Chapter 15: Chaos

Although Sun's father was anxious, he remained calm in the end: "Boss, you go out and inquire about the situation now. Second brother, you go find your cousin. He knows people from the Revolutionary *** Committee. Look. Let’s see if I can help calm things down.”

Brothers Sun Jianming and Sun Aiming also knew that the third brother's matter was difficult, so they did not dare to delay any longer, so they ran out after answering.

Sun's father looked at his little daughter in the room and suddenly remembered something: "Yanzi, go to the Chu family and try to persuade Chu Yun to find connections and see if you can bail out your third brother first."

Sun Xiaoyan hurriedly responded after hearing this: "Yes, why did you forget her? I'll go right away."

 After saying that, he trotted out the door.

When Sun’s father saw that his children were all gone, he said to Sun’s mother: “Take some money and come out.”

Sun's mother was upset and didn't understand what it meant for a moment: "What are you doing with the money?"

Sun's father glared at her: "How long has it been and you still can't understand? Even if someone comes to help the guarantor, do you think this matter can be solved without taking care of it?"

Sun's mother understood now, but when she thought of having to pay, her heart ached even more: "Those people who helped Chu Yunyi before have extraordinary status. Isn't it just a matter of their words, why should we take care of it? "

Of course, Sun's father didn't want to pay for it, but he knew that if his third son didn't come out, he might lose a few layers of skin if he didn't take care of it first.

No matter how reluctant Sun Mu was, she had no choice but to turn around and go into the house.

 Just after a while, a scream came from the room: "Ah, where is my money?"

When Sun's father heard the cry, he ran to the back room and asked, "What's wrong?"

Grandmother scolded in a sharp voice: "Which **** stole my money?"

The neighbors who heard the commotion gathered over and asked, "What kind of trouble is Gao Haitang making?"

 “It seems like the money at home has been lost?”

“No way, is the Sun family having bad luck?”

"What are you talking about? Don't dare to say such nonsense." "Oh, look at my mouth, I really deserve a beating."

At this time, I heard my grandma shouting: "Call the police, go and call the police, this is not going to save our lives."

Sun’s father couldn’t accept the fact that the family’s money was lost: “If you think about it more carefully, did you put it somewhere else?”

Sun's mother shook her head like a rattle: "After dinner last night, I also took two yuan for the third child. It is impossible to put it anywhere else."

At this time, Sun's father couldn't stand it anymore: "You are at home all day long, how could you lose this money?"

Grandmother's mind was in chaos: "I don't know, dad, call the police quickly, that's all our property."

Sun’s father shouted angrily: “What else can you do?”

 After saying that, he ran out in a panic. When he saw the neighbors gathered outside the door, his expression became even more ugly.

As soon as Yun came back, she heard people in the alley talking about the Sun family. She thought: Do you still have time to plot against others?

As soon as she walked not far from her home, she saw Sun Xiaoyan milling around.

 She wanted to turn around and avoid it, but she didn't expect that Sun Xiaoyan looked up and trotted towards her with an anxious look on her face: "Yun Yi, where have you been?"

 Seeing that there is no way to avoid it, just face it directly: "Do you have a problem with me?"

Sun Xiaoyan didn’t know what to say to Yunyi. She avoided the glances from the neighbors and said vaguely: “Well, I want to ask you for a favor.”

Yun Yi said with great interest: "What are you busy with?"

No matter how thick-skinned Sun Xiaoyan is, she would not say in front of the neighbors that her third brother was messing around with another woman and asked Yunyi to save her: "Let's go into the courtyard and talk."

 (End of this chapter)

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