Qiao Xiachu is also quite busy.

Since the last battle in Lixi City, they suffered heavy losses. Rong Huaiyan, Er Hei, and Hu Guang were all injured, and the injuries were quite serious.

She treated their injuries along the way.

In order not to attract everyone's attention, she pretended to pick herbs from the ground, and then applied anti-inflammatory and hemostatic medicine on their wounds.

There are many anti-inflammatory and hemostatic Chinese herbal medicines in the space, and they are all fresh.

But the wildflowers and weeds growing by the roadside have experienced the torment of extreme heat and extreme cold weather, and their ingredients have changed long ago. She can't guarantee whether they can have the effect of anti-inflammatory and hemostatic as mentioned in ancient books.

For the sake of safety, it is safer to use herbs unearthed in space.

It's just that from outsiders' perspective, it looks like she picked flowers and plants randomly to heal several people's injuries.

The point is, the injury is improving rapidly.

This is impressive.

Qiao Xiachu was also quite helpless.

Rong Huaiyan's wound was on his cheek, the old and new scars, like a cross interlaced, quite indescribably murderous and hostile.

She was very distressed.

Rong Huaiyan didn't care at all: "What is this? A man's scars are achievements. I'm not a bad boy. I'm so iconic now. Even if my face is disfigured, you can recognize me at a glance."

Qiao Xiachu slapped him hard, spit again and again, and cursed: "Bah bah, nonsense."

What is not disfigured.


She said: "Didn't you go deep into Lixi City? Didn't you see their leader?"

Lixi City is really a mysterious place.

Rong Huaiyan shook his head.

"That place is full of bombs. To prevent outsiders from invading, they directly put themselves to death without leaving any retreat for themselves. If they don't exit according to the rules, they themselves will be bombed to the sky." He said.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She sighed: "In the previous life, during the earthquake, the ninth district of Lixi City was swallowed up, and the whole city disappeared from the map, without a trace at all."

Although, no one planned the map at that time.

But the news that Lixi City disappeared overnight still spread throughout the province, whether it was the people who were bullied by District 9 or those who left from Lixi City, they were more or less spreading all the news about it.

"That's fine." Rong Huaiyan said.

Leaving Lixi City may be the best choice.

It's just a pity for the Earth pony.

A talent that Lao You valued was just in Lixi.

Although no one has inquired about each other's news before the doomsday, Lao You's daring to use Lu Ma again at least proves that his character is trustworthy.

The two sighed for a while, and when the team marched to Feng'e City, a remote town outside Xicheng, they found that the terrain here was relatively high, the land was fertile, and there was no sign of being eroded by the black storm.

Everyone beamed.

Especially when the advance team entered the city and found that the whole city was empty, there was nothing particularly serious, and there was even a coal mine that had not been dug out, Lao You immediately decided to settle in Feng'e City.

Feng'e City is a very small city.

In the whole province, it is inconspicuous at all, it is really a small place, it is considered as a small garden of the provincial capital city, and it has been successively included by the big cities in their own circle.

In fact, there is a big mountain between Feng'e City and Zou City.

Going round and round, and back again.

Lao You, who doesn't believe in fate, feels that life is going in circles.

Feng'e City has only one feeling: clean.

There is no industry in the whole city, the economy is underdeveloped, and the urban area is particularly dilapidated.

The supermarkets, large and small, in the city, as long as there were supplies, were all looted, the most dilapidated, and the most tragic casualties. Bones of various shapes were everywhere.

Most of the residents in the city were killed or injured after the extreme heat period, and most of the remaining people moved with the army.

Pots and pans were emptied in houses where there were no dead bodies.

As for the hospital and school...all the necessary urban equipment, basically left untouched.

Lao You asked Erhei to lead the team to clean up the core area. After delineating a few neighborhoods, he let the other people settle down in a circle close to the urban area.

After all the dust settles, find a way to find supplies.

After Lao You wandered around, he picked out the taller one among the short ones, and chose a bank as the office building.

There is a residential area behind the bank.

Qiao Xiachu brought Mo Bai to the community together, and chose to move in on the second floor of a unit.

The last time the mudslide came too fast, it took them a lot of time to go downstairs, the floor is lower, if the danger comes suddenly, they can still jump down.

There are no dead people in this neighborhood, and the furniture in the house is complete, but all the pots and pans in the house are gone, and even the paintings on the walls have been torn off, revealing a white mark.

Qiao Xiachu was quite surprised.

Where did this group of people move to?

Everything seems to be organized and prepared, not like fleeing in panic in the face of a sudden disaster.

"The terrain here is high, and most of them are not submerged by water. They lived well during the flood and ice-covered periods. It's just that the city's economy is too poor and there is a lack of supplies. They should have fled." Qiao Mobai said.

There is no sign of the house being flooded.

It didn't suffer much in the early stage.

"Then let's stay here and visit Jiaomei later," Qiao Xiachu said.

The team was attacked by Lixi City. Erhei led the team to protect the masses. He was more or less selfish and protected the medical team very well.

Even if he was shot twice, he didn't flinch at all.

In this way, Zhou Jiaomei is safe.

"Okay." Qiao Mobai nodded.

The laboratory was gone, and he had nothing to do for a while, so he followed his sister first, observed Zhou Jiaomei's injuries by the way, and wrote a detailed experimental report.

If Zhou Jiaomei survives, it will be a subversive progress for human medicine.

Qiao Xiachu took his younger brother to carry out a large-scale disinfection of the entire house, and then set out daily utensils such as pots and pans, planning to have a good meal.

She took out a fat beef soup base, a few packets of instant noodles, a portion of cut beef, two boxes of fat beef, and two handfuls of rapeseed from the space.

There was a gas stove in the kitchen, but the gas tank was empty, so she replaced it easily.

One turn of the switch, the gas stove ignites smoothly.

She cooked a deluxe version of beef instant noodles.

After several days of fleeing, he finally managed to eat a mouthful of hot instant noodles. Qiao Mobai didn't care about burning his mouth, so he just took a sip and ate it in small mouthfuls while chattering.

too delicious.

Woohoo, he really loves his sister to death.

"Sister, it's really inhumane. I dare say that in the prosperous age, no one would dare to eat instant noodles so extravagantly." Qiao Mobai was moved to tears.

Qiao Xiachu smiled and said, "You can't stop your mouth even if you eat it. Eat it quickly. I'll turn on the water later and take a good bath."

After eating, she took out a sliced ​​plate of fruit from the space, which contained watermelon, peach, and honeydew melon.

After the two finished eating, Qiao Mobai was pushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

The pipes here are not sealed, and the water pipes are full of yellow muddy water. The pipes upstairs and downstairs are draining water. Many people should think that after the yellow water is drained, clean water will flow out.

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

The waterworks are gone.

But they just took advantage of this wave and poured the bath water directly into the sewer.

She pulls out an inflatable bathtub, and the two laboriously inflate it.

Take a shower and get sweaty all over.

However, after lying in a clean bathtub and taking a comfortable bath, I feel that everything is worth it.

Qiao Xiachu has a lot of solar panels stocked up in her space, but it would be too eye-catching for her to take them out openly, so she can only settle for a few days and wait for Lao You to figure out a way to centralize the power supply.

The siblings had enough food and drink, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and just wanted to go to the Chengzhong Hospital to see Zhou Jiaomei, but they were blocked by a group of people at the door.

"It's her!"

"Yes, it's her, that's right."

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