As soon as the line stopped, Qiao Xiachu took out a small glass bottle of century-old ginseng water from the space.

This is what she extracted from 20 century-old ginseng, just a small bottle.

When making soup, just put a drop, it will have the effect of a whole hundred-year-old ginseng.

She came to the medical team and had her body disinfected. Wearing a protective mask, she walked up to several medical staff and said to the leading doctor, "I need to feed her the second medicine."

With that said, Qiao Xiachu uncorked the bottle.

A strong bitter and strong breath permeates from the bottle.

Several doctors exclaimed: "Ginseng?"

Qiao Xiachu didn't answer.

She directly opened Zhou Jiaomei's mouth and poured a quarter of the potion into it.

Whether she can survive or not depends on Zhou Jiaomei's good luck.

She did her best.

After she left, Hu Guang and Er Hei rushed over. The two men, one old and one young, looked at her with questioning and longing eyes. Take your eyes and beg.

Qiao Xiachu said: "Don't be too optimistic. Even if she is not dead, she is not far from death. At most, she is breathing. This is already a miracle."

The two were disappointed and happy at the same time, and their moods were very complicated.

From the shock and numbness at the very beginning, a glimmer of hope gradually emerged. Both of them wanted Zhou Jiaomei to live, even if they had a breath.

They are willing to take care of her.

until the end.

"I know you tried your best, Hu Guang and I both understand." Er Hei said sadly.

He only hates himself.

My daughter is by my side, why not watch over her all the time.

lead to an irreversible situation.

Hu Guang remained silent.

He occasionally listens to the recording that Jiaomei left him these few days, but he is reluctant to keep playing it, fearing that the battery will run out and he will not be able to hear it again.

So far, he has not been able to accept the reality.

A blow to the head caught people off guard.

Qiao Xiachu returned to the house.

Qiao Mobai and Rong Huaiyan lit a fire in this house.

Qiao Xiachu took out two mats from the space and placed them on the darkened floor. Each person slept on one, and took turns to keep watch at night. Each was equipped with a gun.

Both Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Mobai were reluctant to let Qiao Xiachu stay up late, and told her to just sleep and not worry about the vigil, they were enough.

Qiao Xiachu smiled happily.

She found out how beautiful and rare it is to be able to live with the people she cares about, no messy people come out to interfere, no one wants to break them up...

"Okay, then I'm going to sleep, I don't care about you."

"Sleep, sleep."

Whether it is Qiao Mobai or Rong Huaiyan, from the incident of Zhou Jiaomei jumping off the building, they deeply understand the different meanings of each, but in the end they focus on one thing: guarding Qiao Xiachu.

Her safety is paramount.

Like fate.

Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity, you must seize it as soon as possible.

Qiao Xiachu took out a mosquito-repellent coil from the space, lit a plate in the room, and sprinkled insect and snake repellent powder on the outside, taking adequate safety measures. She also took out a bag of fruit, two bottles of iced tea, and two a steamed bun.

"If I'm hungry at night, I'll take care of it myself." Qiao Xiachu laughed.

After speaking, she lay down on the mat and slept peacefully.

Feelings, sometimes do not need words, the tacit understanding between each other can often be felt through a look, a gesture, or inadvertently guarding the posture.

The positive energy full of trust is the most heart-warming.

This night, Qiao Xiachu slept very soundly.

After dawn.

Before going out, Qiao Xiachu woke up early, took out warm porridge, flower rolls, and a plate of mustard from the space, and the three of them swept away with a whirlwind.

In front of outsiders, she must never show it.

After eating and drinking enough, the three went downstairs one by one.

Lao You didn't sleep all night last night.

In view of the tragic experience of Fengjiao City, a group of experts discussed overnight and decided to choose a city with flat terrain and no black storms to live in.

In the area swept by the black storm, the land was severely damaged, and it was impossible to grow crops in a short time.

Human beings want to recuperate and survive, and planting is the top priority.

The choice of land is especially important.

Even if there are original residents in the city, they can live in a corner.

A meteorological expert said: "There are only two cities to choose right now, one is Xiaolan Town in the southeast corner, and the other is Lixi City in the west."

These two cities have not suffered from black storms.

However, Xiaolan Town is located in a remote location. It is a city scattered on the top of a mountain. Villages and cities are built on high mountains. Between cities and villages are continuous high mountains. The transportation is inconvenient and the geographical location is vast.

The population of Lixi City is particularly concentrated, and it is also a well-known bandit den. The folk customs are particularly bad, and it was the city with the highest crime rate in the prosperous era.

At that time, within the scope of their survey, only these three cities did not have black storms.

The first thing to exclude is Xiaolan Town.

After comparing all aspects, it was decided to move to Fengjiao City.

"Then go to Lixi City." Lao You said.

If there are mountains, let’s not do it.

Isn't the pain this time enough?

He didn't want to do it again.

When Qiao Xiachu heard that he was going to Lixi City, he frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Rong Huaiyan asked in a low voice.

He noticed her abnormality immediately.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

It's not that she doesn't want to say it, but some things are just hearsay. She hasn't verified whether it's true or not. Besides, there is obviously no better choice right now.

In her previous life, she had heard people mention that the first base in Zoucheng was well-known, and that there was an aspiring commander in Liaocheng, but everything was not as good as Lixi City, especially the nine districts in the city, which could be called the cemetery of doomsday lunatics.

Rong Huaiyan gently held her hand and said, "No matter what we encounter, as long as we are together, we will not be afraid of anything."


Qiao Xiachu nodded with a smile.

She held back his big palm tightly, then grabbed Qiao Mobai's hand, looked at the two people around her, and said forcefully: "We must go to the end, the three of us together."

"Of course, I will definitely hold on to the hands of my sister and brother-in-law." Qiao Mobai said.

Rong Huaiyan's eyes were sonorous and powerful.

He resolutely defended Jojo's words and defended them with his life.

"Then let's go." Qiao Xiachu laughed.

She swept away the distracting thoughts in her mind, and with a strong belief, she took a strong step.

"Da Rong, Erhei has been depressed recently. He asked me to leave the task of leading the team to you." Lao You came over and invited Rong Huaiyan to temporarily replace Erhei as the commander.

Rong Huaiyan nodded when he saw Erhei who was in a daze.

"it is good."

He can understand.

So, he walked out without hesitation.

As soon as the team set off, Hu Guang found Qiao Xiachu suddenly, and hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, Jiaomei doesn't seem to be doing well, please help her—"

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, her heart skipped a beat, and she rushed to the medical team following Hu Guang.


Seeing that many people don't like Zhou Jiaomei, so I was going to let her go offline. Seeing that You Baozi likes her, I was a little entangled. After reading this chapter, just leave a message in the comment area after the chapter, and post a paragraph. Let me think about whether to send her a box lunch.

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