The Wowotou woman stared at Rong Huaiyan intently.

She was almost drooling.

The voice in his heart also poured into Rong Huaiyan's ears continuously.

"What a handsome man, his face is a bit pitted, but this does not hinder the charm brought out by his strength."

"It would be great if I, Li Tingting, could sleep with him and give birth to a high-quality child."

"Jinshanzhai hasn't had a new life for a long time, and we're taking him back today."

What nasty thing?

Rong Huaiyan shut down the voice.

He frowned and looked at the man behind him holding the bazooka.

"Rong Huaiyan? The force in charge of Feng'e City? Is that all? Compared with Li Moting and me, he's just mediocre, just an ordinary person."

"It's ugly, with scars and holes on its face. In the prosperous age, which little girl would like it? A coward."

Rong Huaiyan couldn't help smiling.

These two forced the whole family to be possessed by the overlord?

"why are you laughing?"

Li Moting's face was full of anger.

He saw that Rong Huaiyan smiled mockingly at the two brothers and sisters, his eyes were too hot.

Li Tingting looked nympho.

She likes Rong Huaiyan's smile, the way he smiles is handsome and cold, making one inexplicably want to hold him in his arms and bully him fiercely, bullying him so violently that he dare not provoke her.

That would be great.

When she thought of this, she hooked her fingers to Rong Huaiyan and said, "Rong Huaiyan, my goal is very clear. Jinshanzhai needs a healthy successor. As long as you sleep with me for one night, I will let you go."

As a man, why don't you just kneel at your feet if you give him something sweet?

Besides, she, Li Tingting, is also considered a beauty.

Every woman in these days is not pale and emaciated, dry and shriveled, unlike her Li family who has a solid family background and raised her fat for nothing.

In the last days, beauty = meat.

She, Li Tingting, meets this standard.

"Rong Huaiyan, you should have seen it too. I, Li Tingting, are a well-known beauty. There is a list of beautiful women in several nearby bases. I am the number one. Not only will you not suffer, but you will definitely earn." She said.

Hu Guang almost vomited.

He couldn't stand it.

"Oh, Rong sir, it's the first time I've seen such a shameless woman, just this chicken coop, dare to be the top of the list, where do you put your face? This list is useless, if so, our sister-in-law Isn't it a Uranus superstar?" He sneered.

Li Tingting is also called beauty?

He really wanted to wash his eyes.

Absolutely, absolutely.

"You, what kind of thing are you? You are not a popular character, yet you dare to talk nonsense in front of us, why don't you die?" Li Tingting scolded.

As she spoke, she raised the gun in her hand and was about to shoot Hu Guang in the head.

Rong Huaiyan took a step forward and stood in front of Hu Guang.

He said indifferently: "If you mobilize people to come to Feng'e City, you won't be so boring and do such nasty things, right?"

He glanced at Li Moting.

Li Moting was stunned.

The younger sister took a fancy to Rong Huaiyan, he had no objection.

It was originally made to catch prey.

He didn't care how the prey got the bait, he would be happier if he didn't have to waste firepower, but judging from the current situation, his sister's beauty didn't impress Rong Huaiyan.

Then he can only-

"Since you don't drink a toast, I've made it clear that if you go with us, I'll let you go. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk." Li Moting said.

"Rong sir—"

Hu Guang kept saying in his heart: Hurry up, don't be dragged down by me, I don't regret dying, I was living to try my last strength, now my legs are not working, it's a farewell!

Just when Hu Guang was about to rush out, Rong Huaiyan grabbed the collar of his back and said calmly, "Don't worry, wait a minute, someone is here."

With the last sentence, he leaned low and passed by Hu Guang's ear lightly.

Hu Guang froze.

"Enrage Li Tingting." He whispered in Hu Guang's ear again.

When Hu Guang heard this, he immediately became excited.

He locked his eyes on Li Tingting, clapped his hands and said, "Maye, what an ugly monster. I have never seen an ugly monster uglier than this chicken coop woman. It's terrible. She is thick-skinned and self-proclaimed beauty. If she sees us Sister-in-law, why don’t you dig a hole and bury yourself?”

Huffing and wheezing.

When Li Tingting heard this, she became furious.

She stomped her feet, clenched the barrel of the gun, aimed at Hu Guang and cursed angrily: "Fuck you, you are ugly, you are sick, I have been walking for many years, and I have never seen a woman more beautiful than me, are you sick , Nonsense, what kind of sister-in-law of yours, you can't imagine it."

Hu Guang laughed again.

Leaning forward and backward with a smile.

I couldn't stand up laughing.

"Ugly, so ugly, shameless, a frog in a well, who has never seen the world, never seen a beautiful woman, yet dares to say that he is beautiful, making fun of the world, really dirty my ears, you have seen me as beautiful as a fairy Sister-in-law, don’t you have to commit suicide to apologize?”

Hu Guang slapped his hands louder and louder.

Accompanied by his humiliation, Li Tingting exploded in anger. She rushed over panting, grabbed Hu Guang by the collar, and cursed loudly: "Fuck you, you should call out your sister-in-law, but I will Look at what kind of beauty she is. Prettier than me? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Li Tingting yelled.

She couldn't believe it.

Jinshanzhai has contacts with the leaders of several nearby bases, and has dug underground passages secretly. I have been to their residences, and I have seen many of them. There is no one who looks like Zhou Zheng.

Li Tingting threw Hu Guang to the ground.

Hu Guang sneered: "You are so angry that you don't dare to see my sister-in-law, otherwise you can just wait and see who is more beautiful when the time comes—"


Li Tingting yelled frantically, she wanted to kill Hu Guang with one shot, but when she thought of another woman prettier than her, her heart itched badly.

She aimed at the wall and fired a few times, the bullets shuttled, breaking the silence in this area.

bang bang——

At this moment, bullets struck from behind.

A figure rushed over extremely quickly, shouting as it ran, "Acid rain is rushing in, acid rain is rushing in."


A stream of rain came sharply.

Before Li Moting could raise the bazooka in his hand, someone splashed a bucket of water on them.

The soles of his feet were numb in pain.

"Ah, my feet—"


From the corner, several figures hurried out.

They were hibernating well at first, and their sniper rifles were aimed at Hu Guang and Rong Huaiyan, but suddenly they saw that the ground was completely soaked, as if rainwater had drifted in.

But this acid rain is really evil.

They lay on the ground, and as soon as their bodies touched the rain, they would be scalded in boiling water, which caused pain to the bone.

The shouts came up again and again.

A petite figure quickly rushed to Rong Huaiyan and called out "Catch". She threw a bazooka at him, then threw a submachine gun and a grenade at Hu Guang.

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