Erhei wasn't going to cover up.

Today, while patrolling outside, when we were eliminating a large group of bats, an adult man was bitten by a bat. His mother wept bitterly and kept expressing her guilt.

She said that she was sorry for her son, and because of the remarried family, she never took care of her son for a day. When they met for the first time, she never thought that something unexpected happened to her son...

Pain, grief, and regret tormented her heart.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The man was bitten too badly by the bat. He was covered in black water, and the pupils of both eyes were dilated. It was obviously hopeless.

Witnessing this scene, Erhei suffered a heavy blow to his heart.

If you don't make it clear, if you end up like this mother and son, how should he face Jiaomei?

At that time, he wanted to rush to Zhou Jiaomei's place of work and reveal his identity on the spot, but he held back.

If Jiaomei hated him to the core, wouldn't she be facing the scene of her death...

He is her biological father.

Can't hurt her.

Therefore, he endured until the end of the night shift, and waited anxiously downstairs until he came to the third floor in a daze, and Qiao Xiachu conveyed to him Zhou Jiaomei's innermost feelings after being drunk.

He couldn't wait to go upstairs.

At this moment, facing Zhou Jiaomei, he still felt a little uneasy.

"You sit, sit on the sofa, let me tell you a few words, if you can accept it, we will continue to talk, if you think this is too much, just calm down for a few days, I will wait for your news." Two Hei said cautiously.

He had never been so worried when talking to people. He kept a sentence in his mouth and said it upside down.

Zhou Jiaomei smiled, and said indifferently: "Commander, you are welcome, we came to Fengjiao City, if you and the commander did not give wholeheartedly, how could we have a peaceful life now, and we would have been eaten away by the black storm. gone."

Erhei waved his hand.

She was polite, but she didn't understand.

Erhei's heart was pierced when he heard this strange words.

He took out a crumpled document from his pocket, handed it over and said, "Look at it first, you should know what it means."

Zhou Jiaomei was puzzled.

She stretched out her hand and hooked the broken hair behind her ears, then picked up the paper on the table obediently, unfolded it, and looked at it slowly, and when she could see the words on it clearly, she returned the paper to him.

She smirked and said: "Commander, I may not be good at drinking, I am a little drunk, Hu Guang, come in for a while, I have a headache and feel like vomiting, please help me—"

Zhou Jiaomei yelled towards the door.


Hu Guang rushed in, without saying a word, helped Zhou Jiaomei to go to the toilet, and then heard Zhou Jiaomei vomit continuously into the trash can.

She really... drank too much.

Erhei sat on pins and needles, a little at a loss.

He was ready to talk.

Not a word came out.

He had envisioned many situations, but the only one he didn't expect was the current situation.

It's like having something stuck in your throat.

I can't spit it out, I can't swallow it.

He sat there in a daze, bewildered like a child.

At this time, Zhou Jiaomei came out with Hu Guang's support, and she said weakly: "Commander, I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well, I want to have a good sleep, and when it's dawn, tell me what you have to say, okay?" ?”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for him to answer, he went back to the bedroom and lay down on the big bed.

When Hu Guang came out, he directly pulled Er Hei up from the sofa.

A small emotion welled up in his heart, and he said: "Uncle Hei, Commander, my girlfriend is not feeling well. If you have something to say, we will talk about it tomorrow. If you are like this, I suspect that you have intentions for her..." Not good.

The last two words are hard to say.

He doesn't feel right.

But what's the problem? With his dull eyes, he can't see it. He always feels that Erhei is weird today, and his coquettishness is also a bit weird...

But he is very clear that in the current situation, the two of them are obviously not suitable for negotiating alone.

He supported Erhei and went upstairs.

In the bedroom on the third floor, Zhou Jiaomei was lying on the bed, her eyes were full of tears, dripping from the eyes, slowly flowing onto the pillow, wet the pillow towel.

She was lying on her side, motionless.

At this moment, when the sky fell, she wasn't even going to turn over, as if she was going to grow old...

the next day.

Qiao Xiachu woke up. In her sleep, she seemed to experience the Lingchi of death again, the heart-wrenching colic that tortured her severely.

Until the fifth watch, there was a fierce sound from the window.

She opened her eyes and looked around in a daze, and found a group of bats like crazy, hitting her glass window continuously, as if they were going to rush into the house and tear her to pieces.

Qiao Xiachu's drowsiness disappeared.

She suddenly sat up from the bed, hurriedly dressed, ran all the way to the door of Rong Huaiyan's bedroom, knocked on the door and said: "Huiyan, Huaiyan, I want to join the rodent control team."

"What's wrong? You're so flustered." Rong Huaiyan hugged her into his arms and patted her on the back, trying to calm her restless mood.

Qiao Xiachu looked up: "Huaiyan, I always have a bad feeling that after this bat disaster, there will be a big disaster..."

This feeling, even she can't understand it.

But she still expressed her worries.

Rong Huaiyan stroked her back lightly, again and again, and said softly: "I understand, I know, all of this is definitely not groundless, I will go back and let the experts take precautions, if it can be detected in advance, it is absolutely the best."

Qiao Xiachu stayed in Zoucheng in her previous life.

The natural disasters she experienced would not be outside the scope of Zoucheng, but this life is different. She followed him to survive, all the way through Liaocheng, and came to Fengjiao City.

The fog did not come.

Others may be different.

All this caused Qiao Qiao to lose the advantage of being a prophet, and his heart was terrified, which was deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul. He had to go back and urge the expert team.

"Huaiyan, I want to look for the bat's cave, maybe I can find some clues." Qiao Xiachu said.

Before the catastrophe strikes, animals go first.

The last plague of locusts and rats was followed by a black storm that destroyed the city.

The bats left the cave and became ferocious, attacking humans, maybe there is some new natural disaster hidden.

"Okay, how about this, I will let Hu Guang and Awang cooperate with you. The volunteer team of civil organizations is too loose to complete such a high-intensity task." He said.

He's still training them.

Bats are afraid of fire, but if it is not controlled, it will cause large-scale fires, so they found a new method instead of fire attack.


This thing is easy to produce, and its attack power is not bad. Just aim at the bat's head and hit it with one hit, and it can kill a big bat.

As long as the speed is fast enough, the sky will be like a dumpling, plopping directly to the ground.

With a powerful firepower team, it is not a problem at all to kill thousands of them.

At that time, he will lead a small team to use a kind of high-altitude bomb, and when he sees a dense group of bats, he will directly shoot a cannon and blow them into fly ash.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Qiao Xiachu said.

ps: The author suffers from heat stroke and has been feeling unwell, so let’s update 8,000 words today, and come back tomorrow

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