Chapter 33 The matter is a foregone conclusion

Sun's father didn't even raise his head, with a solemn expression on his face: "It's been said over there, and so many people saw it yesterday. This is a matter of style, and we must be re-educated."

Sun's mother understood now: "What? Didn't the Su family say that they had a relationship? They also said that they were hooking up with someone. Why didn't they let it go?"

Sun’s father brushed his hair, which was not much, and said, “How do I know this?”

Sun’s mother was anxious: “Then what are you waiting for? Hurry to Su’s house and ask about the situation.”

Father Sun knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion. Even if he found the Su family, it would be in vain. He sat there dejectedly and did not move.

Seeing him like this, grandma slapped him angrily: "You are talking, is it possible that your whole life will be ruined by looking at the third child like this?"

Then she thought of something: "No, no, we can't just ignore it, yes, yes, yes, find Chu Yunyi, yes, hurry, hurry, hurry."

 As she said this, she went to pull up her man's clothes: "Let's go, come with me to find Chu Yunyi."

At this time, Chu Yunyi, who they were talking about, was talking to the Wei family about the house.

Aunt Wei looked in disbelief and confirmed again: "Yun Yi, what did you just say?"

Yun Yi smiled lightly and said: "You heard it right. After brother Hongjun gets married and returns home, he can move into the guest room of my house temporarily until the cannery allocates a house."

Aunt Wei was so excited that she didn't know where to put her hands: "I really want Auntie to say something good."

Father Wei's brows also widened and he said gratefully: "Yun Yi, don't worry, the house will be the same as it was when you left. We will definitely let the Red Army couple clean up the yard for you."

Yunyi smiled and nodded: "Of course I can trust you. I will put away some of the things in the kitchen before I leave. They will be able to open fire after adding some."

  After several people from the Wei family thanked Yun Yi again and again, they separated. Why did Wei Hongjun move there after she got married? The main reason was that there were many people at the wedding and she didn't want the situation in the Chu family courtyard to be exposed to outsiders.

Besides, her grandfather has not yet passed the age of seven, and she does not want too many people to come into the courtyard and disturb the tranquility of the courtyard.

Tomorrow is Grandpa's seventh birthday. I have made an agreement with Hua Wanqing before that he will drive over early tomorrow morning and take her to worship.

I have done everything I can think of, and the excitement of the past few days has been in vain. The next step is to prepare the food in the car tomorrow.

When she arrived at the state-owned restaurant, there were already steamed buns on sale. She originally wanted to buy some more to save space, but when she saw that there were many familiar people in the queue, she stopped thinking.

But when it was her turn, she still bought ten buns. Anyway, she wanted to take them in the car to eat tomorrow.

Since the family didn’t buy much food these past few days, Yun Yi ate a bowl of plain noodles directly at the state-owned restaurant. She was leaving tomorrow and there was no need to buy any more ingredients to cook.

As I approached the door of my house, I bumped into the Sun family members who were rushing over.

Sun's mother rushed over when she saw Yunyi: "Yunyi, you have to save Ruiming."

Yun stepped aside and looked at the Sun family with disgust: "What do you want to do?"

Sun's father saw Yun's expression of displeasure and quickly said to his little daughter beside him: "Yanzi, hurry up and hold your mother."

Sun Xiaoyan actually didn't want to step forward and wanted her mother to deal with Chu Yunyi. However, Sun's father saw that she didn't move and pushed her directly, so he had no choice but to step forward: "Mom, don't be impulsive."

 (End of this chapter)

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