Chapter 39: Departure and Touched

After Hua Wanqing accompanied Yun Yi to pick up the tickets from the Educated Youth Office, he went directly to a friend at the station to exchange the hard-seat ticket for a sleeper ticket.

The reason why I didn’t ask someone from the Educated Youth Office to buy a sleeper ticket in advance was because I didn’t want other educated youth to see it and cause unnecessary trouble.

 He had already greeted his friends at the station before, so things went smoothly.

Rather than crowding with other passengers, I followed Hua Wanqing’s friend and went directly into the station through another passage.

This train was the first train and it had already entered the station to wait for passengers. Yunyi quickly found her berth.

After putting the package and suitcase away, Hua Wanqing took a bag from his friend: "There are some food and bills in here, please keep it.

 That Uncle Li I mentioned to you, he used to be a soldier under me, and now he is the secretary of the commune where you went to the countryside. If you need anything, go to him. "

No matter what, this feeling was passed on: "Uncle Hua, thank you, I will take care of myself, don't worry."

At this moment, people were getting on the bus one after another. Hua Wanqing gave a few more instructions before getting off the bus.

He had a meeting this morning, so he didn't stay any longer. After greeting his friends for a few words, he left the station directly.

Yunyi opened the bag that Hua Wanqing handed to her while there were no other passengers in the private room.

In addition to the two boxes of Jingba items on the top, there are also bags of milk powder, canned meat, malted milk, toffee, chicken cakes and peach cakes. There is also an envelope on the inside of the bag, which contains various receipts. There was actually a bicycle ticket, which made my heart warm.

Just because she muttered that she couldn't take her family's bicycle with her.

 Put the ticket away, thinking that when you get to the place, you will find a way to get some local specialties and send them to them. No matter what, you must give something back.

As soon as she put her things away, a middle-aged lady walked in with her luggage.

Yun nodded at the eldest sister, then took out the sheets from her bag and spread them on her bunk. She had been busy since she put them on, and she was ready to lie down all the way. The eldest sister neatly put away her luggage and got into the middle bunk opposite Yun Yi. She looked like someone who traveled frequently.

At this moment, someone else entered the private room. They were a couple. The woman looked sick and was helped in by the man.

The man was very considerate and helped the woman to lie down on the empty lower bunk: "You have a rest first, and I'll go pick up the luggage."

Seeing the woman nodding, she hurriedly got out of the car again.

Not long after, he came back with two large suitcases. While stuffing the bags under the bed, he nagged: "You said you, you are like this, and you still want to go back alone. If mom hadn't called me, you could get in the car." It’s all a problem.”

The woman pulled the hem of the man's clothes a little embarrassedly, signaling him to stop talking.

The man looked at her with a funny look on his face: "I'm sorry, but what do you want me to do if something happens to you alone on the road?"

The woman pouted and said, "You've been busy lately. I'm not afraid of delaying your work."

The man took out the water glass and put it on the small table: "No matter how important work is, it's important to have you. If you really do something bad, how will I explain it to my parents and uncles?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Yun Yi couldn't help but develop a liking for the couple, both of whom were thinking about each other.

While the two were talking, another mother and daughter came in. When Yun saw that there were too many people to stand, she took off her shoes and prepared to lie down on the bunk.

As soon as I put my shoes under the bunk, I heard the girl say unhappily: "Why are there people on the lower bunk? Aunt Wang, don't we have a ticket for the lower bunk?"

 (End of this chapter)

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