Qiao Xiachu doesn't want to be too different.

She had a lot of food, enough for them to eat, but once she ate it in front of everyone and caused a sensation, her secret would never be kept.

So, of course, she would also go with others to pick some purslane, cattails, or shepherd's purse, and take them back to build a pit for frying and eating.

It has to be said that the people who fled were all brains.

When some people saw an abandoned car, they immediately took off the cover of the car, smashed it with a stone together, and then carried it on their body. It can be used as a weapon in battle, and it can be used as a cooking pot in normal times.

There are also people who rummaged through boxes and cabinets in the last city, and as long as they saw usable tools, they tied them together and hung them on their bodies to take them away.

A whole team is especially spectacular.

Everyone carries more or less various tools on their backs.


Very loud.

Qiao Xiachu is no exception.

She took out a yellow porcelain pot with peeling paint from the space, a small iron pot with a blackened bottom, a three-percent new plastic pot, and a wooden spoon, which she carried directly on her back.

When a group of people saw her "property", they were all envious.

"Wow, look at him, he's really lucky. He even has an iron pot and a rice spoon."

"Envy, I really want a pot."

"No, no, I just want a basin."

Even Lao You praised her luck.

"Every time you eat wild vegetables, they are of the highest level. They are fried in a pan, and the big ones are imitated." He said.

Qiao Xiachu chuckled.

Take a little thing, it is not conspicuous, and it can guarantee life.

At most, it will provoke a little envy.

More will bring hatred.

Like her skin color.

In the past two years, she has inexhaustible springs in her space, so she no longer cuts her hair short, and directly combs it behind her head, revealing her exquisite facial features.

She basks in the sun with everyone every day, and everyone is as tanned as black charcoal, while Qiao Xiachu's skin was originally fair, but after the sun was exposed, it became even whiter.

It's just weird.

Everyone was envious and jealous of it.

Seeing her stunning beauty, it is easy to guess what special ability she has...

Qiao Linmei envied her sister.

Every time she sees the glowingly white Qiao Xiachu, she wants to cry without tears: "Sister, give me some of your fair skin, I'm so envious and jealous that I'm about to get sour."

Since joining the Women's Corps, she has trained every day, and her strength has been greatly improved, but her face is as tanned as a steel egg, as dark as a tan.

In the past, she was characterized by fair skin.

Now she has no advantage at all.

Qiao Xiachu jokingly said, "Your name is King Kong Tiemeier now, does it sound better than embroidered legs with fists?"

When Qiao Linmei heard it, she thought it made sense.

She blinked, covered her mouth and laughed straight: "That's Tie Meier, I just want to become stronger."

Qiao Xiachu saw that the route she had drawn was quite correct, so she didn't say anything else.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is the same.

Kill the mother and enemy.

Not knowing how powerful the enemy is, they must improve themselves infinitely within a limited time.

"Sister, do you think Jiaomei will get better?" Qiao Linmei asked.

She really hoped that Zhou Jiaomei would get well soon.

Recently, every time she went on patrol, when she met Hu Guang, she felt a little uncomfortable when she saw that his expression was melancholy, he was no longer as lively and cheerful as before, and he was making jokes.

It's not good for a bloody man to become a melancholy old man.

Qiao Xiachu patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, she should be fine for the time being."

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Jiaomei had been taking the ns improvement medicine for so long, and the ginseng water had been digested and absorbed very well. She has not lost her breath, and she cannot die.

It's just that it's impossible to predict when it will wake up.

When Qiao Xiachu took her pulse, she found that she was not working hard enough. There should still be something wrong and further examination is needed.

But there is no medical equipment right now.

So I can only continue to carry her away like this.

The team has been advancing towards Lixi City, and finally in the evening of this day, a city sign appeared in front of it.

From Xicheng.

Three large characters appear on the tall signboard at the toll booth.

But a long banner, from east to west, hangs straight on the big trees on both sides of the road.

On the banner was written large characters in black oil-based pen:

Those who enter Lixi City, die!

This thick warning and strong xenophobic atmosphere made everyone who fled feel uncomfortable.

They have been following Lao You.

From their respective cities to Liaocheng, and then moved to Fengjiao City, along the way, they did not encounter any artificial exclusion, and this was the first time they met.

The reputation of Lixi City has never been very good among other cities.

In the golden age, even if you came to Lixi City for tourism, the attitude of the local residents was not very friendly. From time to time, incidents of cheating, abduction, or fighting happened.

The so-called tough folk customs.

"Commander, Lixi City is ahead. We have ten helicopters that can enter the city to investigate, but if there are firepower troops in the city, it may be easy to scare the enemy." The advance team leader Lu Ma said.

Lao You nodded.

There is no doubt about it.

He was also thinking of a solution.

The earth pony nodded.

He never mentioned his parentage to anyone.

He knew that there were people living in Lixi City, and there was a particularly powerful base called Special Ninth District.

His hometown is here.

On the eve of the outbreak of the doomsday, he was a high-level executive in the Special Ninth District. He had a violent conflict with another high-level executive, and was then cleared out of the team and expelled from Lixi City.

After he left the Special Ninth District, he met Lao You on the road, so he chose to follow him and build a new base in Liaocheng together.

"What can you do?" Lao You asked.

Lu Ma was slightly taken aback.

After a long while, he said with difficulty: "I'll take a few brothers to spy secretly and plan the route of the entire city. After we get the map, we will choose a stable point to move in."

But it takes time.

Leaving Xicheng, Special Ninth District...is not an ordinary difficulty.

If so, he wants to try.

If that person is not in Lixi City, maybe everything has a chance.

As long as they sneak into Lixi City secretly and don't disturb the Special Ninth District, they may be able to formulate a new map, but this is still not something that can be done in a short while.

"Okay, let's do that, all of us stand by for orders." Lao You said.

After all, this is their territory.

If a latecomer wants to enter, he has to choose a place that others don't need.

Besides, they were exhausted after days of exhaustion, and they were all exhausted and exhausted, and their combat effectiveness could not be improved.

Once fighting, it is bound to cause unnecessary sacrifices.

He didn't want to lose anyone who followed him.


Lu Ma got the order and organized the staff in an instant.

At this time, Rong Huaiyan came over, took out a black box from his pocket, and handed it to him, "Here are nine miniature bombs and a nano-drone detector, you take it with you."

Earth pony looked shocked.


This is a big deal, absolutely nothing.

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