"Then, let's try to fly." Seeing that Ivanka could fly, Lin Chen thought that he could fly, too.

Driven by this belief, Lin Chen moved his mind and his body instantly became light, as if he had escaped the shackles of gravity. He slowly rose, about one meter away from the tiles on the ground



"Go!" Lin Chen shouted excitedly, and then rushed out of the window of the room at an astonishing speed.

Lin Chen knew that the speed of the lightning gun manifested by the Purple Thunder could easily surpass the speed of the sniper rifle's bullet. Now, as an 8th-level psychic, his mental power is strong enough to allow him to fly at a speed exceeding 1 times the speed of sound. This means that he can fly more than 340 meters in the air per second, which is as high as 1,224 kilometers per hour when converted into a speed of 1,224 kilometers per hour.

Although this speed is already astonishing, Lin Chen is not satisfied.

He clearly remembers that the North American X15, which ranked first in the world, could reach a maximum speed of an astonishing 7,200 kilometers per hour.

Although there is still a distance between him and Lin Chen now, he firmly believes that as his strength continues to improve, one day he will be able to reach or even exceed the amazing speed of 6 times the speed of sound.

When Lin Chen's figure flew out of the villa, the air above the villa instantly vibrated.

This strong fluctuation spread like ripples, waking up the women in the villa from their sleep.

Su Yun was the first to rush to the window, her eyes fixed on the figure above the villa, and an inexplicable surprise surged in her heart. The figure seemed familiar, but it also made her feel a little confused.

At this moment, Yan Siqi also came over, her face full of confusion: "What's wrong? Aunt Su. Did you hear the sound of breaking through the air? Could it be a military plane?"

Su Yun shook her head slightly, frowning: "It doesn't sound like it. Even if it is a plane, it can't make such a roar."

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of Chen Lili, and she also came over. As a police flower in the police force, she had the honor of participating in military weapons exhibitions many times and was familiar with the sounds of various aircraft. She said with certainty: "This is definitely not the sound of an airplane. But what exactly is it?"

Yan Siqi suddenly thought of a possibility: "Could it be Lin Chen's husband?"

Chen Lili immediately denied this idea: "How is it possible? Flying ability? Even if he has it, it is impossible to make such a big noise. This kind of noise can only be made by 8 or 9-level superpowers who have special flying abilities. You have to know that how can a real superpower or human fly?"

Although Chen Lili's analysis sounded reasonable, Su Yun still couldn't let go of her doubts. She looked up at the sky and suddenly pointed in a direction and said to the two: "But, what do you see?"

Following the direction of Su Yun's finger, Yan Siqi and Chen Lili looked up at the same time. I saw a figure flying in the air, the speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping. And that figure was surprisingly similar to Lin Chen!

"Really, it's really Lin Chen's husband!" Chen Lili said in surprise.

At this time, all the women rushed over and saw clearly that it was indeed Lin Chen.

Everyone looked at each other in shock and confusion.

They couldn't imagine that Lin Chen could actually fly in the air and make such a big noise.

At this time, Lin Chen, who was flying in the air, was immersed in other thoughts. Previously, he relied on the power of Zixiao Shenlei to make his speed comparable to that of a sniper rifle bullet, but human energy is limited after all, and it is impossible to run endlessly.

But now the situation has changed dramatically. The speed now is simply unbelievable. Even to the survivor base of the Zhou family, the distance, he roughly estimated, is about 40 kilometers, and no more than 50 kilometers at most.

With the amazing speed maintained by the current mental power, Lin Chen calculated that it only takes 147 seconds to arrive. Converted into time, it only takes 3 minutes!

Such a speed is like lightning, which makes people dumbfounded.

Lin Chen felt a strong urge in his heart, and he decided to go to the previous Wu family base.

This was not only to satisfy his curiosity, but also to test how long this so-called mental power could last.

Lin Chen did it without any hesitation.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his state, and then accelerated suddenly. The next moment, his body turned into a stream of light and disappeared directly above the villa.

Due to the high speed, a piece of white smoke was torn in the air, as ifA meteor streaked across the night sky, spectacular and shocking.

Two minutes later, Lin Chen had arrived at Yunjin Dongfang Community.

Because his landing force was too strong, a huge hole was instantly blown out on the ground, and the shock even woke up Wu Tian who stayed there.

Wu Tian rushed out of the room in his pajamas in a panic, muttering as he ran: "Who is it? How dare you break into the base of Lin Chen, the first warrior in our Luocheng!" However, when he saw the figure in front of him clearly, he immediately widened his eyes and shouted in disbelief: "Lin, God Lin, it's really you! Why are you here?"

Lin Chen looked at Wu Tian's panic and couldn't help but smile and said: "Wu Tian, ​​is everything going well at the base recently?"

Wu Tian quickly replied: "As entrusted by Lin Chen, everything is fine at Yunjin Dongfang Base."

He was deeply moved. If it weren't for Lin Chen's strong opposition to let him be the person in charge of Yunjin Dongfang, he would have been targeted by someone in the Wu family with his strength.

Lin Chen nodded and said with satisfaction: "Okay. But next, I will send more zombie warriors to Yunjin East. This is not to guard against you, but according to the information I have received, people from the Little Japanese Empire and even the Eagle Sauce Empire may come to Los Angeles recently. So, if something happens, you should evacuate immediately. When the zombie warriors can't resist, I will come to save you."

After hearing this, Wu Tian immediately stood in awe, he knew that Lin Chen was thinking about their safety.

He said firmly: "Okay, I will complete the things Lin Chen asked me to do perfectly!"

Then, Wu Tian seemed to remember something, and approached Lin Chen mysteriously, whispering: "Lin Shen, this time our survivor base has found some beautiful and hot beauties in advance, and there is also a girl who often wears a V-neck milky white sweater and slightly reveals her snow-white belly. She often asks me when Lin Shen will come to take her away."

Hearing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, feeling that Wu Tian was really a smart ghost. He had figured it out before he said such a thing.

He said calmly: "Oh? Really?"

Seeing Lin Chen's interest, Wu Tian immediately became excited and described vividly: "Lin Shen, do you want to go and see her today? She wore a pair of short white stockings and black and white leather shoes today, and tied her hair into a bun. If she was a beautiful young woman with black stockings yesterday, she is a sweet girl today."

"But it's just..."

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