The enemy was attacked by a fierce enemy.


Kaido's observation Haki obviously sensed it and looked in the direction where Yujiro was attacking.

Seeing this man with muscles and a violent aura, Kaido became interested again.

He didn't dodge or evade, and even the Armament Haki was useless.

In this way, Yujiro came to Kaido in the blink of an eye and punched the belly wrapped in dragon scales.

Instantly, a bang sounded, and the ground of the dock couldn't help but tremble slightly.

But this seemingly powerful blow did not cause any harm to Kaido, and even his body did not move at all.

"Kid, your strength is good, but compared to me! You are still far behind!"

Kaido grinned, and then swung the mace again, and with a bang, he blew Yujiro away and fell into the sea in the distance.

Seeing this, Lu Ming couldn't help but frowned. Looking at this situation, the gap between what he thought was a bit big, wouldn't the two of them together be unable to stop Kaido?


Just as Lu Ming thought so, a very strong slash rushed out and quickly went towards Kaido.

"Okay! That's it!"

Kaido laughed when he saw it, raised the mace and resisted.

Feeling the powerful force of the slash, Kaido couldn't help but slide back for a distance, but at the same time, he was more and more satisfied with Sylfa who reappeared not far away.

He wanted to subdue her even more in his heart. Although Sylfa was not an animal-type devil fruit ability user, so what? Wouldn't it be better to find a good devil fruit to make up for it later?


But at this moment, Sylfa didn't care what Kaido thought. She appeared in front of Kaido with a sword in each hand.

"Langris Style Double Swordsmanship: Raising Double Dragons!"


Kaido became serious for a moment when he saw Sylfa's increasingly powerful momentum.

But before Kaido could react, Sylfa launched an attack.

After holding the two swords, Sylfa's attack speed increased significantly. In a short period of time, she swung out dozens of swords in quick succession.

With such a fast speed, even Kaido couldn't keep up for a while. He stared with his eyes wide open and dozens of bloody scars appeared on his body.

"Langris Style Double Swordsmanship: Descending Birds!"

Seeing that her attack didn't cause much damage, Sylfa couldn't help but frowned. Then she held the two swords tightly with both hands and waved her hands to attack again.

"Damn it, I'm Kaido!"

Kaido came back to his senses, his face turned ugly, he roared and gathered his strength, then quickly swung out the mace.

"Thunder! Gossip!"

He didn't dare to underestimate Sylfa's attack, and for a moment he used the Overlord's Coil, which turned the lightning flowing on the mace black.


As the attacks of both sides collided in the air, the powerful force caused the ground of the port to rise inch by inch.

For a moment, a whirlwind blew around the two of them, and the clouds in the sky changed under the collision.

But not long after the two attacks collided, blood flowed from the corner of Sylfa's mouth.

After all, the Overlord's Coil has extremely strong penetration. Sylfa, who didn't have the Overlord's Coil, only felt a strong force passing through the weapon to herself.

But even so, Sylfa still gritted her teeth and persisted, and even suppressed Kaido faintly.

Just at this moment, when Sylfa felt that she could not hold on for much longer, a figure suddenly came behind Kaido and attacked with a very slow fist.

Then, when Kaido could not react at all, the fist fell, and Kaido's face changed drastically. With a bang, he flew out quickly, rolling and smashing several holes on the port ground before stopping, and also caused a burst of smoke from the ground.

"Four Emperors Kai, Kaido, was actually beaten away?"

"That was the man named Yujiro beside His Majesty the King, I didn't expect that he could beat the Four Emperors!"

"Good, so powerful, Lord Sylfa and Lord Yujiro are both so powerful."


This sudden scene made the mouths of those who were hiding far away around turn into O shapes, and their eyes became surprised.

Especially after seeing that the one who beat Kaido away was Yujiro who could not cause any harm to Kaido before, they almost couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Impossible, how is it possible? How can he hurt Kaido with his strength?"

At the same time, Doflamingo on the other side saw this

Mu couldn't help but shout out in disbelief.

How could that slow fist be so powerful?

Also, when he fought with Yujiro before, Yujiro shouldn't have had this kind of strength!

"If I'm not mistaken, that was the force elimination. I really didn't expect that force elimination could be used to repel Kaido."

Of course, Lu Ming, who was a little closer, also noticed the amazing scene, and ignored Doflamingo beside him and started to guess.

But after guessing that Yujiro used force elimination, he couldn't help but frown again.

"Although force elimination is indeed very powerful, it can never hurt Kaido alone. It seems that if you want to drive this guy away, you still need to rely on lottery."

After speaking, Lu Ming looked around, and finally put his eyes on the ship on the sea, and then walked over without thinking anything more.


The scene returned to the battlefield. Although Kaido was knocked out, Sylfa and Yujiro were full of vigilance.

They also knew that such an attack just now could not cause any harm to Kaido.

As expected, as the smoke dissipated, Kaido slowly stood up in the pit on the ground, and there was no visible injury on his body.

"Asshole, you hurt me!"

Although he was not injured, Kaido still felt pain, and immediately showed a very unhappy expression on his face.

"But I like you more and more. I ask you again, do you two want to join me?"

Kaido grinned, and put the mace in his hand on his shoulder, as if waiting for the two people's answer.

But in the face of Kaido's inquiry, the two did not give an answer, and Sylfa directly slashed.

"So, is this your decision? It seems that I can only take you back."

After blocking the slash, the smile on Kaido's face disappeared, and then a huge domineering aura surged out and began to expand around.

All the weak people around fainted at once, even King Riku Kyrus and the three Anbu ninjas all fell directly in front of Kaido's domineering color.

Even Yujiro on the opposite side also felt a lot of pressure under the domineering pressure, and had the idea of ​​surrendering in his heart, of course, this idea was quickly wiped out by Yujiro.

On the other hand, Sylfa on the side was much better. Although it cannot be said that she ignored it directly, the effect can be regarded as negligible, and she was basically not affected.

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