be my woman, why is it so difficult." Lin Chen didn't say much, and let's do the business first.

He first took off Ivanka's high heels under the steel armor, and then teased her.

It must be said that the arch curve of this Eagle sauce man is indeed different.

"You, don't be like this!"

Being teased like this, Ivanka's rare pretty face blushed.

"Okay, my wife is still waiting for me to go back." As he spoke, an ancient magic circle suddenly appeared under the feet of Lin Chen and Ivanka.

Ten minutes later

"Master, hello, I am your loyal Ivanka." Ivanka saluted.

Afterwards, Lin Chen took out a purple couple outfit from his space ability and put it on Ivanka and returned to the room.

As soon as they returned to the room, the dying Eagle Sauce and others were shocked when they saw Ivanka like this.

"Captain, Captain, how did you become like this?" As the number one lick dog, Smith could not imagine what changes had taken place in Ivanka in just ten minutes.

But only Lin Chen said very calmly: "Ivanka, get rid of all your Eagle Sauce people. Then take my women home together."

"Okay, Master!" Ivanka said coldly.

"Impossible, our Ivanka is the daughter of our Excellency, and she will never betray Eagle Sauce or kill Eagle Sauce people no matter what."

"Ivanka, I am the lick dog Smith!" When Smith finished speaking, Ivanka's high heels had already stepped on his face. "My goddess stepped on me, stepped on me!"

"Damn, you lick dog, you will be killed by your goddess." The Eagle Sauce man on the side said unhappily.

"Don't say that about my goddess. My goddess is not wrong. She is just rewarding me."

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen was speechless.

Lick dogs are not divided by nationality.

Even if Feiyangyang came today, he would hand over Huazi when he saw Smith like this.

Just one minute later, Ivanka came back like the wind, with a sly and satisfied smile on her face, obviously quite satisfied with the task just completed.

She acted so quickly that those Eagle Sauce people didn't even have time to react, and she had already handled them properly.

"Master, it's been handled." Ivanka walked in front of Lin Chen and bowed her head to report respectfully.

She even deliberately or unintentionally wiped Lin Chen's arm with her great principles several times, not knowing whether it was intentional or deliberate.

Lin Chen frowned slightly. If it wasn't the God of Creation, he really had to solve it on the spot.

However, the most urgent thing is to go home first, otherwise the wives at home will blame him for not coming home at night and returning home empty-handed.

"You and Zhou Xiaoxiao take care of the Zhou family, and then we will go home slowly." Lin Chen ordered.

Ivanka nodded and agreed immediately after hearing this.

"Do you want to go home?" Yang Yichen spoke at this time. When she was fighting with Lin Chen just now, she hid aside and watched Lin Chen.

Who would have thought that the big boy who tutored her homework on her lap at the beginning has grown into such a strong man.

She couldn't help but feel admiration in her heart. It seems that it is right to come out of the survivor base this time.

Yang Yichen thought in her heart, staring at Lin Chen intently.

"Yeah, do you want to come with me?" Lin Chen said with a smile.

There are so many women he has met since he came out, including Song Qing'er, who had two horny girls with Zhou Xiaoxiao and Zhou Yuan, Zhao Yuanyuan, who can be both a loli and a mature woman, Yang Yichen, who is as pretty as the school belle in high school, and he even unexpectedly met Ivanka, the apple of a certain Sichuan girl's eye."Can we go together?" Yang Yichen was a little nervous when she saw so many beautiful wives and young ladies with amazing bodies around Lin Chen.

"Of course. Don't you agree?" Lin Chen turned to the crowd and said.

"Yes, the master said yes, then it must be possible." Zhou Xiaoxiao said first.

Then Ivanka also said: "Yes, yes, we are all the master's, there is nothing wrong. As long as the master gives an order, I can do it even if it is an outdoor activity."

"Ahem~~ Okay, let's go, there is still a distance to go back." Lin Chen interrupted Ivanka and said.


Because there are so many women around, when Lin Chen and his party arrived at the Asian compound, the night had already fallen.

Fortunately, Lin Chen used the ability of the secret of the shadow in advance, and the zombies and other potential dangers within a hundred meters along the way were quietly solved by the black shadows he summoned.

Although the Secret of Shadow has not brought about a qualitative leap since it was upgraded to level 3, the physical fitness of the summoned shadow has reached 50% of Lin Chen's original body. Such strength and agility are at least equivalent to the level of a mid-level 4 superpower.

In today's Luocheng, except for those unpredictable corpse kings and corpse emperors, there is almost nothing that can be their opponent.

"Lin Chen, are we almost there?" Yang Yichen gently rubbed her jade feet and asked a little tiredly.

Seeing Yang Yichen, who is not a superpower, walking for so long, Lin Chen felt a tenderness in his heart. He bent down and gently picked her up.

This is not the first time he has hugged her, but every time after hugging for a while, Yang Yichen would insist on walking down by herself.

She knew that the group of beautiful and charming women behind her were staring at her covetously, and she didn't have the courage to occupy Lin Chen alone.

"Yeah, we're almost there." Lin Chen responded gently, and at this moment, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, arousing everyone's vigilance.

"Is there a sneak attack?" Ivanka immediately said vigilantly.

"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Chen comforted everyone and walked towards the black shadow.

When the black shadow approached, a pretty face with an attractive smile appeared on it.

It was...

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