Rong Huaiyan grabbed Hu Guang.

He scolded: "Don't be impulsive, let's go out from the back. When the time comes, I will be responsible for blasting a passage to cover your escape, and everyone will retreat first."

It's rotten from Tin City.

Even if they stay in the city, they have to worry about the hidden thunder underground all day long.

If you are not careful, you will be blown up to the sky.

It's better to retreat early and leave this ghost place.

It's just that Rong Huaiyan was somewhat unwilling to find Lu Ma.

"it is good."

Hu Guang bit his cheek.

They all hang the lottery.

The dark mines on the ground are so perverted that they are buried in piles, turning the whole city into a world of bombs, making it impossible to lay down.

Fortunately, Rong Huaiyan was well equipped.

He also carried a miniature automatic deminer with him, commanded the deminer, and tried to minimize the damage, but it was so, and he was often plotted along the way.

From Lao Ma to Hua Zi, everyone was more or less injured.

Rong Huaiyan was no exception.

He reacted quickly, and escaped unharmed when the sniper bullet hit his head, but the bullet still passed by his cheek, leaving a second scar on him.

"Let's go, don't waste time, retreat!" Rong Huaiyan ordered.

With this level of firepower, Lu Ma and his party may never come back, and the chance of survival is almost zero.

They'd better leave first.

These bastards in the Special Ninth District will suffer retribution sooner or later. When a catastrophe such as an earthquake strikes, they might be blown to ashes by the mines they planted.

"Surrender quickly, all those who invade Lixi City will never leave alive!"

There was one sharp shout after another from the loudspeaker.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Rong Huaiyan threw two bombs in the distance. The pillars of the building were blown up and began to collapse in an instant.

"Come on—"

With an order, Hu Guang and Lao Ma took cover, took Kestrel, Angkor and Huazi and fled towards a road behind them, waiting for a group of people to rush to a high wall.

Kestrel brought a ladder and prepared to climb over it.

But Angkor is carrying Huazi on his back, so it is very easy to become a shooting target.

The bomb in Rong Huaiyan's hand, as if he didn't want money, bombed wildly all the way, disrupting the opponent's sight and making the enemy unable to find his way.

As soon as Kestrel turned over, he found that there was a team with live ammunition outside the wall.


A bullet shot at his helmet, grazed the helmet, and made a piercing sound, which made the kestrel's ears ring.

"Steamer, we are not old people, is it necessary to fight to the death like this?" Kestrel cursed.

There is a siege in front, and there are pursuers behind.

Obviously not to give them a way out.

At this time, Rong Huaiyan rushed over and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Kestrel reported the danger.

"A bunch of bastards, they're all crazy. It's the end of the day. If you don't find a way to survive, save all your firepower to kill your own people. You must be sick." Hu Guang also scolded.

Rong Huaiyan's face was heavy.

He quickly scanned his surroundings.

A wall separated them, but the other party didn't directly kill them. It should be that this group of people is too boring. They should play with everyone who entered Lixi City like mice.

He said, "Wait a minute, I'll get something."

Everyone has a backpack, which contains various weapons, as well as water and compressed biscuits. He didn't put weapons, but just stuffed some things in advance.

Rong Huaiyan took out a black bag.

After he released the thing and activated the button, swarms of bee drones that flapped their wings would rush to the high wall and start "airdropping" towards the outside.

Button bombs were taken into the sky one after another, and dropped to the ground one after another.

Boom boom boom——

Thunder bombings occurred frequently.

The opponent was also counterattacking, shooting wildly, but every time a bomb was fired, the bomb exploded directly, causing them the same powerful damage. This scene shocked the enemy generals.

A miracle at the end of the road?

How many bombs did they carry on their bodies?

After the high wall collapsed, the powerful impact caused fires on all sides, smoke flying around, and the sightlines in all directions were particularly bad.

Rong Huaiyan secretly set off another Molotov cocktail.

The fire spread instantly.

Taking advantage of the confusion, he led the team to retreat.

Seeing that they were only tens of meters away from the toll booth, they were caught off guard when a team suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

This posture will not give up until you die.

The battle between the two sides became fierce in an instant.

If this continues, everyone will only be dragged to death.

What was even more infuriating was that the opponent fired a row of tanks and forced to build a "city wall" to block them all in the city.

Rong Huaiyan was furious.

His eyes were cold, he looked at the people around him, gritted his teeth, and said, "Are you ready? Today, you will fight to the death, if you live, you will live, if you die, you will die."

Every time you fight, you can't have any other distracting thoughts.

Because war has always been a life-and-death contest with no back and forth.


With the determination to die, the group decided to fight to the death.

Since I dared to take that step, I thought about everything possible!

Rong Huaiyan waved his hand and sprinted towards the team ahead.

At that moment, Hua Zi suddenly looked at Rong Huaiyan in front of him, and said, "Put me down quickly, I can't drag you down!"

No one paid him any attention.

Die, die together.

Live, live together.

Is there anything to say about this?

But Huazi knew that he was dragging down the teammates around him.

He suddenly raised the gun, aimed at his forehead, and said loudly: "I will not regret following Brother Rong in this life, see you in the next life."

In the next second, Huazi exhausted all his strength, and his body was ejected like a spring, with the explosives that had been placed silently tied to his waist.


There was a loud bang.

A tank was blown out directly.

All the explosives on Huazi's back exploded into skyrocketing fireworks at this moment, opening a path for all his teammates.

Brother Da Rong held him up and saw his commander along the way.

With his last remaining strength, he opened a passage for them.

It was all he could do in the end.

When Rong Huaiyan looked back, his eyes were slightly moist.

Everyone in the team was carefully selected by him. Up to this day, they are all brothers with blood and tears. There is a trace of grief in his heart.

The moment he looked back, he rustled the explosives.


Loud noises sounded one after another.

Others thought that the tanks were too close together, resulting in an accidental bombing.

Among the cannon fodder, the team members headed by Rong Huaiyan, with tears in their eyes, looked at their teammates who were reduced to ashes behind them, feeling extremely sad in their hearts.

A question mark rang out in everyone's heart: If he came to such a field, would he do this?

The answer is yes.

If you can do your best, everyone hopes that they can become that brilliant fire, illuminating the glory the size of a grain of rice for their comrades-in-arms.

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