"This is my first time in the gym, and I don’t know how to use many of the equipment."

"Why don't you teach me how to play, okay?"

Chen Fan looked at the woman in front of him and felt a little familiar:

"Have we met somewhere before?"

Chu Youyu felt sick after hearing what Chen Fan said. In this day and age, he still uses such an old-fashioned way of chatting up girls.

The gentleman before was probably pretending. Those girls were not as pretty as that girl.

Now that I am here, my true colors are exposed!

Ye Wanqing, you are a bitch. You have seen how dishonest this man is!

"I also feel very close to my little brother."

"Maybe we have met in a dream, and now our fate has extended to reality."

Ye Wanqing shouted frantically in the headset:

"I showed him your photo before, get out of here right now!"

"My little ancestor, I beg you to stop making trouble!"

Chen Fan frowned and looked at her with some displeasure:

"I'm here with my girlfriend. If you need help, you can go to the gym to ask for help."

"I think they would be very happy to do so."

Ye Wanqing was silent immediately after hearing this.

Although she knew that Chen Fan said this on purpose to reject the approach, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Brother, are you unhappy?"

"I brought my girlfriend with me today, so can we make an appointment next time?"

"Can I add a contact number?"

Chu Youyu said as she picked up her phone and showed her QR code, then deliberately leaned forward.

Chen Fan subconsciously stepped back a few steps to distance himself. Although he was not a gentleman , he was not such a casual person. Chu Youyu was indeed very beautiful, but he did not like such casual girls.

Besides, there were still two big Buddhas at home that had not been dealt with. If he went out to flirt with other girls, would he still be dead?

"Sorry, I don’t add strangers’ contact information."

Chu Youyu continued to tempt:

"If we get to know each other, we won't be strangers anymore."

"I don't mind if you play with your girlfriend first."

"When you send her home, we can find a place to have a drink, and you can teach me some fitness knowledge."

Chu Youyu's body pressed against him again, and even stretched out her hand to grab his arm.

She thought very proudly in her heart:

I have retreated so much and hinted so much, I don't believe you won't take the bait!

Unexpectedly, Chen Fan ruthlessly shook off her hand and said seriously:

"Girl, please respect yourself!"

"If you want to spend some energy, you can go to a bar, that should be more suitable for you!"

"I'm not interested in having too much contact with a woman like you!"

Chen Fan's voice was very loud, and it quickly attracted the attention of some people nearby.

Chu Youyu was in a very awkward situation. She could see the deep disgust in Chen Fan's eyes.

What's going on?

Could it be that I really made a mistake, and he is actually an honest man?


If he is a decent man, how could he be involved with another woman behind Wan'er's back.

And he just said that she was his girlfriend?

Could it be that I am not charming enough?

This shouldn't be!

Chu Youyu fell into deep self-doubt.

At this time, Mu Xueqing also ran over after using the toilet.

She looked at Chu Youyu fiercely and scolded:

"My boyfriend has said this to you and you still don’t leave. You are so shameless!"

"If you want to seduce someone else, don't bother my boyfriend!"

Mu Xueqing's voice became louder, and the crowd around her began to whisper:

"What’s going on? Is it so exciting?"

"You are so beautiful, why don't you seduce me?"

"Young people nowadays have no self-respect or self-love at all!"

"They have corrupted the social atmosphere!"

Chu Youyu listened to some unbearable remarks and various accusations around him.

He stood there blankly for a moment and didn't know what to do.

"No…………That's not the case... I... I am……"

"Seducing other men with a pitiful look, I don't know who she is pretending to be for"

"Those mistresses who like to destroy other people's families are all shameless women!"

"There is no bottom line, and I don’t know how my parents taught me!"

Ye Wanqing also felt the seriousness of the matter through the headset and hurriedly reminded:

"I told you not to mess around, now you’re done!"

"Are you still standing there in a daze? Hurry up and leave!"

Chu Youyu has been spoiled by her family since she was a child, so she has never suffered such grievances!

Now he couldn't explain this matter in just a few words. Her eyes were red with grievance and tears were about to fall out.

She even saw some people take out their mobile phones to take pictures.

After listening to Ye Wanqing's reminder, she hurriedly turned around and ran out, thus avoiding a large-scale social crisis.

Chen Fan couldn't help shaking his head when he saw it. Seeing this, Mu Xueqing raised her head and glared at him fiercely:

"Why, are you distressed when you see her like this?"

Chen Fan reached out and rubbed her hair fiercely:

"I just feel that it is quite sad to see a little girl like this."

"Don't worry about her, it's time to go home after practicing for a while."

PS: Brothers, can you please give more flowers to break 10,000? The evaluation is just a little bit short of breaking 1,000…………

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