"Hu Guang, let me help you, you will be exhausted with so many things..."

Upstairs, Qiao Mobai heard a delicate voice, and felt a little familiar, so he slammed the door open.

Sure enough, the ones standing at the door were Hu Guang carrying a large bag and a relaxed... Zhou Jiaomei.

She has lost weight recently, and her cheeks are not as full as before.

However, the figure is still hot.

The simple jeans and t-shirt on her body are still full of vigor, completely unable to resist the enchanting and hotness emanating from her body.

She wanted to help Hu Guang carry things several times, but he flatly refused.

"What is such a small thing, I am your man anyway, I can't carry it with my hands, or I can't carry it on my shoulders." Hu Guang said.

They live on the fourth floor.

The bathroom upstairs has been cleaned.

He is not as particular as Qiao Xiachu. After throwing the body out, he wiped the room clean with a rag, mopped the floor, went to get some disinfectant, sprayed the room once, and it was done.

After the room was cleaned up, he went to pick up Zhou Jiaomei.

They are going to live together.

Ma Cuilan was unwilling.

She warned Zhou Jiaomei: "If you choose to go with him, then you won't be my mother. From now on, whether I live or die has nothing to do with you. Don't come to me again."

Zhou Jiaomei's eyes were red from crying.

She didn't want to fall out with her mother, but when she thought of the scene of Hu Guang and Qiao Linmei hugging together that night, she felt very uneasy, and finally decided to leave with him.

She is already an adult and has her own life, so she can't be led by her mother for the rest of her life.

As soon as she left her mother's sight, Zhou Jiaomei felt the ease of breathing freely, and her whole body came alive. When she saw Qiao Mobai and Qiao Xiachu, she greeted them warmly.

"Sister Qiao, Mr. Qiao, hello. You have been taking care of Hu Guang before. I didn't bring anything. There are two boxes of bird's nest in my bag for you." She smiled.

With that said, he took out two boxes of bird's nest from his backpack and handed them to Qiao Mobai.

Qiao Mobai was stunned.

bird's nest~~~

Even in the golden age, this thing is not cheap.

He was about to say no.

Hu Guang put the box away, stared at him and said, "If you don't accept it, I'll rely on your family not to leave. My family's love is so charming, it can't be wasted."

This calf is all in the flesh.

Qiao Xiachu pursed her lips and came out with a smile. She carried a bag, handed it to Zhou Jiaomei, and said, "Mobai, put the things away. This is a little return gift from me to Jiaomei. Take it back and open it."

Seeing that she was acting mysteriously, Zhou Jiaomei was hesitating whether to pick her up or not.

"You take it, sister-in-law's words must be listened to, and sister-in-law's wishes must be accepted." Hu Guang said again.

"Okay. Thank you, sister-in-law, thank you, Mr. Qiao." Zhou Jiaomei smiled.

"You're welcome." Qiao Xiachu.

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhou Jiaomei stomped upstairs with her bag.

As soon as they left, Qiao Xiachu closed the door.

"Sister, what did you give her? This bird's nest is a rare item. Although it is nothing special in essence, the market is good after all." Qiao Mobai said.

With a mysterious smile on his face, Qiao Xiachu poked him on the forehead, and said, "I gave it to her. It's definitely a big gift. She has no reason not to like it. It's enough for them to use for two years."

Now, Qiao Mobai was even more curious.

He kept asking, but she didn't say a word.

fourth floor.

Hu Guang put the things in the room, sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Zhou Jiaomei felt a little distressed.

She took out a towel from her backpack, put the things on the table, walked over to him, and wiped her sweat.

Wipe it.

Hu Guang's forehead was congested.

He was a little excited.

The room was cleaned very well, and I brought my own daily necessities. Now I just need to spread the sheets and I should be able to sleep.

Zhou Jiaomei felt a strong signal from the man.

She blushed and said, "You, don't be impulsive, we still have to calm down. If you are not careful about this kind of thing, what should you do if you have a child? In the current environment, it is a problem to feed yourself. Raising a child Not very realistic..."

In Hu Guang's heart, wild horses galloped wildly.

He forcibly suppressed the thoughts in his mind.

It's so hard.

I met once a long time ago, he was at work all day long, and when he saw her, he would not be impulsive, but this person was put under his nose, but because of the natural disaster of dog days, he couldn't do anything.

Hu Guang felt that he would suffocate to death.

He held her in his arms and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, just hug her and do nothing."

Zhou Jiaomei nodded shyly.

She heard her heart and was about to jump out.

Plop, plop.

Strong as fire and chaotic as weeds.

A heart swayed.

After a while, she felt that Hu Guang was pulling back, his arm was too stiff, and he was hiccupping her a little bit, and her breathing was not smooth, so she pushed her arms lightly, and said, "Well, I'll go and see what my sister-in-law gave me, okay?"

When she raised her head, the woman looked at him charmingly with Xingyue in her watery eyes.

A man's heart is about to melt.

He was reluctant to let go, but knowing that everything was futile, he let go of his arms.

Zhou Jiaomei let out a foul breath.

Her legs were like soft noodles. She walked to the table and picked up the bag. Because her hands were full of sweat, her hands slipped accidentally.

The bag fell to the ground, spilling its contents on the ground.


Zhou Jiaomei covered her eyes.

She blushed and said, "Hu Guang~~~~"

Hu Guang laughed out loud.

He wished he could rush to the third floor and express his praise to his sister-in-law loudly.

The sister-in-law is too powerful.

At a critical juncture, he even gave him a bag of gadgets.


Even if it is one a day, there are three or four hundred.

My sister-in-law and Rong sir must have stocked up a little more for their usual needs, and then allowed some of it to them.

So loving.

"Hu Guang, put them away!" Zhou Jiaomei's cheeks were hot.

Her voice has changed.

"Okay, I'll put it away."

In the next second, Hu Guang picked up one, hugged her and rushed into the room quickly.

Bang bang bang.

But at this moment, there was a knock on their door.

A burst of hasty voices fell like raindrops, making Hu Guang, who was distracted, want to scold his mother.

Hu Guang went to open the door.

But he saw Erhei leading Awang, Rong Huaiyan, Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Mobai hurried to the narrow corridor, staring at him with fiery eyes.

The second monk Hu Guangzhang was puzzled.

He scratched his head and said confusedly: "What's the matter? Such a big battle, an earthquake, a volcano?"


Erhei slapped him on the brain.

"What nonsense? You don't think there's enough trouble?" He scolded.

Saying that, Erhei went straight into the room, looking around with his eyes, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see in the living room, he was wondering, he saw a figure walking out of the room.

As soon as she came out, she asked with question marks all over her face: "Commander, what's the matter? Is Hu Guang going on a mission? I won't hold him back..."

Erhei took out a blood jade ring and asked Zhou Jiaomei, "Is this ring yours?"

The glamorous girl nodded.

She said: "Yes, my mother gave it to me and said it was left to me by my own father before he died."

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