Erhei and Rong Huaiyan hurried to the side of the stone and carefully inspected the indentation. From the depth of the indentation, it could be seen that the car was driving very fast.

The two looked at each other, suddenly anxious

"Are there any other residents in Fengjiao City?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

Erhei shook his head.

According to the last investigation, there are a group of mountain residents in Fengjiao City who are very willing to accept them into the city, so Lao You concentrated and arranged a community.

The advance team drove the helicopter and scanned almost all of them. They didn't see anyone else, otherwise they wouldn't just let them go out.

Rong Huaiyan swept around, took out a shovel from the back pocket of the car, and started digging. After a while, the shovel hit the heavy object, and after digging carefully, it was found that there was a long and wide plank here.

A group of people lifted the wooden boards and found human hair mixed with the soil.

"They might be living underground."

A bold idea flashed in Rong Huaiyan's mind.

Upon hearing this, Erhei's heart palpitated suddenly.

With such a big piece of wood, the ravine was dug deep and wide. It is estimated that there are quite a few people on the other side...

Thinking that they had lived in Fengjiao City for so long, and they didn't find anyone underground, they felt trembling in their hearts.

"Uncle Hei, we are divided into two teams, one to search in situ, and the other to go deeper into the places where the bats are densely populated. I suspect there is something weird about this place." Rong Huaiyan said.

It's so clean here.

Unusually clean.

There was not even a handful of weeds on the ground.

"it is good."

Erhei nodded in agreement.

No matter what, he must find Qiao Xiachu, Hu Guang and Awang, each of them is in his palm, and he is not willing to lose any of them.

Soon, they split into two teams and acted separately.

underground fortress.

"Dark King, someone from the ground has come over—"

A Yuan walked into the big house made of fine steel, and carefully reported to Lei Ba.

Lei Ba sat on Shiqi's black sofa, threw peanuts into his mouth, and said with a smile: "Seventeen never thought, I would occupy his room."

This was originally the most inviolable place in the castle.

Has been occupied by Seventeen.

Shi Qi felt that the earthen house he built was not aggressive enough, so he led a team to build it by himself. The gold and steel house was stronger and more indestructible than Western prisons.

Lei Ba is afraid of Shi Qi, but he has nothing to do with him.

After all, they also have a formidable arsenal.

If Seventeen wants to die, everyone must die together.

He has so many supplies that he has never enjoyed, how could he be willing to die with a foreigner.

"Dark King—"

Ah Yuan was dying of anxiety.

Lei Ba lost his mind.

When are you still immersed in self-satisfaction?

"I mean, the intruders from Fengjiao City are coming outside. They have already reached the sky above our territory. If we don't take measures, I'm afraid we will be beaten in by them. There are a lot of them." A Yuan said.

They have a detection system underground.

She is in charge.

When he saw Rong Huaiyan, he was so shocked by his handsome face that his saliva almost flowed out. Wouldn't it be wonderful if he could catch him and enjoy it?

Therefore, Ah Yuan couldn't sit still for an instant.

She just wanted the Dark King to quickly deploy manpower, continue to carry out sneak attacks, catch them all like lambs, and send the rest to feed the sacred tree.

Lei Ba stood up abruptly.

He said with a gloomy face: "Hmph, the intruders of Fengjiao City are too much. We are the original residents and the real masters here. If you dare to come to my site, you are looking for death."

"Ayuan, it's already past six o'clock, you take the three of them to the sacred tree to worship, you must feed them a few more elixir, let them rot slowly, and when the time comes to make the sacred tree fat and strong, I will So we can continue to control the bat swarm," he said.

"Yes, Dark Lord."

A Yuan looked excited.

Her favorite thing is sacrifice.

Originally there was a group of Shi Qi and a group of them, and they led the team every time, so it was not their turn, but after Shi Qi got up, she was more and more valued by the Dark King.

It's so cool.

She went out happily, then found Xiao Wang, and sent the three of Qiao Xiachu to sacrifice together.

When they came to the iron cage, let Xiao Wang go in and put shackles on each of them, especially Qiao Xiachu, the key supervision object.

If the base anesthetic was not used up, she would definitely give Qiao Xiachu an injection.

"Let's go, go sacrifice now." A Yuan said proudly.

Especially when I saw Qiao Xiachu's pretty face, my heart was sour with jealousy.

Too bad.

Too unreasonable.

A monstrosity like this shouldn't live in this world, go to hell sooner.

Not long after, the three of them were pushed into a big iron box, the iron sheet was neat, and there was an oxygen supply system, a bit like a doomsday train.

However, iron box trains do not rely on heat to run, but rely on human power to pull them.

A group of rope-bearers were pulling the iron chain forward with all their strength, and then the iron box moved towards the dark cave step by step, and then moved forward.

Lei Ba is a black hearted mine owner.

Qiao Xiachu rolled her eyes.


"Ugly, where are you taking us? Isn't it the cave?" Hu Guang couldn't help asking.

In front of Ayuan Station.

The guards replaced the guns in their hands, and all of them were armed with submachine guns.

The muzzle of the black hole aimed at the three of them.

Being scolded by Hu Guang, Ah Yuan couldn't stand it.

She shook her fist angrily.

She scolded: "Ugly man, what an ugly thing you are if you don't take a mirror to look at you. Let me tell you, I will take you to the sacred tree now, and sacrifice on time at seven o'clock. If you dare to move around, you will be killed in advance. Throw it directly into the roots of the sacred tree as fertilizer."

Hu Guang sneered.

"Why are you laughing? You're sick." A Yuan scolded.

Hu Guang sneered: "I'm ugly as long as I'm ugly, and I don't show off my face, but you are different. You obviously rely on your face to make a living. It seems that your master is ready to replace you at any time. Look at his disgusted eyes, It's almost written all over your face."

He's talking nonsense anyway.

It's boring.

A Yuan trembled with anger.

Lei Ba disliked her for being old and didn't like her very much. He had wanted to change women a long time ago, but the women in the fortress kept having children, so they didn't have time at all.

She can't give birth anyway.

Serving Lei Ba is what he loves the most.

But as soon as Qiao Xiachu came into Lei Ba's sight, even though her face was covered with black soil at that time, her eyes were bright and charming, and she immediately grabbed Lei Ba's heart.

If Qiao Xiachu hadn't killed Shi Qi, Ah Yuan couldn't find a suitable excuse to stop Lei Ba's thoughts.

Not only will she give Qiao Xiachu an elixir tonight, but she will also scratch her face, slash her several times, ruin her face, and become uglier than her, to see how arrogant she is and how she seduces men.

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