"Family photo studio?"

Lin Chen was slightly stunned. Was he going to take all the scammers away?

So Lin Chen was afraid that the other party would be impatient, so he replied deliberately.

"Okay, sister, I'll be there soon. You must wait for me!"

After saying that, Lin Chen moved and floated directly in the air.

In Wu Tian's unbelievable eyes, he turned into a meteor and flew quickly towards the family photo studio. Wu Tian watched Lin Chen disappear from his sight, and couldn't help but sigh at Lin Chen's strength.

However, compared to this, Wu Tian was still very curious about how Lin Chen got the address, so he took a look at Lin Chen's ID.

ID: I am timid and lack the care of aunts, sisters, wives and beautiful girls.


After a while, Lin Chen arrived at the family photo studio.

This photo studio is only about 10 kilometers away from Yunjin Dongfang Community. For Lin Chen, who has extraordinary strength, he was already standing at the door of the photo studio in just 30 seconds.

As soon as he arrived at the destination, Lin Chen immediately used his mental power to perceive the situation nearby. His perception ability was extremely strong, and he soon discovered that there were indeed people in the underground garage, and there was more than one.

"Interesting." Lin Chen murmured.

Without delay, Lin Chen went directly to the underground garage of the photo studio and found that the garage door was locked to death. Lin Chen knocked without thinking.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

A crisp knock echoed in the garage.

Zhou Ge and others in the underground garage were slightly stunned when they heard the sound.

They didn't expect the other party to come so quickly.

However, as the only superpower among them, Zhou Ge remained calm and confident.

With the idea of ​​making the best of it, he smiled and said to Gong Yanghu beside him: "This kid came quite quickly, but the faster he came, the faster he died. Gong Yang, you should ask Tang Yurou to welcome him. Now we have breakfast today." Gong Yanghu nodded, and then seeing that Lin Chen had already walked to the entrance of the underground garage, he immediately told Tang Yurou not to play tricks, otherwise she would be in trouble. Tang Yurou opened her lips slightly, revealing a charming smile. She blinked her bright eyes and said in a sweet and tender voice, "Little brother, are you here? That's great. "The door seems to be locked. Can you come and help me open it?" Lin Chen replied. "Then wait, I'll be here soon." However, when she walked to the door, she found that Lin Chen was already standing there, quietly waiting for her. "You, how did you get in? "

Tang Yurou looked at Lin Chen in surprise. She thought he was still waiting outside the door. But when she saw Lin Chen's handsome face, her heart beat involuntarily.

"I didn't come in. Didn't I wait for you to let me in?" Lin Chen looked up and down. The long legs were indeed real. He really thought that the photos Wu Tian provided before were fake.

"Aren't you coming in?" Tang Yurou said coquettishly.

But then, she seemed to understand what Lin Chen meant, and a knowing smile appeared on her face. She thought to herself, this little brother is really a bit bad.

However, Tang Yurou did not forget what Gongyang Hu Dahan arranged.

She adjusted her mood and continued, "Then little brother, come with me. There are a lot of supplies inside that I can't move."

"No, come with me. I know you came here to be deceived." Lin Chen said directly.

"Ah, no, I was not deceived. Otherwise..." Seeing that she was exposed, Tang Yurou hurried to smooth things over.

Who knew that Lin Chen directly said to the front: "I know there are people inside, come out if you have the guts, I don't like hiding the most."

This sentence was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, breaking the original silence.

Zhou Ge and others looked at each other, and saw surprise and curiosity in each other's eyes. They couldn't help but walk out of the shadows and face this young man who dared to challenge their authority.

Zhou Ge walked in front, with a hint of playfulness and disdain on his face, "Boy, you look a bit brave! You come alone, and you dare to take our sister Yurou away. I don't know if it was Liang Jingru who gave you the courage or someone else?"

Gongyang Hu Dahan followed closely behind, his eyes looking back and forth at Lin Chen, as if looking for something. He whispered: "Brother, do you do it?"

Zhou Ge shook his head, and his eyes revealed an indescribable depth, "Wait, I feel like he seems to be a superpower. "His words surprised everyone present.

Lin Chen turned his head and saw several big men walking out of the shadows, their eyes were fixed on him.On his body.

He smiled slightly and faced it calmly, "Big brother, I am indeed a superpower. I don't know if I am lucky enough to join you."

Zhou Ge's eyes flashed with a trace of vigilance and suspicion, "Our organization is not something you can join just because you want to. Tell me first, what is your superpower?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and he made up a reason casually, "My superpower is different from others. It can make a person ascend to heaven."

"Ascend to heaven? What is that?"

Zhou Ge and others were surprised when they heard this. It was the first time they heard of such a superpower, which made them have a strong interest in Lin Chen.

Zhou Ge even began to think in his heart that if they could really ascend to heaven, then maybe they could find food over long distances in the future. Such superpowers will undoubtedly be of great help to their survival.

"Gong Yang, go and try it first." Zhou Ge instructed Gong Yang Hu Dahan.

Hearing this, the ram man said to Lin Chen without any hesitation: "Boy, let me try how to ascend first. If I am not satisfied, I will kill you immediately."

Faced with such provocation, Lin Chen was not afraid at all.

He slowly approached the ram man, with a look of confidence and calmness in his eyes.

Tang Yurou, who was standing aside, saw this scene and couldn't help but worry about Lin Chen. Although she had just met Lin Chen, she could feel that Lin Chen came for her.

She was willing to repay this favor, but she could never become his woman.

Because in her heart, she was Lin Chen's super fan girl, one of every one.

At this time, Lin Chen had already stood in front of the big man, with the corners of his mouth harder to suppress than 8 times AK.

When everyone was curious about how he was going to make people ascend, he raised his head slightly and looked around, and then his mental power moved slightly, and the big man floated up.

"I, ascended, I ascended." The big man shouted excitedly, completely unaware of what was about to happen next.

However, the next moment, before he could enjoy the joy of ascension, Lin Chen's mental power had already controlled him and threw him hard on the top of the wall like throwing garbage.

The big man's life passed quickly at that moment, and he finally died.

Even when he was on the verge of death, the big man was actually conscious, but how could an ordinary person like him contend with Lin Chen's mental power.

Looking at the big man embedded in the top of the wall, Lin Chen smiled faintly.

"Are you satisfied with this ascension?"

Everyone: ??? ???


(I'm in the small black room again, and I feel like I can't get out. Everyone, please watch and cherish it. If possible, give more free gifts, otherwise I really can't update. Woo woo woo, ten people will add one chapter with love, and twenty people will add two chapters. There is no upper limit. As long as you dare to give, I dare to update.)

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