The bald man screamed angrily.

He wished he could shoot Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan away.

Seeing that the wind and sand became smaller, the fire became more and more intense, and gradually became uncontrollable. The mandala poison they carried with them hadn't had any effect yet.

The bald man planned to use a swarm of rats stained with mandala poisonous powder to rush into the base, kill a group of people first, and then he would lead all his brothers to kill everyone.

How did the other party find out...

"You two, how much benefit does the Liaocheng base give you? I will pay you ten times, how about you working for us?" the bald man said loudly.

He is wearing a double-layer body armor, and there is a portable "air conditioner" with internal circulation inside to help his body adjust the temperature. Even if the temperature is high, he is not afraid.

As soon as the battle broke out, he saw that the opponent had a bomb, so he directly picked up a bulletproof helmet, put it on his bare head, and armed him like an iron barrel.

"Let me tell you, I am from Hunshan City. There are plenty of minerals and materials in the city. As long as you submit to me, I will allow you to be equal to me!" the bald head tempted.

In Hunshan City, he is the absolute leader.

No one has dared to challenge him, and the rights are highly unified.

When the few people around heard the boss's words, the jealousy, unwillingness and jealousy in their hearts grew wantonly and kept clamoring, wishing to kill the two of them on the spot.

"The end of the world is coming, and capable people gather together, and the city can continue to expand. At that time, there will be no worries about eating and drinking for a lifetime." The bald head proudly exported three views.

He didn't believe that in these years, there were still people who would refuse the constant supply of supplies.

"Look, I can take out a pack of instant noodles, beef, can eat as much as you want in Hunshan City, and you will eat it for a lifetime."

As the bald head said, he took out a pack of braised beef noodles from the bag beside him! !

"..." Two people.

Qiao Xiachu glanced at Rong Huaiyan, and said, "Huiyan, it sounds pretty good, why don't we... we want it for the base?"

"Right on my mind."

Rong Huaiyan thought so.

As soon as he moved his hand, he threw a few thunderbolts at her.

Then he said to the bald head: "Thank you, the city lord, for your kindness. Since you have so many things and we happen to be short of food, let's bring them here."


There was a loud bang.

There were frequent thunderstorms.

At that moment, Rong Huaiyan directly took out a bazooka from the small q page, aimed at the opponent and hit it twice.

Firelight illuminated the sky.

The black sand is flying in the artillery fire. When you first wear the body armor and helmet of the city lord, you should ask: Can they resist bombs?

Obviously not working.

The bald head was directly blown into the air, and then fell hard to the ground.

At this moment, the people in Hunshan City went crazy. Some of them who lost their leader continued to kill madly, and some of them took advantage of the chaos and ran away.

"Qiao Qiao, we must clean up the snakes and rats on the ground. They are poisonous at first glance, and when they hurt others, they will implicate us."

"it is good."

The two of them, one in front and one in back, one left and one right, back to back, went into battle at the same time, raising their guns, aiming at the snakes and mice on the ground, one at a time.

Must be manually cleaned.

As for the living people, they also suddenly disappeared.

A group of mobs lost their leadership, and their combat power dropped crazily in an instant. They were no match for the two at all. After an hour, the winner was decided.

By the time they returned to the rest camp, the fighting here was also drawing to a close.

Rong Huaiyan roared: "Your city lord was killed—"

When the gangsters heard this, they turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, some people picked up the spatulas and pans and smashed them fiercely, cursing: "Fuck you, you have nothing to eat, you don't know how to grow yourself, you have to come out and hurt people."

After all the invaders dispersed, Erhei led the team to clean up the fallen bodies.

Those that should be burned must be burned uniformly.

The injured also went directly to the medical team. Although the medicine was exhausted, it was still possible to clean the wound.

Lao You decided to change to another place to rest.

Erhei nodded in agreement.

This place has been exposed, the best way is to drive overnight.

But after a battle, everyone was exhausted, and it was impossible to continue on their way.

Therefore, it is necessary to change places and re-campaign.

Rong Huaiyan took Qiao Xiachu to Erhei's side, and briefly told them the news they heard from the bald man.

Erhei looked puzzled: "Do you want to go and see? Receive supplies?"

That is very dangerous.

Go deep into the enemy's house to get things. If you are found, you can't bring back a single thing.

Rong Huaiyan said: "I don't bring anything else, I just want to get some medicine, all of you are injured and bleeding, since they all mobilized their forces to kill them, and the leader died again, your vitality will be severely damaged in a short while , let's sneak in, it shouldn't be a problem."

Hearing what he said, Erhei didn't stop him.

"All right, safety is the first priority. If you can't get it out, don't hold on. They are a city, and they are definitely not a leader. They should have a left-behind team. The more abundant the supplies, the stronger the fighting power." The second black said.

"I know."

Rong Huaiyan held Qiao Xiachu's hand, and said to him, "Qiao Qiao is our lucky star. If you take her with you, nothing can't be done. Don't worry, wait until I bring the medicine back."

"Go, go, if it is later, it will be dawn. You must come back before 5 o'clock." Erhei urged.

At five o'clock in the morning, the temperature is slightly lower.

The team is ready and will leave on time.

Rong Huaiyan understood.

He turned around and left with Qiao Xiachu.

As soon as they left, Qiao Mobai and Qiao Linmei came over and asked Erhei, "Uncle Hei, why didn't you see my sister and brother-in-law?"

Qiao Linmei looked dispirited.

She had a lot of blowouts tonight.

She trembled all over at the thought of splashing blood.

Qiao Mobai wants to take her to meet Qiao Xiachu. With her here, Qiao Linmei's shocked heart will be comforted, and she will also accumulate strength to start again.

The second black said: "I sent them to carry out a secret mission, and they will definitely come back before dawn."

"All right."

Qiao Mobai had no choice but to take Qiao Linmei to rest first.

On the way, the two happened to meet Hu Guang who had returned from the third column. After hearing about the incident from Qiao Mobai, he walked up to Qiao Linmei and said to her, "The first time I killed someone, I vomited for three hours after I came back." God, the yellow bile has been spit out, even if we are well-trained, we are still flesh and blood after all."

He patted her shoulder lightly.

"Life deserves respect. We don't have the right to deprive others of their lives. But when life and death are at stake, that's not a choice. It's self-defense, and it's also a kind of protection for the loved ones around you. You are a human being, and you are also a female soldier. You should Understand the burden on your shoulders. Take your time, give yourself some time, and you will get used to it." Hu Guang said.

Hearing these words, Qiao Linmei emotionally found the button that broke the embankment, and burst into tears in an instant.

She wept bitterly.

But in the next second, his eyelids rolled up, and his body fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, Hu Guang caught it.

At this moment, Zhou Jiaomei rushed over, and seeing this scene, her face turned pale, and the next second, she let go of her feet, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, charming—"

Hu Guang was in a hurry.

He gave Qiao Linmei to Qiao Mobai, and while running, he shouted: "Jiaomei, listen to my explanation, this is a misunderstanding, I am wholeheartedly devoted to you—"

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