In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 294 I Only Consider Having Children Under One Circumstance


Rong Huaiyan was in charge of the night watch.

The three lit a fire.

This firewood was sent by Amu secretly.

They lived in the library, which was very close to this building. In the afternoon, they heard gunshots and roars. At that time, Amu was about to rush to help.

However, he was stopped by Api and Wang Can.

Wang Can said: "They are not ordinary people at a glance. If you can't even beat them, you will die if you go. Let's see if we can help later."

Amu waited for the gunshots to stop, and touched them. Seeing that they were staying in the house, it was still quite cold at night, so he went back to hug the firewood he usually hoarded.

He also brought a bag of gold and silver jewellery.

"I collected this for my wife. They said that they can exchange it with anything. If it is edible, it would be the best." Amu said.

Qiao Xiachu was quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, at such a time, there are still people who carry gold and silver with them.

Obviously, many people must have bought it for zero yuan on the way, and ransacked the gold store. Look at the jewelry inside, each one is so big.

Qiao Xiachu took out his mountaineering bag, and casually moved out of the space several small packages of Want Want Senbei, a bag of cornmeal and a bag of jerky rat meat.

"It's all overdue." She said deliberately.

When things are stored in the space, naturally they will not expire, just like when they are put in, but if you look at the time when the door is called, it will expire.

When Amu saw something fresh, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said excitedly: "It's okay, we still pay attention to what is expired or not. If you have something to eat, it will save your life."

He looked at Qiao Xiachu, and found that her face was radiant and extremely beautiful. He suddenly felt as if he had seen a goddess in the last days, and his admiration was beyond words.

"Okay, go back if you have nothing to do, don't say you traded with us." Rong Huaiyan said.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, words always have to be told.

Amu nodded repeatedly.

He vowed: "I will never reveal a word about my benefactor. My son will grow up and be a man. I can't betray his trust."

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She asked casually, "How old is your son?"

As soon as these words came out, Amu naturally knew that Rong Huaiyan hadn't mentioned anything to help her, so he said his child's name.

"His name is Li Hope!"

Lee Hope?

Qiao Xiachu's heart skipped a beat.

For some reason, she always felt that this name seemed to be related to herself, and there seemed to be a force in the dark that made her treat this child well.

I don't know why I have this thought in my heart.

But following all the weirdness in the doomsday, she said: "If you can find other valuables to exchange with me, I still have a pack of baby milk powder at home that I can't bear to eat..."

As soon as he heard that it was baby milk powder, Amu's eyes lit up.

He repeatedly said: "Okay, okay, I'll go back and inquire again, as long as there is something valuable, I will send it over immediately!"

With that said, he turned around and went back in disgrace.

There is still a lot of acid rain outside.

After Amu went back, he naturally didn't come back.

Qiao Xiachu didn't care either.

Just squatting by the fire at night, looking at Rong Huaiyan with clear eyes, said quietly: "Why, do you want to have a baby? Have you thought about it?"

She still remembered the scene of Li Tingting yelling in the afternoon.

At this time, Hu Guang joked with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you and Rong sir have such good genes, why don't you have a child? Maybe the disaster will pass soon, and we will usher in peace and stability. After that, raising children will not be a problem." There is a problem."

"You can really consider taking the exam..."

"Shut your mouth and get a good night's sleep, what are you messing with?" Rong Huaiyan said sharply.

Hu Guang stretched out his hand and pulled at his mouth, indicating that he would keep his mouth shut.

He fell asleep right away.

Rong Huaiyan looked at his wife in front of him, and said in a deep tone: "I didn't think about it before, but now that I think about it, I think the old nonsense may not be unreasonable..."

When he saw the new life, there was a little shock in his heart.

Although it is true that in the last days, you may not be able to survive, and it will be more difficult for children, but if human beings do not have children, wouldn't it be the real end of the world, and there will be no future for human beings?

There is always a way out.

Perhaps, as Hu Guang said, after the next disaster passes, everything will settle down.

Qiao Xiachu's face was slightly reddened by the flames.

A pair of pupils are unusually bright.

She picked up a branch, fiddled lightly with the firewood in front of her, and said, "It's not that I haven't thought about this problem, but even if it happened, I wouldn't be at this moment."

In her previous life, she died when the sea was flooding her. If she was reborn in this life, she still couldn't change her mortal fate, so what is the future to talk about?

Without supplies, without space for activities, how can Rong Huaiyan survive with his children alone?

She wanted to wait for the seawater to flood back and make sure she was safe before she was willing to consider this possibility.

Although she was not young at that time, she was even considered old, but she had not lost her fertility and could still bear it.

"Okay, I won't force you, let's talk about this later." Rong Huaiyan said.

He walked up to her, took off his coat, put it on the ground, and said to her: "You have a good rest, and we will find a way to go back after dawn."

Almost all the bugs caught before died.

However, as long as the worms are not rotting, they can still be fed to chickens.

Qiao Xiachu didn't hesitate, just lay down on the clothes and fell asleep.

Jin Shanzhai.

"What did you say? There are really many anti-acid rain tools in the city?" Li Mochen exclaimed.

Several people in the audience nodded.

They showed the photos they took to Li Mochen.

"Yes, they not only have rain gear, but also some lines are coated with a layer of unknown substances, and other places are corroded, but they are intact..."

Li Mochen picked up the photo and looked at it carefully, his eyes widened immediately.

He said in disbelief, "Then, they predicted the acid rain long ago. Are there any experts in this field?"

Several people looked puzzled.

I didn't inquire about it.

The residents in the city were silent and could not ask a word.

Li Mochen flicked the photo, and said angrily: "I don't know how to find a way. I'll bring you a bag of flour tomorrow, and find someone to ask carefully. You must get to the bottom of it and get the information in place."

If someone predicted it, how was it predicted.

Is it a person, or a group of people.

Once this matter is confirmed, he will go to his father, and when he goes to Feng'e City to clean up, he must bring this expert back, otherwise he will be accidentally injured.


When the few people heard that there was flour, they were ready to move, and their confidence doubled.

These days, few people can resist the temptation of food.

As soon as the thing came out, they turned against each other every minute.

Li Mochen also turned around and went out. He wanted to find his big sister, and asked them if Rong Huaiyan had surrendered...

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