The man turned pale with fright.

However, what Rong Huaiyan asked was an assistant beside the man.

The man was visibly stunned.

He turned around and wanted to escape, but was kicked over by Rong Huaiyan, and the next second his head was trampled, and he couldn't move.


Rong Huaiyan scolded sharply.

The young man on the ground was very frightened, and said in a very low voice: "Wu Yi."

Rong Huaiyan sneered.

In the next second, he suddenly pulled out an extremely thin steel wire from his waist. Before everyone could react, he was like a tied pig, and he directly took everyone on the scene.

Together with the young man called Martial Arts.

Up to this moment, they all looked stupid, they didn't understand why Rong Huaiyan didn't ask their leader, but ran to ask an assistant's name instead.

Only the leader and Wu Yi know it well.

The faces of the two were ashen and defeated.

After Rong Huaiyan got in touch with the base, he sent all the people back, and then led the team again into the black storm.

Before entering the storm, a young man who had just joined the team next to him muttered in a low voice: "The storm is so fast, and the commander has been lost in it for so long, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a death stare.

Rong Huaiyan kicked over and said sharply, "Go back!"

The young man was frightened out of his wits, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, but the black storm was too sudden and the wind was so strong that even Adjutant Awang didn't come back, I—"


Rong Huaiyan kicked again, then took a deep look at him, and entered the storm without looking back.

The wind and sand hit his face.

The sting was unbearable.

Everyone felt that their cheeks were about to be torn apart by the wind and sand, their eyes were dry and dry, and they couldn't open their eyes. From time to time, sand rushed into their eyes, and tears flowed endlessly.

They wore thick scarves and hats, and finally blocked one or two.

It's a pity that the wind and sand have no eyes.

The more the group walked, the more difficult it was.

Everyone knows that the longer the delay in this bad weather, the lower the chance of survival. Not to mention Erhei Commander, I'm afraid that even Ngawang, who has gone and returned, will be in danger.

Let alone Rong Huaiyan's girlfriend.

No matter how strong a girl is, her physical strength is weaker after all. In extreme weather, there is no winner.

Rong Huaiyan, who had never stopped in the storm, felt as cold as iron.

How could he not know what the young man said.

Especially when Qiao Xiachu was still swept away by the black storm, once there was a sharp and sharp thing on the ground...he couldn't think deeply, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt chest tightness.

He who never believed in gods, at this moment, he was willing to disarm and ask the gods to protect her.

She has an advantage, as long as she is a little partial, she can save herself from danger in a difficult situation.

he believe.

One night passed.

They didn't know how many times they walked, how many times they encountered tornadoes, and several times the team was almost dispersed, and Rong Huaiyan dragged them back again.

When the sun rose again and the black sand opened its teeth and claws, all the people present had dry mouths, chapped lips, red and swollen eyes, and black and blue exposed skin.

Those who were hit by sand and stones were also polluted by unclean things.

Exhausted, they could barely hold on.

Just when Rong Huaiyan felt that the team's physical strength was about to invest, the red light on the watch he had been brushing silently flashed once.

"Jojo, she's ahead!"

Rong Huaiyan was very excited.

He kept probing, and when he was walking towards the northwest corner, the red light flickered again, and finally determined the direction. Without saying a word, he ran towards the northwest corner.

Qiao Xiachu didn't pay attention at first.

She gave Erhei medicine again, and after doing the needle again, she found that the red light on the watch on her wrist was on. She was overjoyed and said to Erhei, "Uncle Hei, Huaiyan is here, we are saved—"

One more person, one more strength.

He might have a way to bring Erhei back to the inner city.

Erhei has been in a coma, without any reaction, even if he wants to move, he can't move at all.

Qiao Xiachu was ecstatic.

She stood up immediately and was about to rush out.

But after thinking about it, it might be Rong Huaiyan who came in the black storm, or it might be an unpredictable crisis, so she secretly took out her gun again, stood behind the door, and observed the movement outside through a gap.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

In the sky full of wind and sand, you can't see the sun at all, and you can't see everything outside. All you can see is a circle within one meter. If you go further, there is only black wind and sand.


A figure rushed from the black sand.

Qiao Xiachu mentioned the heart in her throat, beating violently.

It's him!

Rong Huaiyan.

Qiao Xiachu shouted, "Huaiyan—"

After a while, she removed the big rock, rushed out, rushed into his arms, took his hand, turned around, found that there was no blood on his body, and immediately said happily: "It's good that you are fine."

She took his hand, walked into the house, looked at the injured Erhei, told him about how she met him, and then he treated him.

Just at this time, the team members who followed outside the door, upon entering the room, saw the water in the big plastic basin, couldn't bear it one by one, and said to Rong Huaiyan: "Captain, can we have a drink?"

Everyone brought water before going out.

But I didn't expect the wind and sand to be so strong that it swept away the moisture in their bodies like a hair dryer. In this bad weather, people are no longer human beings, but dried bacon.

Dry and cracked.

"Drink it."

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

No one asked where the water came from, and he couldn't explain it.

Anyway, water saves lives.

That's all.

"This room is so cool, it's so comfortable, if I don't drink any more water, I'm going to collapse."

"The commanders are all here. It turns out that Brother Da Rong's girlfriend is a lucky star."

When a group of people saw Erhei lying on the ground and Qiao Xiachu's behavior, they immediately gave her a thumbs up from the bottom of their hearts.

A melon.

Black Storm is too cruel.

They couldn't bear it anymore, and they didn't know how to send Erhei back to the inner city of the base for treatment.

Rong Huaiyan said: "I roughly estimated a small pattern of the storm last night. Generally, at certain points in time, the wind will be particularly strong. The closer to the outer city, the more likely to encounter tornadoes, so we must avoid certain points. , bypass the strong wind, walk a little longer, and return to the base with Erhei on his back."

When he returned to the base yesterday, Lao You had already learned from several scientists that not only Liaocheng, but also a large area nearby was full of black storms, the time was to be determined, and the risk was invincible.

In a short period of time, it is estimated that it will be difficult to escape from the black storm.

All outdoor production activities will be terminated.

There will soon be a power outage and water outage inside the base, and Erhei must be sent back as soon as possible to receive final treatment.

Time is running out.

There can be no delay.

Qiao Xiachu naturally understood the stakes.

She said: "Okay."

After several people discussed it properly, they began to assign tasks.

Qiao Xiachu distributed an opened bottle of Huoxiangzhengqi Liquid to everyone, and said to everyone, "Drink this medicine, the most important thing is to take precautions first."

In the medicine bottles, she added ice mushrooms to each bottle.

This trip is especially important.

Anyone who falls behind does harm to others.

Therefore, their safety must be ensured.

Rong Huaiyan: "It's done."


A group of people pulled off the lid, raised their heads, and dried up the extremely unpalatable Huoxiangzhengqi liquid in one go.


Still as bad as ever.

But I have to say that the effect of this medicine is great. Once I drink it, I feel cold all over, I can't breathe, my face doesn't turn red, as if I gained a thousand catties of strength.

"Let's go, follow the order and take turns reciting." Rong Huaiyan said.

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