In front of the Walmart supermarket.

A large group of people surrounded the outside, none of them allowed Rong Huaiyan to take away the pustule monster.

When the monster pounced on Rong Huaiyan, he was already prepared and yanked the rope, throwing him away a few meters away, and then dragging him to continue walking under the sun.

The pustule hummed incessantly in resistance.

Unfortunately, he was so weak that he could no longer stop Rong Huaiyan's actions, so he could only be forcibly dragged to the gate. However, it stopped at the door.

A large group of people blocked their way.

"Is he Qiao Dongliu?"

"He must have a lot of supplies on him. We don't want people, we only want his things."

"Yes. Hand over the supplies."

Everyone roared loudly, as if they would fight Rong Huaiyan desperately if they didn't hand over the pustule monster.

Rong Huaiyan wasn't sure if the pustule monster was Qiao Dongliu.

After all, he had only seen Qiao Dongliu twice, and even though there were a lot of photos, the man in front of him was covered with pustules, his spine was bent, and his face was covered with pustules, which couldn't overlap with the facial features in the photos.

He couldn't tell either.

The man's throat was also mutilated, and he could only growl like a beast. No matter how hard he was tortured, he couldn't speak a complete sentence.

Just when the crowd was about to erupt, Rong Huaiyan suddenly took out his pistol, aimed at the sky, fired a shot, and then said loudly: "No one is allowed to move, if you dare to take a step forward, I will shoot."

There are too many teams chasing.

There are old people, young people, and a group of children...

If they were all Kong Wu's strong men, he would directly bring them down and take the pustular man away.

Rong Huaiyan grabbed the rope.

Lying on the ground, the hunched man kept moaning, lying sideways on the ground, unable to get up at all, and there was a gurgling sound in his throat.

Judging from his frail appearance, he probably won't live long.

"I asked him three times, just nodded or shook his head. If he nodded and admitted, I would not kill him. I would escort him to the first base. The rewards he received would be shared equally with everyone; if he shook his head, I would now Give him a ride!" Then he burned it clean.

This person was covered in pus, and no one at the scene took any protection.

Once he has the infectious virus on his body, I am afraid that everyone will be doomed.

After he entered the venue, he put on a protective mask for himself, and sprayed disinfectant spray on his body from time to time. The protection work must be in place, and on the way out, the 84 in his backpack was dragged and sprayed.

In any case, preventive work must be done.

Zoucheng suffers from severe dysentery.

It is hard to guard against.

He can't bring the virus back to Liaocheng.

"Okay, I'm the first to agree with his proposal."

"I agree."

"Yes, yes, that's it. If it's good, we share it together. If it's not good, just send him away. See how hard he is."

"Yes, no comment."

After getting everyone's unanimous approval, Rong Huaiyan walked up to the pussy man and asked, "Sir, let me ask you now, are you Dr. Qiao Dongliuqiao? Dr. Qiao Dongliu, who is in charge of the cold-resistant cabbage at the First Base." , you just nod or shake your head."

As he spoke, he pulled hard.

The man on the ground was pulled up and sat there in a daze, with a pair of empty eyes staring straight ahead stiffly, with a numb expression on his face.

Rong Huaiyan asked twice in a row.

The man on the ground was motionless.

Well, now there is a third situation.

Don't shake your head, don't nod your head.

This is where it gets a little tricky.

While everyone was waiting, the man suddenly went crazy and grinned at the crowd, even wanting to bite the onlookers to death.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho—"

The man neighed crazily, shook crazily, and attacked everyone crazily.

Rong Huaiyan restrained him all the way, otherwise someone would really be bitten to death.

Just then, a stray cat passed by.

In an instant, the man galloped like a madman, ignoring the pull of the rope, trying to break his neck, and with the determination to rush over, he grabbed the stray cat and bit it without saying a word.

"Meow meow--"

The cat let out a sharp scream.

But the pustule man went completely berserk, desperately gnawed on the cat, the cat was covered in black blood, and died within a few seconds.

"Ah, he is a zombie."

I don't know who yelled.

For a while, the crowd was in a commotion, screaming and running wildly.

It's just that a man with a strong force value was afraid in his heart, but he didn't walk away. With fear in his heart, he said to Rong Huaiyan: "Hit his brains, shoot him in the head."

"Burn him."

"Yes, burn him to death."

"If he bites people everywhere, the whole world will enter the kingdom of zombies. We must destroy the source."

Someone shouted like this, someone picked up a branch, someone took out a lighter, and worked together to light a torch, intending to burn the pustule man to ashes.

Eliminate Patient Zero!

This time, Rong Huaiyan didn't stop him.

He didn't intend to waste it anymore, no matter whether the pusty man was Qiao Dongliu or not, he had to be burned to a clean slate, so as to quell a new wave of disasters.

Just as he pulled the pussy man with a rope and sent him to the torch, when the man roared wildly, there was a violent roar in the sky.

A heavy locomotive draws a beautiful streamline in the sky.

On the car body, there was a girl wearing overalls and a short T-shirt, wearing a black helmet, and carrying a backpack on her back. She came at a rapid speed, with a slope, people and cars, almost flying in mid-air.

When the car reached the road, the girl braked frantically.

Under the powerful impact, the wheels swept across and drifted a meter or two away.

After the heavy locomotive stopped, the girl landed on one leg and took off the helmet. Anxiety flashed on her pretty face: "Don't burn him, the toxins on his body will be released with an open flame, and a global plague will break out!"


Rong Huaiyan pulled subconsciously, and directly dragged the pussy man a few meters away, away from the open flame.

The crowd was shocked by Qiao Xiachu's appearance.

In these days, who would store heavy locomotives? Even if there were locomotives, no one would hoard gasoline to burn them, which would be life-threatening.

Qiao Xiachu got out of the car.

Holding the helmet with one hand, she took out the protective mask from her backpack and put it on her cheeks. She threw a bottle of anti-virus medicine with one hand and threw it to everyone.

"You guys need to be fully disinfected, don't stay here for too long, he has a newly developed ns99 virus, it's a toxin that makes the brain lose consciousness, but the body is still alive, it can replicate infinitely, spread continuously, rely on The wind can spread it," said Qiao Xiachu.

what is this?

When is it that there are still people storing precision instruments and studying viruses?


Some people don't believe it.

But the next second, the sudden scene in front of them made them believe in Qiao Xiachu's words.

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