"What's wrong?" Qiao Xiachu asked suspiciously.

It has been two months since Rong Huaiyan left, and there has been no news. He never came back, and Qiao Xiachu planned to ask Erhei to see if he encountered any problems here.

"Go into the room and talk," he said.

With that said, Rong Huaiyan strode into the room, picked up the large jug on the table, poured himself a cup of sour plum soup, drank it down, and instantly felt comfortable.

Only then did he take a deep breath, and said with a cold expression: "This Liu Hexie is not simple. This time, I went deep into the interior of Zoucheng and reached a deal with Wang Yinghui. She was in the Liaocheng laboratory with Qiao Dongliu, and she never left her room, and when she returned to the base, she never showed her face..."

What a cunning fox.

Wang Yinghui has a brain.

As soon as he heard about the ns99 virus, he immediately assembled a team and sent out the most outstanding virus experts from the base to cooperate with Rong Huaiyan to track and investigate along the way.

Especially the villa where Liu Hexie stayed.

They also dug three feet into the ground, and found that there was an underground passage extending in all directions, dug through the first base and the fifth base...

When Wang Yinghui got the news, he was shocked.

He reacted immediately.

The fifth base has internal support from Liu Hexie!

Once the virus spreads, it is unimaginable.

Therefore, Wang Yinghui promoted a virus expert, plus a daily patrol team, to launch a long-term surveillance operation to search for suspicious persons within the entire base.

But he did not blindly investigate the base.

Not to mention the lack of food at the end of the day, there has been a plague of rats recently, and a large area of ​​food has been eaten by rats. Rat eradication is also a big deal, so it started silently.

Lest people panic, not all day long.

Rong Huaiyan's impression of Wang Yinghui has also improved a lot. If there is no large-scale natural disaster, with his management ability, the fifth base will definitely surpass the first base.

After returning from Zoucheng, the team he led suffered continuous attacks on the outskirts of the shantytowns. Everyone was armed with live ammunition, and they kept messing around, saying that his hands were stained with blood and that he was the god of death in the last days. A powerful existence should be obliterated, and the weak should not be killed innocently...

As soon as the remarks came out, a large number of survivors were recruited in the shanty towns, either rushing into their ranks and rampaging, or organizing the shanty survivors to dig pits and fight guerrillas.

Make them very passive.

"Then do they have an eagle with a red head on them?" Qiao Xiachu asked.

bald eagle?


Jojo was right.

He wondered: "How do you know?"

Qiao Xiachu then recounted the experience of the Hongying sniper regiment.

In the previous life, this organization developed very magnificently, and the number of people was frighteningly large. Whether it was a shantytown or a survivor base, there were people from them.

In general, the identity is not disclosed.

They have an internal communication system. Once the leader issues an order to kill, they will uniformly wear clothes with the bald eagle logo and start "doing justice for the sky."

There is a kind of "Doomsday Red Alert" tone.

When she was in the shanty town at that time, several people persuaded her to join the Hongying sniper group. She said directly to the people: "I don't have any skills, and I don't know how to use a gun. When the time comes, I will make trouble for you and drag you down." ..."

At the beginning, the visitor refused to give up, persuading her to become a liaison officer of the team. Generally, she would not reveal her whereabouts. As long as she completed the task of the team under special circumstances, a batch of living supplies could be distributed to her.

Every participating member can receive a compressed biscuit.

Qiao Xiachu was extremely hungry.

But she understood better that at her own level, charging forward with others would definitely be harvested leeks, so she naturally refused unswervingly.

Seeing that she was not interested, the recruiter continued to search for new members without disclosing more information.

Later, she heard one after another that they developed offline according to a certain gradient, and the number of team members increased rapidly in a short period of time.

"Then have you heard of their leader?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She frowned and said: "They are very alert, especially the leader, who has never shown his face in front of outsiders, just like a certain organization, making them very mysterious."

The problem is, even the purpose of this organization's existence is not clear.

With so much supplies, why not build a base?

Why do you want to be an envoy of justice?

She believes.

No wonder.

Rong Huaiyan nodded, and he said: "Alright then, I'll go to Erhei now, discuss this matter with him, see if I can go to the base and see if there are any stinky shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

A bunch of stinky shit, bluffing and deceiving under the guise of justice.

Don't be afraid of anything else.

The key point is that this kind of dog skin plaster is lurking in the base, spreading all kinds of news everywhere, and it almost killed Er Hei last time, and that incident is still fresh in his memory.

They must be served in one pot.

"Come back for dinner at night, Mobai is back." Qiao Xiachu said.

As soon as these words came out, Rong Huaiyan frowned, and said sourly: "I also came back today..."


Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

He is still jealous of Mobai, is there any mistake?

"Go ahead, I'll prepare the ingredients carefully. If you see Hu Guang or Lin Mei, let them come together and I'll cook a chicken," she said.


Rong Huaiyan endured the acetic acid in his heart, turned around and hurried out.

As soon as he arrived at the base office, Hu Guang's eyelids twitched, and he said with a smile on his face: "Everyone says that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, and Qiao Meier didn't take the initiative to offer a kiss when she saw you?"


"Wow, you just started dating, and you're living as an old married couple? My parents are like this. They've been away for a year or so, and when they meet and have a meal, they each watch short videos."

Rong Huaiyan swung his fist.

"Oh, oh, I'm convinced, I'm convinced, I dare not talk nonsense, but I will tell you a secret, you are not allowed to tell anyone, I have been lucky recently..." Hu Guang whispered quietly.

"What? What luck?"

Rong Huaiyan looked puzzled, and his voice became louder.

The echoes are soul-stirring.

"Oh, my mother, I've been holding it back for so long, so I'm willing to share it with you. You have such a loud voice, do you want the whole team to hear it?" Hu Guang stepped forward and covered his mouth.

"Relax, you pickle, smelly."

Rong Huaiyan pushed away Hu Guang who was smelling bad.

Being scolded, Hu Guang didn't care at all.

He had a face full of peach blossoms, with a beautiful smile, as if he was remembering, and the honey in his mouth was about to flow out.


He smacked his mouth.

"Look at you, the hala is about to come out, why, it's only been two months, and you've already done everything?" Rong Huaiyan said angrily.

Hu Guang glared at him, wishing he could seal his mouth with tape.

Didn't see this is an office, people come and go.

Is it appropriate to have such a loud voice?

"No way, the girl is shy, she just let me hug and cuddle, haven't I met twice? I dare say, she will let me kiss next time, and next time, we will kiss each other. We got married." He said happily.

We hugged and hugged each other twice...

At this speed, take a rocket.

Rong Huaiyan said: "Alright then, you can bring her here for a while, since you can see her above, at least she should be a girl from the base."

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