Carrying axes, swinging axes, including dragging wood, this series of actions are strength training, even without the power of the system, their own size can naturally become larger.

And recently, my own food has also become better, I used to only gnaw two black breads, and recently I grabbed haggis, pig haggis and corn for two days, and the carbs and proteins are complete.

After nutrition and exercise keep up, the physique becomes stronger.

Of course, it is certainly not comparable to the improvement brought by the number of physique points obtained through the system.

Lin Yun opened the system panel and scanned it.

[Host: Lin Yun].

[Age: 17 years old].

[Physique: 1.28].

[Mana: 0.01].

[Skills: Logging LV2 (144/200), Fighting LV1 (8/10)].

There is no doubt that after more than half a month, his current panel has opened up some fame.

Not only do they have the skills to make a living, but they also have the skills to fight, and even if they don't rely on skills, they can defeat many people just by relying on this good physique attribute.

————But, this is the case in the slums.

What happens if I go out of the slums? There are many wizards in the world outside the slums, and no matter how powerful their physiques are, they are vulnerable to their magic.

If you want to dream of becoming rich overnight, it is impossible to achieve just a part-time job, and you must open your own vision pattern——

Lin Yun had heard this in the previous world.

But in this dangerous ocean current, what can he do to make this small boat that can capsize at any time?

Raising a large axe, this axe that once felt very heavy can now be played by himself.

Lin Yun was not afraid to expose his strength at all, and always carried this axe outside.

Anyway, no matter how powerful the power is, as long as you don't master magic, you will never be able to attract the attention of the strong, and life and death will always be decided by those dragons and powerful magicians.

It's the same whether the violence is exposed or not, it's better to attract the attention of others, maybe you can have some windfalls.

That's not enough. When my muscles are almost recovered, I must...'

- "Knock knock! "

Viagra is coming.

Lin Yun was too familiar with this knock.

When I opened the door, I was still the dark face.

"Uh... Have you been strong lately? "

Wei Ge looked at Lin Yunhun's body, his expression was shocked, but he didn't dare to step into the house for a long time.

Because he was wearing a sleeveless cloth shirt, Lin Yun's upper body muscles were at a glance, and his body shape had changed a lot, and some places could even support loose cloth strips.

Looking down, the exaggerated giant axe is even more difficult to take your eyes off.

If you don't pay attention for a while, you can really be shocked.

"Are you okay? It's a normal chopping tree and chopping firewood. "

Lin Yun smiled lightly.

Recently, Wei Ge's attitude towards Lin Yun can be said to be more and more cordial.

Lin Yun had harvested a lot of wood since moving to the bald carpenter's shack.

He interrupted all the orders for tables and chairs, split all the wood into small pieces, sold it to the poor at a low price, and occasionally saw some people who could not even eat and were about to freeze to death, he would even consider giving it to his door.

Anyway, now that he is no longer afraid of three or two thieves, Lin Yun wants to know more people to expand the channels of intelligence.

But there is no intention to insert willows, because because these actions Lin Yun's money is getting more and more, and he has also been respected by many people, including Viagra.

Although he is the son of the village chief, the village chief is also from a bitter background, so Viagra's temperament is also righteous.

"Hmm... Can you lend me that axe? "

Wei Ge looked at the axe in Lin Yun's hand and asked tentatively.

Two weeks ago, his impression of this teenager was just a sincere and straightforward bitter child, and he didn't care to have a little love with him.

However, recently, there have been more and more rumors about Lin Yun's innate divine power, and some people even say that it is still quite enough to witness him carrying the huge tumbling wood back to the wooden cart with his bare hands.

He was curious, did this teenager really become so strong in such a short time?


Lin Yun did not pay attention to the slightest, and directly gave the axe to Viagra.

This is not because Lin Yun is too defenseless, nor because he trusts Viagra too much, but because——

He knew that Viagra couldn't lift the axe at all.


Taking the axe, Wei Ge screamed violently, he felt that his entire body seemed to be forced to press, and in desperation, he could only quickly take off his hand and let go of the axe.


The axe landed among the weeds, shaking the ground three times, stirring up a little smoke.

It's natural.

The bald carpenter was from the village next door to the northern forest, and the axe itself was custom-made for the people in that village who could do power magic.

Ordinary people, except for Lin Yun, basically have nothing to wield.

Wei Ge looked at Lin Yun with a stunned expression.


"Do you know magic?"

Lin Yun scratched his head.

Should the answer be yes or no?

It feels as if the answer can't imagine the consequences, it doesn't matter.


"Who can you fool here..."

Viagra gripped the axe handle with both hands, stood up and lifted up, barely lifting to the position of his crotch.

Putting down the axe, Viagra took two steps closer and asked in a low voice again

"You really don't know magic? According to your previous personality, you will not fool people. "

"I really won't."

Viagra let out a 'hmm', probably counting in his heart.

Even though there are many magic guides on this continent, magic is something that requires a fairly strong innate talent to learn.

In the life of some people, even if they interpret the ancient characters in magic books thoroughly, they cannot release even a small flame.

Some people can even have a roaring flame at birth, and they have magical talents that are no different from those of dragons.

Some people are born with little magical affinity, coupled with bad luck to go to the slums to live.

And everyone who has magical talent has basically become a magic guide long ago.

So Lin Yun said that he couldn't do magic, and Viagra didn't doubt it too much.

Just ————

Suddenly giving birth to such divine power is not magic, there is basically only one possibility.

"Lin Yun, you should be the kind of wizard who is unique in ten thousand."


"Your strength is too amazing, and your body movements are also very agile, I heard that some people's bone density is naturally different from ordinary people, I am afraid you are that kind of genius in martial arts."

Lin Yun smiled again.

"Fighting? It's not much use. Compared to the magic of those magicians, what is this power? "

"Yes, but you're still too talented in logging."

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