"You have breakfast first."

Qiao Xiachu handed over the food box.

Rong Huai extended his hand to take it.

At five o'clock in the morning, the doctor told him that Hu Guang had woken up and asked the doctor for water.

At that time, he was relieved.

This guy is really lucky.

Wandering on the verge of life and death twice, he insisted on overcoming it.

It is estimated that even Hades despised him and directly rejected him.

Rong Huaiyan opened the box.

A scent came out frequently.

"Wow, it smells so good——"

Even the nurse on duty couldn't help but sigh.

"What kind of fish is this? The smell is so strong, I almost forgot what milky white milky fish soup tastes like." An uncle came out of the ward, his dull mouth kept babbling, and his eyes were full of envy and longing .

Qiao Xiachu said lightly: "It's the frozen pangasius in the base mall."

The base mall sells frozen fish, flour, and hydroponic vegetables from time to time. These are all common foods, so even Qiao Xiachu’s soup with fresh herring slices and vegetable cakes made with fresh vegetables are also achievable.

It’s just that ordinary people are not willing to feast so boldly. Buying a piece of pangasius will be divided into several shares. The whole family will drink a pot of fish soup with a piece of fish floating in it...

How much fish will be consumed if the fish soup is boiled into milky white?

"Eat it, I'll watch it." Qiao Xiachu said.


Rong Huaiyan took the food box, walked to an empty place, and started to eat breakfast.

After eating, Qiao Xiachu took the food box and asked in a low voice, "Has the identity of the person in the square been found?"

"Found it."

When this matter was mentioned, Rong Huaiyan's face instantly became cold and full of hostility.

He said lightly: "This group of scourges will definitely find out their leaders and avenge Hu Guang."

Unexpectedly, members of the Hongying sniper group actually infiltrated into the inner city of the base.

Really underestimated them.

Erhei had tracked down the identity of the man in the shirt overnight, but he was Liu Sun, the son of a risk-taker in the inner city of the base. When he participated in a base equipment repair in the outer city, he was brainwashed by several wandering Hongying members.

These two fools pledged their allegiance every minute.

Since then, Liu Sun has developed in the inner city.

He is different from others who use Hongying to make money. Liu Sun is a real fanatic. After attending several gatherings of Hongying members, he became their little leader.

Seeing that the base was booming, Liu Shun decided to hold an event by slapping the table to give the base a strong shock.

Originally, two people were selected, one to blow up the base's water tower and the other to blow up the base's coal mine. In order to pass the inspection smoothly, they tied the detonator to their bodies.

Who knows, Hu Guang discovered Liu Sun.

Then it developed into an uncontrollable situation.

"What about the other person?"

"He saw that Liu Sun had an accident, so he hid, and was arrested by Erhei with thunderous means. This time they took the initiative to expose it, but it was an entry point."

There was murderous intent in Rong Huaiyan's eyes.

It's not that he doesn't care at all. Last time Erhei was almost killed by someone. In that operation, he also made secret arrangements and has been secretly investigating Hongying.

According to the time calculation, some news should come back.

"Hey, when will this natural disaster pass? Day by day, the base doesn't have heating, so we can't live."

"This is the heavens wanting to destroy human beings, who would make people commit crimes themselves?"

"Ghosts know that people can't save people. I hope there is a god who can take action and save mankind. Otherwise, mankind really has no way out and no hope."

A few patients crowded in the corridor of the hospital. They were seriously ill and had no hope of future. When they chatted, it was basically pessimistic and hopeless lamentation.

But there is one person who is different.

He stood up and said to the people around him: "I believe that there must be gods in this world. You see, the flood came inexplicably, there was also the sudden freezing heat, and the natural animals mutated. One after another, science has faded and cannot explain the natural disasters that follow."

"But if there are immortals, everything makes sense."

Several people listened to his nonsense, rolled their eyes one by one, and didn't bother to pay attention to him.


It's too unreal.

People who are in dire straits cannot be saved.

"Don't believe me, let me tell you that a few days ago, from an acquaintance, I got a foundation-building elixir refined by the gods. If you eat it, you will be able to successfully build the foundation. In the future, you will be able to cultivate immortals smoothly, enter the immortal path, and stay away from the pain of the world. "

As he spoke, the thin man took out a red ball from his pocket.

As soon as the pill came out, there was a strong fragrance in an instant. In the air-conditioned room, it brought a distinctive coolness to the surroundings. When I sniffed it lightly, it seemed that the pores were fully opened, and I felt so comfortable that I wanted to cry...

Rong Huaiyan winked at the two colleagues around him.

The two understood each other in seconds, walked towards the man together, picked him up, and took him away.

The man was dumbfounded.

After he was emptied, he shouted: "What are you doing? I am a person who wants to cultivate immortality. I will become an immortal in the future. Respect me, otherwise, when I complete my cultivation, you will all die without a place to die—"

A group of patients shook their heads and sighed, "Hey, I'm going to a mental hospital to practice immortality."

Qiao Xiachu chuckled.

She said: "How can there be such a liar, maybe it is for some compressed biscuits, but the red pill is quite special, I don't know what it is made of, and I can't tell the ingredients."

Rong Huaiyan shook his head.

He didn't let his guard down.

This kind of deception is so obvious that it is false at first glance, and it is easy to distinguish, but since the self-explosion of the Hongying Sniper Group, the people in the base have become unstable and chaos has occurred frequently.

As long as a little trick, someone will believe.

On the contrary, there are no people inside and outside the base.

Hongying had to be uprooted, so that the trust in Bengkai could be relieved a little bit, so that everyone could concentrate on fighting the natural disaster.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

"Then you must investigate thoroughly, and don't take it lightly," she said.

At this moment, Qiao Linmei came in from the outside, took off the hat on her head, and shouted anxiously: "How is Hu Guang? He's not dead, is he?"


After Qiao Linmei found out what had happened from her sister, she said incredulously, "Hu Guang's way of touching women's hearts is really special. Isn't Ms. Zhou very moved?"

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She said softly: "No, Zhou Jiaomei was the one who cried the most sadly, she obviously pretends to be Hu Guang's girlfriend."

"What about her? I want to meet her, and I hope she is sincere." Qiao Lin said beautifully.

Hu Guang saved her.

She had nothing to repay, she only hoped that Zhou Jiaomei would be with him sincerely.

He deserves to be treated well by other girls.

"He was taken away by her mother. I'm afraid Hu Guang's marriage this time is not going well." Qiao Xiachu said.

Ma Cuilan looked like a strong woman.

She interfered with her daughter's marriage, and even more with her daughter's freedom.

Zhou Jiaomei wanted to escape from her original family, but currently, it was not easy.

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